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Joined 1 years ago

So let me get this straight.

  1. Linus screwed over a small two-person startup with his own incompetence by using the product in an unintended way and not using the GPU and instructions which were provided for him.
  2. Stole their prototype which they needed to develop their product further, even going so far as to sell it at auction.
  3. Goes on record to say "yes, we screwed up but it would cost $100-$500 to fix it so I'm not going to and no, I'm not apologizing for that". (That amount of money is chump change to him.)
  4. Lies about offering to recompense the company. They didn't do that until after getting called out.
  5. When he gets criticized for screwing over this company for his own mistakes, rather than owning up he tries to gaslight everybody into think he is somehow the victim?? "Today was so hard bros" oh poor wittle multi-millionaire Linus... I'll be sure to pray for you while I struggle to pay my rent.

What a fucking piece of shit, fuck him. I hate people like this that simply can't own up to mistakes and have to deflect all criticism.

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Counter Strike has been the same game for 23 years, basically every new game is an "update". Porting the game to Source 2 is the single biggest thing that has happened to Counter Strike since 2004 when they moved from GoldSrc, so might as well brand it as a new game.

Why don't tech reviewers every talk about gamescope? Gaming on PCs has always been finicky because PCs have to serve so many use cases at once and games often have to compete for resources. Gamescope completely circumvents all of this overhead by being solely meant for the purpose of gaming. It's the closest you can get to a "PC Console". Third parties can never make something like gamescope for Windows, Microsoft themselves would have to ship it and maintain it.

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The video it was featured in wasn’t even a review, the premise was someone who has zero experience in water cooling trying to install it

So sick of this shit. Reviewing something and then hiding behind "it's not a review bro!" You know damn well the criticisms extended beyond just that. Linus straight up just said it was a bad product outright. THAT'S A REVIEW.

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Final Fantasy moving away from turn-based because it's "outdated" is peak Square silliness. Have they ever heard of chess, card games, board games, DnD, Civilization, Persona, Dragon Quest, XCOM, Pokemon, Darkest Dungeon? If anything, DMC-style character action games are far more niche.

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I used to like LTT up until their "Linux Challenge" videos which were just a pain to watch. Shit like this coming from the biggest tech channel on youtube just drives me up the wall.

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If you want to play the game as a glass cannon DPS machine, you can do that with the right parts. But there's nothing stopping you from actually reading boss patterns and dodging them. The only boss this doesn't apply to is the first one, and I suspect it will get nerfed because of how many people are complaining about it. Some damage is unavoidable but it's minor, every big attack is dodgable and even accompanied by a loud warning sound. I don't think it's unfair.

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I hate how AI upscaling looks and I really don't get why everyone seems to be gaga over it. In addition to the artifacts and other weirdness it can introduce, it just looks generally like someone smeared vaseline over the picture to me.

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I think GNOME being minimalist with extensions is a good thing, but I disagree with what GNOME considers basic functionality or not. Two things that stick out:

  • an app launcher. Literally every other desktop on the planet has one, how this isn't considered basic functionality is beyond me. Give your grandparents a vanilla GNOME computer and tell them to get to Facebook and you will see how necessary this is in real time. Default should be dash-to-dock with intelligent autohide so you only see it when you need it. This would fulfill GNOME's hangups about it while also improving usability, so I fail to see a downside.
  • tray icons. GNOME treats background processes like bugs to be squashed. Let's just get real here for a second: sometimes you want programs to run in the background and sometimes you want to be able to see what they are doing in real time. I want my email clients to tell me when I get emails, I wan't my Nextcloud to tell me when there are sync issues, and I want Discord to tell me if I get DMs. This should be considered basic functionality.
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The original video is clearly a review and he clearly criticizes the product for being hard to install even though he is of course installing it incorrectly and not using the materials the company provided. He states unequivocally it's a bad product here: "It's a bad product. It's bad because it makes absolutely no sense and nobody should buy it".

This is just CS:GO finally evolving from the CoD brown-tinged visuals of 2007-2013

You must have rock bottom standards to not expect the most expensive game ever made to at the very least be feature complete after 12 years. And we are talking about a very healthy first here, development costs are more than twice as much as second place and growing every day.

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People love things that benefit them as consumers and hate things that don't, end of

Do you just look for things to get mad at? This hasn't even been implemented yet. Even if it had, it would be opt-in. And even if you opt-in, the data is all anonymous and you would be able to see exactly the data that gets sent out. If Fedora or anyone else really wanted to spy on you, I assure you they wouldn't let you know beforehand.

Games have actually gotten cheaper over time adjusted for inflation even as production costs have risen, it's crazy. A NES game in today's money would be around $160.

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PC games used to be popular in Japan before Nintendo and Sony changed everything in the 90's. Seems like with Sony slowly disengaging from the Japanese market to cater to the West, PC has come in and filled that space. I'm sure Steam really pushing PC Gaming off of the desk with Big Picture Mode, Steam Deck and excellent controller support has made it much more appealing to Japanese game culture.

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I realized Arch was overrated when I got a brand new 7900 XT and it didn't work on Arch at all because their LLVM was a version behind. It was up-to-date on Fedora and even Ubuntu, but not Arch. Then there was the whole broken grub thing. Bleeding edge and unstable I get, but you can't be unstable and also behind. You can run Arch in any distro with distrobox, I don't see why you wouldn't just do that.

Ubuntu has ads in the terminal when you update. Runs a highly modified GNOME that doesn't play well with some extensions. Snaps by default (although maybe not that bad now that they seem to launch a bit quicker). Unfortunately so many things only have Ubuntu support if they have Linux support at all, it's such a shame.

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I used to just seed Epic exclusives. Now there aren't any Epic exclusives*. Coincidence? I think not.

*Other than Kingdom Hearts grrr

Of course the comments are deflecting with whataboutism. Can't talk about China's systematically racist institution of forced labor, basically a modern day Holocaust. Nope, nuh-uh. Let's focus on America's private prison issue instead.

Pretty obviously trying to pull an "Apex Legends" to try and save the flailing Overwatch 2.

Gambling for JPEGs on a screen that cannot be resold and will be taken from you at a moments notice. This is a billion-dollar industry btw. God people are stupid.

It's software and Steam exists to host software. It's like asking, "what's the point in Retroarch being on Google Play?" There are a few benefits, such as not needing to go to desktop mode on SD, using the Steam update system and cloud saves.

--skip-launcher in the launch options for that

Well I hate to disagree with all the doomers here, but I don't think flatpaks are the devil. Flatpaks are as good as the person shipping them, there are not many flatpaks that actually have official dev support so a lot of these programs are packaged by volunteers in their spare time. So no, they may not have the best default settings.

That said, I run flatpaks almost exclusively on Kinoite I've never had an issue with flatpak theming or my cursor changing. Some applications are very obviously made for GNOME or KDE explicitly but flatpak doesn't have anything to do with that. Of course if you are running a WM rice or something with very specific theming then that's another story. You can customize a Linux desktop in countless ways, you can't really expect these applications to keep up with that by default (flatpak or not). It's the same concept as something like Discord or Steam, it will look the same for everybody but you can theme it if you put some effort in.

IDEs are another issue, the whole concept of an IDE is antithetical to a sandbox in the first place so it's simply not a very good use case of flatpak. Flatpak isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, that's why even the Fedora immutable desktops give you additional options like rpm-ostree, podman, buildah and toolbox.

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"Patchwork" sounds like a good way to describe Windows as well. Or at least it was when I was a Windows 10 sysadmin and there were two different settings menus to do everything.

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Funny enough Yoshi P was the one that said turn-based was outdated and he's worked on DQ before but only the MMO, arcade games, Minecraft clone and a Wii FPS thing. I think it's pretty obvious he just doesn't like the genre. DQ11 was the breakthrough hit in the West and he had nothing to do with it.

like they couldn’t imagine the possibility of a life without Reddit

That's exactly what they are saying with that comment and that's sad as fuck

Not to mention the kowtowing to China and the countless other controversies. Same thing with Riot Games with their sexual harassment settlement and 100% being owned by Tencent (a company that operates a mass-surveillance network against ethnic minorities). So funny how everyone forgets about these things when a company releases a product they like.

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It's the principle of "do one thing and do it well". There's nothing wrong with running games in a desktop but there are limitless ways of customizing a PC and it's impossible for developers to account for everything. It would be nice if you could just write some code and have it work flawlessly for everyone's setup but that's not how it goes. For the use case of the Steam Deck where you are dealing with a low-TDP gaming device it makes more sense to have something like gamescope which can just cut out all non-gaming processes entirely. Maximize performance and battery life with a nice interface to boot, and the desktop is still there if you need it. At the very least it makes troubleshooting super easy when stuff does go wrong because there's very few external things to factor in.

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How would the game give you any more information than it already does without worsening gameplay? Like sure, you can make the boss' moves slower and more telegraphed. Put in Atreus to tell you the Boss' weakness or something while you fight him. I'm personally not a fan of that.

Mods that actually support Linux natively is cool to see

Sporting events are hosted in oppressive countries all the time. Olympics and World Cup have been hosted by both CCP and Russia in recent memory.

Oracle's OEL is the reason all of this happened in the first place, lol. I don't think there are any good guys or bad guys in all this, just corporations doing what corporations do: make money. Oracle and SUSE smell blood in the water and are trying to capitalize as much as they can. I don't blame them.

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...why would it cost less? It's $60 everywhere else.

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"SteamOS" is mentioned twice in the actual patch notes

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It's all just Epic talking points. "Lower cut means more money for developers! Lower cut means lower prices!" It's never been proven to be true. Shit in some cases I'd much rather my money go to Valve than the developers anyway. Much rather fund Linux/Vulkan/VR development than whatever bullshit Rockstar, EA or Activision are up to.

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Why is nobody talking about Oracle in all this? Oracle and Red Hat create competing products: RHEL and OEL. OEL is bug-for-bug compatible with RHEL. It's not hard to see why RH isn't a fan of paying their devs good money to develop a competing product, for free. Sure it sucks that Rocky and Alma get caught up in this as well but I feel like this is 100% a shot against Oracle.

Even stranger marketing campaign, if you can even call it that. It was like four YouTube videos and some tweets.

Seems like a very rushed launch to try and meet the "Summer" deadline (which they still missed by a week of course). Valve didn't even update Steam Rich Presence so it still says you are playing "CS:GO". The store page doesn't have the right video on it, there's no special graphic in the store or anything and the game banner hasn't been updated. Lots of cut corners. For some reason Valve has been going crazy lately, they also released the Dota compendium today, SteamOS 3.5 a week ago and SteamVR 2.0 just a few days ago. Makes sense they missed some stuff.

Ever hear of "Chase Two Rabbits, Catch None"? Reminds me of George R. R. Martin talking about writing the last two ASOIAF books at the same time. Just... finish your fucking product please.