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Joined 1 years ago

Trying a switch to tal@lemmy.today, at least for a while, due to recent kbin.social stability problems and to help spread load.

My understanding is that there had been an ongoing concern on /r/piracy that they would get shut down at some point, that this had been a concern in the past, and so the other stuff like the API restrictions and the rest of the spez drama was kind of just adding to the big factor pushing people away -- that the community could vanish at any time.

The lead mod on /r/piracy also set up a dedicated instance -- there was definite commitment -- made it clear that he was making the move, and was demodded on /r/piracy, so there were factors creating more inertia.

Those are all factors that did not generally exist for other communities.

I mean, if you have USB, for a non-mobile platform, it doesn't really matter. It's not hard to get a USB audio interface.

For cell phones or laptops, I can understand not wanting another thing to plug in, but for something like a Raspberry Pi...shrugs

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we’re going to ringfence all of the Raspberry Pi 5s we sell until at least the end of the year for single-unit sales to individuals, so you get the first bite of the cherry.

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They may not want their configuration stored in $HOME, for example:

they’re on a machine that isn’t under their physical control and ~/.config is mounted over the network from their personal machine;

That sounds like it's a bad way to handle configuration, since among many other problems, it won't work with the many programs that do have dotfiles in home directory, but even if that happened, you could just symlink it.

they prefer to version control their configuration files using git, with a configuration directory managed over different branches;

I do that. I symlink that config into a git-controlled directory. If OP plans to put his entire ~/.config in git, he is doing things wrong, because some of that needs to be machine-local.

the user simply wants to have a clean and consistent $HOME directory and filesystem

If whatever program you are using to view your home directory cannot hide those files, it is broken, as it does not work with a whole lot of existing software.

less secure,

If your home directory is "not secure", you're probably in trouble already.

Like, there are reasons you may not want to put dotfiles in a homedir, but none of the arguments in the article are them.

EDIT: I will ask developers to stop dumping directories and files that don't start with a dot in people's home directories, though. I gave up over twenty years ago and put my actual stuff under ~/m just to keep it from being polluted with all the other things that dump non-dotfiles/-dotdirs in a home directory. Looking at my current system, I have:

  • A number of directories containing video game saves and configuration. I am pretty sure that these are mostly bad Windows ports or possibly Windows programs under WINE that just dump stuff into a user's home directory there (not even good on Windows). Some are Windows Steam games.

  • WINE apparently has decided that it's a good idea to default to sticking the Windows home directory and all of its directories in there.

  • Apparently some webcam software that I used at one point.

  • A few logfiles

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The rest of the world doesn’t use SMS/RCS/iMessage as much as WhatsApp and the like

SMSes use a standard available to any app. WhatsApp is controlled by a single company.

If you were arguing that XMPP or something like that should be used instead of SMS, okay, that's one thing, but I have a hard time favoring a walled garden.

I'm not actually sure that there is a home on Earth 6000 miles away from a furcon.




Yeah, nowhere in the Northern Hemisphere is gonna qualify.

If you live on Tristan Da Cunha, the "most remote island on Earth inhabited by humans" in the South Atlantic, you're ~5,984 mi from SloFluffCon 2023 in Celje, Slovenia, so even that wouldn't quite do it.

I don't think that you can count somewhere like the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station, because nobody actually permanently lives there.

looks further

Pitcairn Island isn't even close, only about 3,520 mi from Confuror 2023 in Guadalajara, Mexico.

YSK long noise videos cant effectively be compressed

From the standpoint of loading down Reddit today, yes. But, if we want to talk computer science theory and what one compression algorithms one could build, that's not really true.

There are two classes of compression -- lossless compression and lossy compression.

Lossless compression retains an exact copy of the original data. Compress and then decompress and you get back the original.

So, okay. How can you compress data? I mean, if I have a byte of data, eight 1s or 0s, how can I use less than eight 1s or 0s to store those? For lossless compression, the answer is that you have to have some knowledge of what information it is that you're storing. If you know that information of a given length N with certain characteristics comes up more-frequently than others, then you can assign a shorter pattern M to represent that pattern and then use the old pattern of length N to represent something else less-common. Lossless compression is just the art of reordering representations of data to more-closely fit the frequency with which they arise: shorter for things that are relatively-more-common.

If you're wrong about that order, then lossless compression can make the representation of your data larger.

Now, technically the noise in there is actually probably very predictable, because it's likely based off a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG). That isn't really "random" -- it's just making numbers that look random from a single number that's hard to predict. If the PRNG isn't having more entropy injected into it over time, then all of the noise generated during the session comes down to that one small number. If you were clever and could figure out the seed -- a small number, often something like 64 bits, and often seeded off something like the Unix time at the time that the random numbers started being generated, which makes it even more predictable than that -- or at least the internal state of the PRNG, maybe 256 bits -- you could basically store the content of the whole video in just a few bytes. However, it's not always easy to determine that original state -- in the case of cryptographically secure PRNGs, it's specifically intended to be impractical.

However, we generally treat pseudorandom noise as if it were actually truly random, rather than just pseudorandom, which means that it's totally unpredictable, and if that is the case, then you cannot losslessly compress it and make it smaller, not over a sufficient quantity of noise, because you can know nothing about the frequency with which a given pattern arises.

So, depending upon the source of noise used, we might be able to do lossless compression of noise, if pseudorandom noise was used (probably) and if we can figure out what that number is that was used to generate that noise.

Okay, enough about lossless compression. Can we do lossy compression of noise?

And there the answer is...yeah, probably yes.

The way lossy compression works is that we have to know something about what information is actually "important" when we get around to actually using it. That lets us throw out some of the less-important information. What we get back, unlike with lossless compression, is not true to the original, but it's a lot closer than if we just threw out information without regard for what's important and what's not. Lossy compression is often used to compress audio and video.

For a lot of things, there's a lot of not-very-important information.

Let's say that we're looking at a video of noise. Your brain doesn't care about every exact pixel there. It's looking for shapes that remain across multiple frames, move together, so it can pick out objects and the like. Your brain just basically sees the noise as one big field of stuff of an approximate color changing at a given rate. None of the specifics of that noise matter. Basically, regardless of what seed was used to generate that noise, pretty much all noise with the given properties (black and white, 1 pixel size, changes every frame, N fps) looks pretty much identical. So a good form of lossy compression in a video codec would be to detect anything that looks like noise -- and then just replace it with generated noise using a fixed seed. All noise looks pretty much identical to a human. So you'd get pretty much identical-looking output. As it happens, existing video codecs don't have a noise detector, but they could.

So video of noise is lossily-compressible.

Now, I will grant that this is unrelated to putting load on Reddit, but, hey, might as well start filling the Fediverse with useful information now.

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That's one of the risks of kicking off a war.

Close to the end of the war, Japan -- which had made pretty extensive use of biological weapons against China -- was working on also hitting the US with biological weapons. We were far enough away that it would have been difficult, but where they had been able to employ biologicals, in Asia, they did.


Operation PX, also known as Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night, was a planned Japanese military attack on civilians in the United States using biological weapons, devised during World War II. The proposal was for Imperial Japanese Navy submarines to launch seaplanes that would deliver weaponized bubonic plague, developed by Unit 731 of the Imperial Japanese Army, to the West Coast of the United States.

That being said, Japan wasn't even the expected target of the Manhattan Project. Germany would have been, but was defeated via conventional force prior to the project reaching completion.

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I mean, they aren't going to feel the need to explain themselves, but I suspect that this will make for quite the New York Times article.

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Valve was fined €1.6 million ($1.7 million) for obstructing the sale of certain PC video games outside Europe. However, the company pleaded not guilty.

Wait, outside Europe?

Some countries make it illegal to buy certain video games. If Valve can't geoblock sale of them outside Europe, how are they supposed to conform with both sets of laws?

I remember that the EU didn't want country-specific pricing inside the EU, and had some case over that. That I get, because I can see the EU having an interest in not wanting it creating problems for mobility around the EU. But I hadn't heard about the EU going after vendors for not selling things outside Europe.

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How Linus Torvalds Achieved a Net Worth of $150 Million

Red Hat and VA Linux went public, and since they acknowledged it would not have been possible without the programmer, Torvalds received shares reportedly worth $20 million. Before it went public, Red Hat had allegedly paid Torvalds $1 million in stock, which the programmer claims was the only big payout he received.

He revealed that the rest of the stock Transmeta and another Linux startup awarded him were not worth much by the time he could sell them. However, in the case of his Red Hat stock, it must have been worth his while because, in 2012, Red Hat became the first $1 billion open-source company when it reached the billion-dollar mark in annual revenue.

Whether he exercised his stock options is unclear, but the money he makes from the gains could be the reason why his net worth has continued to soar.

Well, that's one definition of being communist, I suppose. Myself, I think that it's fairly safe to say that Torvalds is okay with private ownership of industry.

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Russia has been using this approach for a while with the cheap Iranian Shahed-136 loitering munitions.

The problem is that self-propelled antiaircraft guns, SPAAGs, are a cheap way to take down relatively low and slow weapons like this.

In the US, we mostly shifted away from SPAAGs to surface-to-air missiles when aircraft shifted to jets; SPAAGs were fairly obsolete against them. By this point, our SPAAGs have all been out of service -- and not just out of service, but dismantled and sold off for parts -- for decades, and the fact that Germany was somewhat slow to abandon them made their Gepard SPAAGs
useful in Ukraine against Shahed-136s.


The M163 Vulcan Air Defense System (VADS) is a self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (SPAAG) that was used by the United States Army.

With the wider use of non-jet-based low-and-slow cheap unmanned weapons, the SPAAG is better-suited as a counter to those.

However, the Soviet Union was slower to abandon SPAAGs, and Russia tends to warehouse a lot of older weapons, moreso than we do. They are probably better positioned to counter such weapons then we are to provide Ukraine with air defenses against them. We've mostly been relying on sending elderly Hawk SAMs, which are obsolete against current aircraft but work against Shahed-136s and are numerous enough that they'll last for a while.

[continued in child]

I use Goo Gone for sticker adhesive removal. Works fine on various surfaces in my experience.

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So, that's definitely better than nothing, but your browser isn't the only thing -- though these days, it is a very important thing -- that talks to the Internet. If, for example, you're using a lemmy client to read this, I'd bet that it's good odds that it doesn't have SOCKS support.

Though I wouldn't be surprised if someone has made VPN software that intercepts connections and acts as a proxy SOCKS client, which would make it work more like a traditional VPN if you can reach a remote SOCKS server, though maybe with a performance hit.


Yeah, okay, looks like stunnel can do this on Linux. So it's a thing.

You don't need a 100% solution, though, to have a pretty big impact on society. Combine technical barriers with it just being easier to not think about what's going on outside, maybe some chilling effects from legally going after people who do start doing things that you don't like (viewing websites, spreading information, etc), and you can control people's information environment a lot. Make using circumvention solutions illegal -- okay, maybe you can bypass their system if you don't get caught, but do you want to risk it? Make creating or spreading circumvention solutions really illegal. Do you want to risk getting in a lot of trouble so that random other person can get unrestricted or unmonitored Internet access?

On that note, I was reading about the way North Korea does it in an article from someone who got out of North Korea. That is about as close as it gets to a 100% solution. Only a few thousand people are authorized to get Internet access. You need to apply to use the Internet with a couple of days lead time. Each pair of computers has a "librarian" monitoring what the Internet user on each side is doing, and every five minutes or so the computer will halt with whatever you were doing on the screen and require fingerprint re-authorization from the "librarian" to continue. Users are not allowed to view pages in Korean, just English and Chinese (I assume because most information out there that you'd have to go outside North Korea to get access to is likely available in either English or Chinese, and they definitely don't want people seeing anything out of South Korea).

That pretty much screws North Korea in terms of access to information, is a costly solution, but if you place an absolute priority on control of the information environment, North Korea does prove that it's possible to take a society there.

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Max wants to push alerts on viewers when there is breaking news on CNN.

I could maybe see there being a market for this if the default is not to show them, and there's an option to receive notification of developments on a specific topic. It's better than rabidly refreshing a particular topic that you are specially interested in.

Like, say you live in an area with an approaching hurricane, and you wanted to be alerted if there are any new developments on that particular topic.

However, I have a hard time believing that, in the general case, people want alerts popping up.

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I'm assuming that you're not a native speaker, as I've seen many people in a Europe subreddit have difficulty with US headlines having different grammatical rules from non-headline text. They complained about them being not understandable; it's apparently not something that English classes cover.

Said forum also had people complain about title case use in headlines (the norm in American English, though not British English) and use of some words like "slams" that are a common convention in headlines.

EDIT: Here's a British English source listing some of the other grammatical rule differences for headlines.

I'm kind of surprised that nobody's done a Wikipedia page on headline grammar rules (or at least hadn't last time I looked, for people on that Europe forum), or I'd link there. It seems to me to be a common-enough issue that someone would have summarized them there, but apparently not.

EDIT2: It was a grammar difference that I wasn't even aware of until I saw it brought up there. I mean, if you'd asked me, I could have told you prior to that that headlines looked different, could have written text that "looked like a headline", but you learn grammar differently when learning a language as a native speaker -- you use articles and conjunctions and such before you've learned what they are, so you don't think about grammar the same way. As a second language, you already have parts of speech and grammatical rules under your belt, so the mental representation is different.

When I first ran into this, there was some guy, who I think was maybe German, insisting that a headline was incorrectly-written. I took a look and was equally insistent that it was not incorrectly written. He hadn't specified was was wrong about it, because to him it was so obvious that it was wrong, and to me it was so normal that it wasn't wrong and I couldn't even guess what he was talking about, so it took a couple rounds of back-and-forth before we even understood what the other was talking about. My English classes had never covered headline grammar (people in the US had been probably reading headlines for a long time before they were taught grammar in a school), and it sounds like his hadn't either, so neither of us had been consciously aware of the existence of a different set of grammar for headlines. But he was sort of doing the mental grammar diagramming that I would for Spanish, which I know as a second language, but don't do for English. The headline didn't diagram out at all using normal English grammar rules.

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I am pretty confused by the article.

What I'd expected based on what I've seen so far was that the Kremlin would not care what protocols are used, just whether the a given VPN provider was in Russia and whether it provided the government with access to monitor traffic in the VPN.

So, use whatever VPN protocol you want to talk to a VPN provider where we can monitor or block traffic by seeing inside the VPN. You don't get to talk to any VPN providers for which we can't do that, like ones outside Russia, and the Russian government will do what it can to detect and block such protocols when they pass somewhere outside of Russia.

But that doesn't seem to fit with what the article says is happening.

The media in Russia reports that the reason behind this is that the country isn’t banning specific VPNs. Instead, it’s putting restrictions on the protocols these services use.

According to appleinsider.ru, the two protocols that are subject to the restrictions are:

  • OpenVPN

  • WireGuard

A Russian VPN provider, Terona VPN, confirmed the recent restrictions and said its users are reporting difficulties using the service. It’s now preparing to switch to new protocols that are more resistant to blocking.

I don't see what blocking those protocols internal to Russia buys the Kremlin -- if Terona conformed to Russian rules on state access to the VPN, I don't see how the Kremlin benefits from blocking them.

And I don't see why Russia would want to permit through other protocols, though maybe there are just the only protocols that they've gotten around to blocking.

EDIT: Okay, maybe Terona doesn't conform to state rules or something and there is whitelisting of VPN providers in Russia actually happening. Looking at their VK page, it looks like Terona's top selling point is "VPN access to free internet" and they have a bunch of country flags of countries outside of Russia. So maybe Russia is blocking VPN connectivity at the point that it exits Russia, and it's affecting Terona users who are trying to use a VPN to access the Internet outside Russia, which would be in line with what I would have expected.

I don't know if using metaphors where the logical extension of mods being landed gentry is your product being a feudal kingdom, you the king, and the users the peasants is necessarily all that clever of a quote to start spreading around.

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It depends on the definition of "support ended". Like, there are various forms of extended support that you can pay for for versions of Windows, and some companies do.


Support for the original release of Windows XP (without a service pack) ended on August 30, 2005.[4] Both Windows XP Service Pack 1 and 1a were retired on October 10, 2006,[4] and both Windows 2000 and Windows XP SP2 reached their end of support on July 13, 2010, about 24 months after the launch of Windows XP Service Pack 3.[4] The company stopped general licensing of Windows XP to OEMs and terminated retail sales of the operating system on June 30, 2008, 17 months after the release of Windows Vista.[114] However, an exception was announced on April 3, 2008, for OEMs producing what it defined as "ultra low-cost personal computers", particularly netbooks, until one year after the availability of Windows 7 on October 22, 2009. Analysts felt that the move was primarily intended to compete against Linux-based netbooks, although Microsoft's Kevin Hutz stated that the decision was due to apparent market demand for low-end computers with Windows.[115]

So for those, we're all definitely a decade past the end of normal support. However, they have their extended support packages that can be purchased, and we aren't a decade past the end of those...but most users probably aren't actually getting those:

On April 14, 2009, Windows XP exited mainstream support and entered the extended support phase; Microsoft continued to provide security updates every month for Windows XP, however, free technical support, warranty claims, and design changes were no longer being offered. Extended support ended on April 8, 2014, over 12 years after the release of Windows XP; normally Microsoft products have a support life cycle of only 10 years.[118] Beyond the final security updates released on April 8, no more security patches or support information are provided for XP free-of-charge; "critical patches" will still be created, and made available only to customers subscribing to a paid "Custom Support" plan.[119] As it is a Windows component, all versions of Internet Explorer for Windows XP also became unsupported.[120]

In January 2014, it was estimated that more than 95% of the 3 million automated teller machines in the world were still running Windows XP (which largely replaced IBM's OS/2 as the predominant operating system on ATMs); ATMs have an average lifecycle of between seven and ten years, but some have had lifecycles as long as 15. Plans were being made by several ATM vendors and their customers to migrate to Windows 7-based systems over the course of 2014, while vendors have also considered the possibility of using Linux-based platforms in the future to give them more flexibility for support lifecycles, and the ATM Industry Association (ATMIA) has since endorsed Windows 10 as a further replacement.[121] However, ATMs typically run the embedded variant of Windows XP, which was supported through January 2016.[122] As of May 2017, around 60% of the 220,000 ATMs in India still run Windows XP.[123]

Furthermore, at least 49% of all computers in China still ran XP at the beginning of 2014. These holdouts were influenced by several factors; prices of genuine copies of later versions of Windows in the country are high, while Ni Guangnan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences warned that Windows 8 could allegedly expose users to surveillance by the United States government,[124] and the Chinese government banned the purchase of Windows 8 products for government use in May 2014 in protest of Microsoft's inability to provide "guaranteed" support.[125] The government also had concerns that the impending end of support could affect their anti-piracy initiatives with Microsoft, as users would simply pirate newer versions rather than purchasing them legally. As such, government officials formally requested that Microsoft extend the support period for XP for these reasons. While Microsoft did not comply with their requests, a number of major Chinese software developers, such as Lenovo, Kingsoft and Tencent, will provide free support and resources for Chinese users migrating from XP.[126] Several governments, in particular those of the Netherlands and the United Kingdom, elected to negotiate "Custom Support" plans with Microsoft for their continued, internal use of Windows XP; the British government's deal lasted for a year, and also covered support for Office 2003 (which reached end-of-life the same day) and cost £5.5 million.[127]

For the typical, individual end user, one probably wants to have been off Windows XP by 2008.

There have been vulnerabilities on the TCP/IP stack on a number of platforms (maybe all?), and that's a rather smaller attack surface.

EDIT: It also looks like ksmbd has already built itself a bit of a security history:


EDIT2: A bad security history:


The commit history for ksmbd shows a steady stream of fixes, as expected. Worryingly, though, many of the problems being fixed are clearly security issues — not a good thing in a network filesystem implementation. Examples include:

  • The code to change ownership and permissions did not check existing file permissions first.

  • Failure to validate data lengths could lead to access to invalid data.

  • The server would blindly follow symbolic links during pathname lookup.

  • Numerous failures to validate buffer lengths, such as this one or this one.

All of those fixes were applied after ksmbd landed in the mainline; there are others that came before. Currently, twelve fixes to ksmbd credit Coverity scans in their changelogs.

Those would worry me if they showed up in a production userspace network filesystem.

Because it would have been less-effective, I expect. The targets were chosen because they had military industry and had not yet been destroyed via conventional firebombing, which had already been done at mass scale in other places.

I think that it's important to understand that the atomic bombs were simply seen as something of a significant multiplier in the existing bombing campaign. One bomber with an atomic bomb could maybe do what a thousand bombers with conventional weapons might...but there were, in fact, thousand-bomber raids happening. That is, cities were already being set afire. The Manhattan Project simply permitted doing so with a significantly-lower resource expenditure.

EDIT: Also, to be clear, the US fully intended to ramp up to mass production and employment of atomic bombs, dozens a month, once production could be brought up, and would have done so had the surrender not occurred.

Today, partly because of (significantly more powerful) thermonuclear weapons and because we know that the first two bombs did result in a surrender, the first two atomic bombs maybe look like something of a clear bookend to the war, but that's for us in 2023; in 1946, they would have been another step -- if a significant one -- of World War II's large-scale bombing campaigns, something that had been growing for years.

Only the EU can save Android in the US now

That sounds a little melodramatic. Apple has a slightly higher marketshare in the US, and that's the case in few places:


Google has fallen second place to Apple in the Android vs. iPhone war for the first time in over a decade.

From a global perspective, Apple's dominance is an outlier. The US, Canada and Japan are the only countries where Apple has an edge over Android. Everywhere else Android leads, usually by a wide margin.

And, I gotta say:

But this has also brought a rising tide of elitism, as some US iPhone owners perceive Android as cheaper and inferior.

I think that maybe, the point where one's favored platform has slightly under 50% marketshare in an -- admittedly large -- country is maybe just a bit premature to start wallowing in victimhood.


It doesn’t help Android OEMs that Apple makes it exceptionally difficult to leave its ecosystem or switch between platforms. For starters, the company’s services are either exclusive to its platforms (iMessage) or woefully underbaked on Android (see Apple TV Plus and Facetime)

iOS is more of a walled garden, that's true, but Google is not entirely innocent here either.

There are about 450 million people who speak English as their primary language. About 300 million of them are American.

Yeah, though you gotta remember that a lot of people do use English online even though it's not their primary language. I'm American, but I frequent /r/europe on Reddit. For pretty much the majority of people there, English is a second language.

And English is kind of the global interchange language, and that's likely to continue to get more-common, so it's a phenomeon that will likely grow.


That's ~1.45 billion people who can speak English as a first or second language. The US is the biggest single chunk of that, but it's not the majority.

I would rank Fallout: New Vegas more-highly than Fallout 3 too, but it wasn't developed by Bethesda. They just published it. Obsidian developed it.

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Well, assuming that this is even directly related to the forum, as opposed to, say, email logs from the Reddit internal email server or something, things that might not be public:

  • Private messages between users.

  • Browsing data. I mean, maybe a user only posts on /r/politics, and that's public, but spends a lot of time browsing /r/femdom or whatever.

  • IP addresses of users. Might be able to associate multiple accounts held by a user.

  • Passwords. While hopefully stored in a salted and hashed format, so they can't be simply trivially obtained, they can still be attacked via dictionary attacks, which is why people are told not to use short and predictable passwords.

  • Email addresses (if a user registered one)

  • Reddit has some private chat feature that I've never used, which I imagine is logged.

Speaking generally about ads, the issue is that people (a) don't like ads, but (b) also don't like paying for things that could be ad-supported. And the money for things that are ad-supported is going to come from one place or another, or they won't be done.

Wanting to get rid of ads is a legitimate preference -- but I'm saying that that probably comes with paying for something that wasn't paid for before.

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It's more like it was 90% of the people here's ex that they just broke up with.

Not really the focus of the article, but I think that /r/place was a neat idea, but hard to produce much with.

I feel like maybe there are forms of collaborative art that might go further, like letting people propose various changes to a chunk of pixels on an artwork and letting people vote on the changes.

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It looks kind of similar to Xorg's logo to me.


I mean, his is embosssed, but if I were choosing a logo for my new brand "x.com", I don't think I'd choose something that looks a lot like x.org's logo.

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I bet someone has made a list.



The first item on the field is a search field. The "all" category has 288 entries.


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This feature ensures the NW-ZX707 can transform standard MP3 or PCM audio to the ultra-high frequency 11.2 Mhz DSD audio stream.

That doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

  • Humans can only hear up to about 20kHz, so you're not getting much benefit above about double that.

  • Even assuming that humans could hear frequencies hundreds of times higher, audio isn't generally available sampled at 11.2 Mhz. If you're getting music, the recording and audio engineering work, the microphones, etc, aren't designed to accurately capture data at high frequencies.

  • Even assuming that none of that were the case, the audio engineer and artists weren't trying to make audio that sounds good at that frequency (which they can't hear either). The music doesn't intrinsically have some aesthetically-pleasing quality that you can extract; they were the ones who added it, and they did that via making judgments using their own senses, which can't hear this.

  • Even aside from that, it doesn't look like this comes with headphones. Whatever you are plugging into this has to induce vibration in the air for it to make it to your ears, and probably does not have a meaningful frequency response at that frequency.

The NW-ZX707 also gets Sony's proprietary digital music processing technologies, including the DSEE Ultimate technology, developed in-house to restore compressed music files to the quality of a CD by interpolating sound algorithms.

And it makes even less sense if your starting audio has actually thrown out data in frequencies that humans can hear by using lossy compression there, even if we aren't terribly sensitive to those.

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The above text says that the aim is to do RDMA, to let the NIC access memory directly, but I'd think that existing Linux zero-copy interfaces would be sufficient for that.


The Linux kernel supports zero-copy through various system calls, such as:

  • sendfile, sendfile64;[9]

  • splice;[10]

  • tee;[11]

  • vmsplice;[12]

  • process_vm_readv;[13]

  • process_vm_writev;[14]

  • copy_file_range;[15]

  • raw sockets with packet mmap[16] or AF_XDP.

So I'd think that the target workload has to be one where you can't just fetch a big chunk of pre-existing data, where you have to interject server-generated data in response to small requests, and even the overhead of switching to userspace to generate some kind of server-generated response is too high.

Which seems like a heck of a niche case.

But it obviously got approval from the kernel team.



The subset of performance related operations belong in kernelspace and the other subset which belong to operations which are not really related with performance in userspace. So, DCE/RPC management that has historically resulted into number of buffer overflow issues and dangerous security bugs and user account management are implemented in user space as ksmbd.mountd. File operations that are related with performance (open/read/write/close etc.) in kernel space (ksmbd). This also allows for easier integration with VFS interface for all file operations.

I guess you could accelerate open and close too.

In all seriousness, I feel like if you're in such a niche situation that you can't afford the overhead of going to userspace for that, (a) there's likely room to optimize your application to request different things and (b) CIFS might not be the best option to be sharing data over the network either.

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It looks like people have run WINE under Cygwin, so barring Cygwin-introduced compatibility issues, Windows can use the same compatibility layer.

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Even the mightiest of rivers begins with but a trickle.

I remember this story from about twenty years back hitting the news:


Missing Novell server discovered after four years

In the kind of tale any aspiring BOFH would be able to dine out on for months, the University of North Carolina has finally located one of its most reliable servers - which nobody had seen for FOUR years.

One of the university's Novell servers had been doing the business for years and nobody stopped to wonder where it was - until some bright spark realised an audit of the campus network was well overdue.

According to a report by Techweb it was only then that those campus techies realised they couldn't find the server. Attempts to follow network cabling to find the missing box led to the discovery that maintenance workers had sealed the server behind a wall.

If air were a limited resource, rather than one available in great abundance, it probably would be.

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You're probably gonna have to tell us what it is that you want and what it is that you don't like about Firefox Beta.

I'm kind of surprised that The Sims doesn't have more competition.

It's been many years that the series has been kind of the only entry in the genre.

Yeah, a lot of the other classic Sim games don't have analogs either (though Sim City does), but The Sims is pretty commercially successful.

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The introduction of jet engines and the subsequent rough doubling of aircraft speeds greatly reduced the effectiveness of the SPAAG against attack aircraft.[dubious – discuss] A typical SPAAG round might have a muzzle velocity on the order of 1,000 metres per second (3,300 ft/s) and might take as long as two to three seconds to reach a target at its maximum range. An aircraft flying at 1,000 kilometres per hour (620 mph) is moving at a rate of about 280 metres per second (920 ft/s). This means the aircraft will have moved hundreds of meters during the flight time of the shells, greatly complicating the aiming problem to the point where close passes were essentially impossible to aim using manual gunsights. This speed also allowed the aircraft to rapidly fly out of range of the guns; even if the aircraft passes directly over the SPAAG, it would be within its firing radius for under 30 seconds.

SPAAG development continued through the early 1950s with ever-larger guns, improving the range and allowing the engagement to take place at longer distances where the crossing angle was smaller and aiming was easier. Examples including the 40 mm U.S. M42 Duster and the 57 mm Soviet ZSU-57-2. However, both were essentially obsolete before they entered service, and found employment solely in the ground-support role. The M42 was introduced to the Vietnam War to counter an expected North Vietnamese air offensive, but when this failed to materialize it was used as an effective direct-fire weapon. The ZSU-57 found similar use in the Yugoslav Wars, where its high-angle fire was useful in the mountainous terrain.

By the late 1950s, the US Army had given up on the SPAAG concept, considering all gun-based weapons to be useless against modern aircraft. This belief was generally held by many forces, and the anti-aircraft role turned almost exclusively to missile systems. The Soviet Union remained an outlier, beginning the development of a new SPAAG in 1957, which emerged as the ZSU-23-4 in 1965. This system included search-and-track radars, fire control, and automatic gun-laying, greatly increasing its effectiveness against modern targets. The ZSU-23 proved very effective when used in concert with SAMs; the presence of SAMs forced aircraft to fly low to avoid their radars, placing them within range of the ZSUs.

The success of the ZSU-23 led to a resurgence of SPAAG development. This was also prompted by the introduction of attack helicopters in the 1970s, which could hide behind terrain and then "pop up" for an attack lasting only a few tens of seconds; missiles were ineffective at low altitudes, while the helicopters would often be within range of the guns for a rapid counterattack. Notable among these later systems is the German Gepard, the first western SPAAG to offer performance equal to or better than the ZSU. This system was widely copied in various NATO forces.

SPAAG development continues, with many modern examples often combining both guns and short-range missiles. Examples include the Soviet/Russian Tunguska-M1, which supplanted the ZSU-23 in service, the newer versions of the Gepard, the Chinese Type 95 SPAAA, and the British Marksman turret, which can be used on a wide variety of platforms. Some forces, like the US Army and USMC have mostly forgone self-propelled guns in favor of systems with short-range infrared-guided surface-to-air missiles in the AN/TWQ-1 Avenger and M6 Linebacker, which do not require radar to be accurate and are generally more reliable and cost-effective to field, though their ability to provide ground support is more limited. The U.S. Army did use the M163 VADS and developed the prototype design of the M247 Sergeant York.

I hit Google and found a few farms in California that grow them. You could probably just call them and ask them who distributes their crops.




It also sounds like the harvest is during the autumn/winter, based on the notes on the first one, so they'd be out-of-season now, so I doubt that you could get them grown in California anyway until late in the year. I have no idea whether they ship well, but if so, you're probably stuck looking for imports if you want them prior to that.

If you have an appropriate place to grow them, you might save the seeds from one if you can get one and plant them and have a tree yourself. It sounds like they do grow from seed (not like, say, the Hass avocado).

EDIT: One more trick. It's not as nice an interface for actually shopping as, say, Amazon or the like, but if you want to find something truly esoteric that you cannot find anywhere else, Google Shopping indexes a ludicrous number of retailer sites. My first search there found:

...and a bunch more hits.

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