2 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

She wasn't even the one twerking... she just happened to be near someone twerking... how dare she?

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I'll take "Unethical accounting" for 500, Alex

I suspect the 2 decades might have more to do with your balls hanging lower than the vasectomy lol

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One day only! Trust me, you can't smell old socks but everyone else can! They also make your shoes stink. In the same vein, never wear closed shoes without socks unless you want them to be eternally smelly

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Wow so they've prioritised the casual users over the power users... You know, the ones who actually post the content... This should go well /s

Anecdotal, but I've been talking about this whole thing to my partner. She doesn't really care though because, in her own words: "I tried to use Reddit a little while ago, but I didn't like the app"

Had a good chuckle to myself over that

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At this point, Trump throwing tantrums is kinda just assumed. It's hardly news...

Although I have to admit the move to monitor the monitor is hilarious.

"We'll have our own monitor! With blackjack and hookers!"

Edit: damn it, someone already made this joke! I'm leaving it.

Demand my wfh arrangement be in writing, rather than just a "gentleman's agreement"

You're implying that the left and right suppress each other equally, but frankly it's only the right trying to fuck over their fellow man for profit and power. Got nothing to do with being more enlightened or smarter. Compassion though... Ye, the left are more compassionate.

Of course feel free to prove me wrong...

I mean they have to protect all that content that they've been given for free, right?

  • spez probably

Better than "Dirty deeds done with sheep"

start establishing backups so they don't exist solely at the whim of reddit.

This is the really essential point that I think bares repeating. Yes, these communities fill important roles, but that is EXACTLY why we should be pushing them on to other platforms.

They don't need to move entirely, but they should be trying to mirror themselves somewhere else.

Spez may not being going as power mad as Elon yet, but he's definitely looking over there, distracted boyfriend style.

I'm sorry but absolutely not.

Finding vegan foods is easy, as you've pointed out, however eating well as a vegan takes thought and planning. Especially in the beginning.

This is why so many people fail when they first start. They just cut out everything with animal products, and end up eating bread and salad, and give up when they're basically malnourished and starving.

Saying Vegan is not hard is a disservice to anyone seriously considering it. Instead of being condescending about it, give people resources to help them get it right.

You're pushing too hard. You should breathe through it, don't hold your breath. Look into getting a step for your feet. We're designed to squat, not sit, and getting your feet higher can get things to line up better internally


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Closed: This question has already been answered 5 years ago here <link to completely unrelated question>

I was just going to say, wouldn't they have to disprove the findings to win?

Huh. It's really weird to read stuff like this. Just reminds me how lucky I am to not be in the US... with my legally mandated 10 days a year and all...

Don't be like the idiots in the video. If anybody actually wants something like this, barefoot shoes are a thing. They're thin enough that you can feel the ground underneath you, while still protecting you from random nails and glass and shit. If you like being barefoot, give them a try. They're a nice middle ground.

Just Cause 3, but I'm honestly a bit tired of it now. I love just wingsuiting around the place and I've never found anything else that gives me that same level of catharsis.

I do switch to JC4 occasionally just for a change of scenery, but the wingsuit feels too... floaty? In that one. Idk, just doesn't feel the same.

I am desperately open to suggestions for something similar in terms of brain off flow state gaming.

I use DDG when coding and generally find it to be a bit nicer, but from the article it sounds like they're prone to the same issues. Anecdotally, I have noticed non-code queries do seem to be similarly crap

ETA: You can set it as default in Chrome too, under Settings -> Search Engine

I know this is all subjective, but that is one fresh ass take lol.

Posting this as a top level comment as well for visibility.

The tablets are a scam.

Ridiculously detailed video about them here.

The TL;DW is: use powder over tablets, and fill both the main detergent section AND the prewash section (or just throw a little extra powder in loose)

Also, run the hot water before turning it on

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So this is anecdotal I know, but I work on a Mac, so I've only ever held on to Windows for gaming. (Sidenote: The Mac isn't my choice, either, but it has a terminal, and it does the job)

I've definitely tried to go fully Linux in the past, but it was always gaming that killed it for me. Wine was just never very consistent for me in this area.

Long story but, I recently lost my gaming machine, and was gifted a friends old one. Also a long story, but he ended up putting Linux on it for me. I figured I'd use it as is until payday before buying a key for Windows.

Holy shit gaming on Linux become has easy! Steam/proton is amazing!

I won't lie, it's not always as simple as install and run, but the tweaking that's been required has been orders of magnitude simpler than what it used to be. Click a box 90% of the time, Click a box and add a run parameter for another 5%.

The only games that haven't worked for me are Starfield and Cyberpunk (accounting for the last 5%.)

Starfield might just be too much for this old machine, but Cyberpunk I have no idea. Neither are a huge loss to me when Balders Gate, and Elite Dangerous are running fine. Also long standing favourites like Just Cause 3/4 work perfectly too.

I'm thrilled and a little shocked to say I think I'm finally done with Windows

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Seems dumb, but having your feed interspersed with random happy cows just makes all the terrible headlines less terrible.

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fyi you can do strike through like ~~this~~

Because whatsapp came first.

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Actually, its because there's no way to specify alt text right now. What you're specifying with the ![text](link) format is a label, which from a technical aspect is distinct from alt text. Op is correct, alt text shouldn't render by default. Not because of abelism, but because that's how they work. Don't be so quick to start throwing isms at people.

Listen, I'm a busy guy with a life. I don't have 20 minutes to dedicate to a video. I'd rather watch a few shorts... a quick 5 10 30 45 minute session is all I'm after...

You might like Cathode Ray Dude

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Vasectomy BEFORE kids

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Exactly this. It's a terrible, outdated story that essentially sells "staying together for the kids." The whole way through we were both like "ye these two need to get divorced." The book is a villain.

Eta: game play was fun though

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Lol, you've made some assumptions there. It's not a Nintendo product. Nintendo would NEVER release any kind of flash cart themselves, as they're begging to be used for pirated games.

Everything you've said about game carts are basically why we'll never see an officially licensed product like this from Big N themselves.

With that in mind, it still makes no sense as a product because you can run games off the SD card already (I assume. Very out of touch with Switch hacks)

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Tell me you don't understand your userbase without telling me you don't understand your userbase

I think my experience was pretty non typical, but ye, I did NOT have a good time.

Long story short, there was student in the room, so instead of just getting it over with as quickly as possible, my guy was EXCRUCIATINGLY slow to numb me, and not before he'd shown her how to enter the fucking konami code into my nutsack. At one point I actually sat up and asked just what the fuck he was doing, because I was in so much discomfort. It probably lasted 15 - 20 minutes total, but it felt like eternity.

Other than that, it was fine though. Felt like I'd been kicked in the nuts for a few days afterwards, but then it was all good. Still got a month to go before I get the all clear though.

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Also drunk at an office do. Decided to ride a mates long board around the desks with tight corners and a polished wood floor. When the inevitable happened, I tried to catch myself and did something to my wrist. It's never been the same again, and even the remotest bit of strain leaves me in pain for days afterwards. Sometimes it'll just start aching randomly for no reason too. That was like 10 years ago now

Willing to throw my hat into the ring here and say that I haven't even bought it yet because I know my pc can't handle it. I will wait for performance patches (or look at finally upgrading my 5 year old pc)

I also think they've done everything right. They called it out BEFORE release, but released anyway for the subset of players who can play, with the promise of improving it for the rest.

The ones who can play it got lucky, the ones who can't and are all pissed about it are the same ones who would be bitching if it got delayed.

This is basically my assumption whenever I hear "CEO X says RTO is the bestest thing." My first thought is always "I wonder how much money CEO X has in commercial real estate"

What is everyone else using instead?

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Sorry, but I don't think this is right. You'd say "add ham" not "put ham." "Put ham" doesn't mean anything without the preposition. "Put ham in/on"

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Used it? Yes.
Successfully used it? Not even once.

Henry Kissinger to D13