US High School Student Loses Scholarship Over Social Media Twerking Video to Not The – 776 points –
US High School Student Loses Scholarship Over Social Media Twerking Video

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My. God. The pearl clutching and oppression of the female body these days. We may as well go back to corsets and chastity belts.

I’m not going to encourage a HSer to twerk, but c’mon! You’re going to punish her for having fun at an unrelated and offsite event? Get real.

She wasn't even the one twerking... she just happened to be near someone twerking... how dare she?

Just when you thought this story couldn’t get and fucking dumber.

Im weak on Louisiana geography and map knowledge,

How far was this from the place where tbe tourism is/was based on women baring their breasts?

Username check out

Low effort post, fails to see point of post they are replying too.

Go back to reddit.

Fascinating, Ive never seen an account self analyze their own comments before.

Ive never seen anyone with such horrible reading comprehension as yourself.

Did someone have to bribe your primary teachers to get you past the 3rd grade?

Weak zing, hardly anything to do with my comment, limp attempt at insults, 3/10.

You wanna try again? Ill give you a mulligan.

Hey Mulligan Man!


It's a play on words for "Hey Culligan Man!" which was an advertisement that played repeatedly throughout the 90's in the US, for reference:

You're barking up the wrong tree.

This guy is one can and the plastic packaging that kills turtles short of a six pack.

How they escaped Fife, Alabama i have no idea.

Try one that does not mirror my reply this time!

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She’s not allowed to dance offsite at a private party but if you go to the school’s YouTube channel there are a couple cringy music videos of all the staff dancing (including the principal) on school property during working hours.

And why was he even watching these videos in the first place. They would have just been fun videos the friends made to share with each other outside of school. This was just about him being turned on by watching an under age girl dancing and then punishing the girl for his feelings.

in Kate Manne's "Down Girl," about misogyny she wrote: "They put women in their place when they seem to have 'ideas beyond their station.'"

"Misogynist hostility encompasses myriad 'down girl' moves . . . to generalize: adults are insultingly likened to children, people to animals or even to objects. As well as infantilizing and belittling, there's ridiculing, humiliating, mocking, slurring, vilifying, demonizing sexualizing or, alternatively desexualizing.... and other forms that are dismissive and disparaging in specific social contexts."

Emphasis mine to point out the most relevant portions in this case. It's a solid read on misogyny that I definitely recommend to anyone.

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