Nearby Share for Windows is now officially available to – 134 points –
Nearby Share for Windows is now officially available

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Why not just use LocalSend? Open source, simple and cross-platform.

This looks amazing. I made a horrid version of this like 8 years ago. Eventually would just pass stuff around by putting it in my nas

i read this as "pass stuff around by putting it in my ass" and just didn't question it for a solid 15 seconds

I read it this way even after reading your comment, assuming they'd edited their post...

Me too! Didn't notice it until I read your comment. "Putting stuff in your ass is a weird way of file sharing... Maybe they are just sharing really illegal stuff?"

Man. I had no idea LocalSend existed. I've been looking for something like this for ages. I'd been using Snapdrop on and off, but it was pretty unreliable.

I use MacOS, so this shit has never been as simple for me as it should be!