0 Post – 153 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just a happy Fedora Gnome Linux user & metalcore music lover. Drop Acid, Not Bombs!

It made me sick to my stomach after 15 minutes and I turned it off.

Side note, if anyone also misses the Old Reddit style, also has an easy way to do that, just visit:

For more info, visit the devs GitHub: mlmym - GitHub

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This is your wake up to stop using Chrome and Chromium based browsers (e.g. Brave, Vivaldi, etc). Switch to Firefox if you haven't already.

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I don't use Twitter and my life is better off.

These people are nothing, but a bunch of unhinged cowards. Fuck'em.

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What a cunt.

When Putin took over Russia and turned it into him getting 99% of the votes every election, most people of Russia did not leave. When Putin cracked down on journalists, free speech, and gay/queer people, hell even his own oligarchs aren't safe next to a Russian window, most people of Russia did not leave. When Russia invaded Ukraine, the first and second time, most people of Russia did not leave.

Have Russians bought the Kremlin propaganda hook, line and sinker? What does it take for a citizen to say enough is enough before they leave their country? Do Russians lack the means to afford the ability to leave their homeland, potentially forever from friends, and generations of families? Unfortunately, most people whether it's Russia or the US, simply do not have the means, the finances, the connections, or the resources to leave. A minority of us will have access to this luxury, but for a majority of us, we are simply fucking stuck. And in case it's not clear, I do not support Russia, I hope the Putin regime collapses sooner than later.

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Please consider posting Nitter links, so it doesn't give Musk a single cent in advertising by using privacy focused Nitter:

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No need for the tinfoil, that's literally what this is.

Stop using Brave, jfc. Please use Firefox, it's not the best, but it's better than this trash my goodness how many more scandals do people need to get rid of this crap?

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Not that this helps anyone, but I gave up Instagram the day Facebook bought it. I don't regret it and my mental health is better for it. Using Instagram made me depressed as hell.

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Looks like the upgrade is done and was a quick and easy success, thank you Devs!

They will. And they'll take it to the Supreme Court, where they'll just install Trump as the winner of the election. Mark my words.

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Ngl, I'm tearing up to this. 18 is a long time for a dog, some breeds don't typically live passed a handful of years. I've got a lil pup of my own and this just reminds me to be grateful for having him while I still do. Gonna give him some extra happy pets today while I try not to tear up. God I love dogs.

I deleted my Twitter at the beginning of this year. Never used it much, just followed a lot of metal bands on it. I don't regret it for a single second. Everyday since, it's just been one giant non-stop shit show. It's sad to see so many still use it, but for my own good conscience, I can't support that platform in any way. I avoid it like the plague.

I believe they were one of the good guys, but the owner or founder passed away a few years ago, so it's not what it used to be anymore.

Not just Fox "News" but all the alt-right AM radio pundits too. While visiting my parents, I overheard his AM radio speaker downplay events by saying that E. Jean Carroll only "claims" Trump did things, while totally ignoring the fact that Trump was already convicted of sexual assault and the judge later confirmed it was indeed classified as rape, and he had to pay her $5 million for defamation, which now there's ANOTHER court case going on that's bad for Trump, but all of those pesky facts weren't mentioned, only that E. Jean Carroll was a vindictive slut. Truly maddening to me when you know the objective facts, I call it Conservative brain rot.

Getting really tired of hearing this woman's constant antics and theatrics.

What’s with everyone in our government having family members that are felons all of a sudden? God damn, shit is getting wild van wilder by the day!

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This has been going on for years now. I feel bad for those that suffer there because of this, but if you choose to willingly live there when you have the means to leave, I don't feel sorry for you anymore. It's the ones unable to leave that I truly feel bad for, those that don't have any other choice.

The only place they belong, if any, is in a museum.

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I'm sorry I forget the source, but I once read something from a scientist that in your entire life, if you reuse/recycle/protect the environment,etc for your own single entire life, you will have starved off climate change for 1 whole second. Mind boggling to know your entire existence comes down to that litter of a difference. The point of what I remember reading was not that individuals are the problem, but that corporations and big industries were the worst offenders doing little to help change.

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On Safari (iOS), Apple makes it easy to switch. Settings > Safari > Search Engine and select which one you want. I’ve been using DDG not quite a year and at first the change felt a lil jarring, but knowing I’m contributing less to Google’s ad revenue and their long list of privacy violations, I’m comfortable now sticking with DDG. Change isn’t always easy, convenient, or comfortable, but it can be done with just the tiniest bit of effort.

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Just to be clear, your statement is disingenuous at best. You didn't even provide a single example of evidence or fact to back up your claim, but used your own "speculation" as an ultimate authority. You really just sound like someone severely ill informed.

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I've never heard of this site before and you can bet I'll be adding it to my bookmarks uhh I mean block list right away!

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blah blah blah, don't listen to the new york times about polling right now, it's all for clicks, not for any actually substances of truth.

What if you're in your late 30's and you have ~20k in debt and barely any savings to last a month. I'm staring down a hopeless void.

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Oh oh oh do Amy Barrett next?

Stop giving this asshat free publicity for stupid shit, ffs.

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Like a bitch

Slightly off topic, but the fact that I'm now seeing some Formula One/E news make it's way onto Lemmy is a good sign to me that this place is starting to grow more and more.

The fix is out now and the dislikes are back! Just make sure to update your extensions and you're good to go!

Nothing against Vivaldi, used it a lot since it's release, but found my way back to Firefox last year since I just couldn't stand giving Google anymore power over the web market. The less I give Google, the better I feel, but also the better off the web will be. Once again as a company Vivaldi does a fantastic job and their stances on privacy are admirable, but I just can't support Chromium these days.

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Fuck this Trump

I just couldn't get into RSS feeds back when it was growing in its popularity. No chance I'll understand using it any better now lol. I am a fool of a took.

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It's post like this that Lemmy needs that just make my day because I learn just a bit more than what I knew 5 minutes ago, thank you for the thoughtful post.

Haha that's so--

Actually, never mind. I don't care that much.

I once commented saying something like, except for work, all Linux users should be using Firefox. And this was the reply. Some people are just fucking hopeless:

"Firefox has only ever been a sometime back-up browser for me.....ever since Chrome appeared in 2007. Prior to that, I used it because it was the sole usable alternative to Internet Exploder....

The Mozilla devs, for far too long, spent more time stabbing each other in the back than they did writing code and fixing the tons of problems that were always inherent in the code. It's the only browser I've ever used that used to regularly crash & burn at least a dozen times a day. And ya wonder why people flocked to Chrome?"

If you look at Turkey or Hungary over the last decade, people were pissed when their governments became overreaching, but ultimately their authoritarian governments won and the people had little choice, no civil war, no grand uprising of the people. The US is going in the same direction and I doubt anything will happen that can stop it. But on the flip side dictators never last forever. Their power will wain and fall. But for most of us, that will last our entire lifetime, which is an awful future no one should be celebrating.

I just took a casual look at that sub and noped the fuck out. Sad to see how active a toxic community like that is, though not really surprising.