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Joined 1 years ago

No safe level of sunlight by the same logic.

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But then there would be my tomatoes and the ones at each of my local grocery stores. Am I supposed to go get some from everywhere to enjoy tomatoes?

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Lois Lane would be resurrected and unburied by rocks if there had been an earthquake caused by a nuclear strike shortly before this happened.

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That's the fear of soy paste.

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Something bent space-time and made tomorrow July 29th.

Yes, some people obviously give a shit or it wouldn't have been posted here.

We'd need an objective way to measure lameness and then review a large set of posts (on a particular sub?) from a couple of months ago vs now. Criteria have to be pre-determined to avoid the post hoc fallacy.

Average words or characters per comment? Number of insults directed at other commenters (measured by someone blinded to which group they came from)? Number of "controversial" comments judged by large numbers of up and downvoted?

I dunno. I'm not doing it. Not a social scientist. Just suggesting an interesting experiment.

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Two reasons. One, you may be using a wide angle lens, which makes things look farther away, but as a tradeoff gives you a wider field of view.

Two, you may be viewing the image on the tiny camera screen instead of on a large TV. The image has been shrunk to fit the screen.

Try using a zoom lens or zooming into the digital image on a larger screen.

As others have said, it depends where you live. For US states that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, it protects heterosexual and cis people the same as gay or trans.\_employment\_discrimination\_in\_the\_United\_States

I know a heterosexual Chinese couple who had the same family and given names even before they were married. They met because they kept getting each other's mail.

It was good. I enjoyed it. Not everything needs to trigger some morally righteous response in our world.

I mean, if we can't get Obama, I guess.

Plants don't appear to be of a different origin than animals on this planet. They share most of the genetic code* with all other life we know about. The simplest explanation is that we share a common origin, and furthermore that was a common ancestor that likely began from simpler materials on this planet.

*The genetic code is the translation of nucleotide triplets into amino acid sequences

And if the taxes refuse, then what?

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In addition to all the answers here, a costumer is someone who creates and/or sells costumes. The term is often used as a synonym for customer by people who don't type/spell well.

I didn't see much in the way of pro-nicotine comments. People just answered the question about what they got out of it. Most also said it was a terrible habit.

Your experience with it being easy to quit doesn't seem to be typical, but it was great that it worked out that way.

They'll just go to A001, thus pushing back the problem for 26,000 more years.

I could go on and on about it!

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I don't agree with how you seem to be defining "advanced." You seem to be tying that to intelligence and resourcefulness, as opposed to culturally. I think most use it to talk about the sum of knowledge and technology that a civilization has.

While ancient cultures were able to learn a lot about the world around them, today we know what they knew and a shit ton more. They figured out how planets and stars move. We've figured out what they're made of, how they bend space and time, their distances. We've landed machines on some and put them in orbit around others.

They had some cool medical tricks. We have many complex but routine surgeries with high survival rates due to development of drugs, equipment, and sterile environments.

They could write down their learnings to share with others of their culture. We have a global network of scientists sharing massive data sets and inferences.

Their innate capabilities were probably no different than our own, but we have massively advanced the scale and scope of learning shared with each generation. We have a much greater degree of specialized knowledge advancing and branching out at a very high rate.

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Did anyone else read the title and think this was going to be about telling a little white lie because the bf was not a cute child?

It's a fart from the moment of conception.

You only need to repeat it once, but do it out loud in a really deep, raspy voice. Like if you meet a woman named Natalie, just say back to her in the deepest demon voice you can: "~NATALIE~"

Which fallacy is the one where you cite a paper that doesn't say what you claim it does?

  1. The optimum level of sun exposure for vitamin D production does not mean that level is "safe." You're trading vitamin D for cancer risk. Your claim about alcohol didn't make any cost / benefit analysis. It was only that there is no safe level. You paid no regard to how small the risks were, only that there was any risk.

  2. You can get vitamin D from your diet or supplements. You can get skin cancer and retinal cancer from the sun.

I'm in favor. Helps fix carbon and ultimately release oxygen into the atmosphere. Essential for growing plants and blue algae, which are the basis of the global food chain.

Couldn't live without it.

Not necessarily. The circumstances of the crime could mean you don't have a viable defense even if innocent.

And of course he's making a dumb argument while admitting to having and showing off classified papers he can no longer declassify.

His argument is that the generals were saying Trump wanted a war with Iran, but because they had prepared an assessment of attack options, they must have wanted such a war themselves.

Do we think his staffers were just sucking up to him or are they just as dumb as they sound?

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Filthy hobbitses pooping in toilets! We likes it raw.

What's the point of me trying to prove something to a figment of my imagination? Nice try, brain image. You almost had me.

Because if you let one guy do it, you have to let everyone do it.

Your logic means men (not trans women) should be able to compete in women's sports.

Pretty sure the commenter was ascribing an intentionally dumb line of logic to conservatives.

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Did you at least have some nice equipment? It could bring back fond memories of a past build.

Username checks out?

I think most taxes would rather be shut down than churched.

Took me a moment to figure out you meant Cartman.

Symmetrical face, large breasts, narrow waist, wide hips.

Happens all the time in Denmark.

Flat Earth is silly. Some people take the stance to be funny or play devil's advocate. Many seem to believe it along with other conspiracies.

From the beach or even several feet higher than the beach in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, you can see the high rises on the island of Cozumel. You don't see their bases or the land they are standing on. You just see parts of the buildings. It's super obvious the earth is curved here. It's one simple example of many that is accessible to anyone but conveniently ignored.

There are a shitton of simple or complex indicators that the world is roughly spherical. The "evidences" for the reverse are fringe or depend on deep conspiracies. You have to want to believe in the conspiracy or have very limited critical reasoning to think the earth is flat.

I've never seen a turtle, but I understand what you mean.

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