Does anyone enjoy intimate kissing scenes in movies? to No Stupid – 233 points –

I just feel like I'm intruding on a private moment and just sit there tense and embarrassed until it's over. Trying not to listen to the schlorp schlorp noises.

But it's such a common trope, I so assume I'm in some weird minority.

Does anyone find it enjoyable to watch? If so, why and how?


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Prolonged kissing/sex scenes just feel like filler, we can understand how intimate the characters are after 10s, we dont need 2 minutes of it. Obviously this is different if its specifically a porno.

Don't even get me started on the sex scenes in the last movie I watched. It was downright gratuitous and took away from the plot, which seemed completely underdeveloped. After the last one in the franchise I thought they had struck a solid balance, but Backdoor Sluts 9 was a huge letdown

My understanding is that Backdoor Sluts 10 has been greenlit with a new director. Let's hope they can turn it around and really slam it this time!

It was only fan service am I right?