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Joined 1 years ago

It's Lenovo. Stupid click bait titles.

Lenovo has the green light to see a portfolio of new enterprise-focused devices powered by Esper Foundation – a custom Android operating system – and bundled with a complementary mobile device management (MDM) platform.

TLDW: They are basically advocating for selling assemblies of parts for "user safety". So for example, if one chip on a motherboard was broken, instead of selling the individual part, they want to sell you the entire board with all the other parts attached (which can cost nearly as much as the device was new).
Video also highlights how you can buy a device cheaper than the cost of buying a genuine part from the manufacturer.

Google are grabbing good PR headlines with backing one complaint point in the right to repair scene, but then also backing a bunch of anti-repairability in the rest of their post, neatly snuggled away in a bunch of corpo talk bullshittery.

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It's impossible to get people to stop buying AAA games, but please, stop buying AAA games.

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Not only preordering, spending almost 50% more on the game just to play it 5 days early. The fuck is wrong with people, no wonder the industry got like it is.

Names a European store.

They sell like coin shaped discs you can put on your keyring, dunno if that's a thing in the US though.

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Just another lesson to wait months after a games release before even considering it.

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Guy is fake af, never understood the appeal of him or his show.

Lil bro asks for discord instead of using email ahaha

No, that redesign is horrendous. It follows modern 'design' principles of putting as little information on the page as you can and that's just a no go.

Steam's current UI isn't bad at all, everything functions and is similar to previous versions allowing anyone to find their way around comfortably. There are some issues, like in the older workshop pages and there is absolutely a lot of QoL that could be made, but the main store, discovery and library are all totally functional and nice imo. Steam having a slightly different style on different pages isn't actually a bad thing, at a glance you can easily tell what page you are on and makes it easier to find what you are looking for, whereas if it all looks the same, it's not as simple as they all become too similar.

Just because there isn't a shit ton of padding, doesn't mean it needs a redesign. Steam should definitely add skin support back though, for people who want to play around with it. I did personally use metro for the longest time.

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Firefox + uBlock Origin here still holding strong.

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Nah fuck that. It was verbal until the cop tased him, then its not exactly shocking that it causes him to react. The cop was screaming the whole time, no de-escalation at all. Just get him to the side of the road, safe and talk while waiting for backup. It's just more evidence of undertrained US cops. There was no reason for this man to die.

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Nintendo could benefit greatly by just allowing these kind of projects, but that would be out of character and we can't be having that.

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That will be a side effect of them locking abitrary features behind the bigger and thus more expensive models, if there was feature parity smaller phones would probably still be the norm.

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Prolonged kissing/sex scenes just feel like filler, we can understand how intimate the characters are after 10s, we dont need 2 minutes of it. Obviously this is different if its specifically a porno.

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Ahaha. He managed to write all that and say nothing, he really needs professional advice before making public statements, he can't help but jump in with his first thoughts. Classic linus though just deflecting "we got some really big things coming up guys! forget about this!"

The GitHub DMCA report linked in that post seems fake to me. It's unprofessionally written and has many mistakes and inconsistencies across it.

Yeah, I wasn't expecting that to be the bulk of their spending. Maybe they should remove the need for phone numbers now they removed SMS.

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Rebranding one of the worlds most recognisable brands is a bad idea.

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Twitch was good when it was video games only, it really went downhill since Amazon bought it.

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The whole world is going to shit

I hope they remove the reputation display, people farming karma points was stupid.

Up/down votes should be used for post/comment organising and nothing more imo.

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People defending CDPR when they completely lied about the product aha, consumers be crazy these days.

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The fact you need a 4090 to touch 120fps on 1080p in 2023 is disgusting. That should be the minimum target fps for mid range hardware at the least.
Meh, game is bland anyway.

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I cant even tell Steam Deck is Linux, it actually runs really well.

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I kind of like seeing the clickbait, it lets me know which videos/channels arent worth my time. I know most use at least a little clickbait these days, but from the better channels its usually managable and still on topic (like the Real Engineering example shown here, whereas the others are complete clickbait that I would avoid).

It's a shell of a game, it looks like an early prototype that was rushed out the door. And that's probably exactly what it is, it's an attempt at a quick cash grab using an old popular IP. If you enjoy it, that's fine, but let's not keep collectively lowering our acceptable standards.

Linux, currently, cannot handle everything Windows can unfortunately. Windows also has a massive software support advantage. Valve are in the best place to try and give Linux to the masses, but that's a lot of work and it won't have much return for them. Windows getting worse is the way Linux will get more market share, but most people are not power users and will probably just use Windows anyway as it 'just works'.

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An overpriced VR headset.

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It's an instant common denominator. What's the difference than meeting at another hobby?

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Reduced the amount of videos per row too, had to find a ublock filter for that one.

If anyone is interested:

It's not the size of the ship, it's the motion of the ocean.

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Why not just use LocalSend? Open source, simple and cross-platform.

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People buy them and people buy the console to buy them. They are not going anywhere. Sony always been that extra anal anti-consumer company aswell.

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Hey finally a change to the boring minimalist 1 colour 2d logos every company has these days! Back to the good old days!

Well DOS2 came out 6 years ago, so hardly once in a decade.

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Only in India, which the title omitted to get clicks.

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I mean it's not technically a monopoly. Steam's advantage is that Valve is a private company and can do what they like, it's not without problems, but it does a great job where it needs to.

Steam also sells DRM-free games, so that's just mis-information. You can copy the files anywhere and use them without Steam running, it's entirely on the developers/publishers to make that decision. Cyberpunk 2077 is DRM-free on Steam, just like GOG. Steamworks just has an incredible feature set for developers to use, so for multiplayer games it's unlikey to see DRM-free anymore as people would rather invite via a friendslist than sharing IPs directly, having to open ports etc.

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The only reason anyone wants to sell consoles is to get you locked in that ecosystem and sell you games. They don't make a profit on the hardware, Xbox game pass is their headstart into purely game sales, well a subscription and cloud service that everyone is trying to jump on right now.

Nice, the 5 people who subscribe to Ubisoft+ will be thrilled I'm sure.

There's no excuse for a lack of expandable storage, theres no excuse for a lack of a 3.5mm port. Phones have been stagnant for the last 3/4 years.

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