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Joined 1 years ago

But if they force Google to open their app store, I hope that do it for fucking everyone.

At least on Google devices you still can sideload apps, and fairly easy TBH. My biggest annoyance is the "you can't buy stuff in apps without giving us a cut" which fucked up stuff like ebook apps etc

Indian with it's assassins and cult government...

Sounds like what should be called an "open box" product to me

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Welcome to the club. Used to be happy to see my country's flag, now it usually denotes some wingnut who would burn it down just to spite others. I'm Canadian

A lot of companies seem to pull this shit. Went to buy a product from ba Canadian company (in Canada) on their website. Prices were in dollars but no mention of CAD or USD. I used PayPal as the last step so thankfully it told me it'd be converting currency, at which point I cancelled. If I'd tried to pay by card to directly I would likely just have been charged with no idea of the currency difference until later

To those people, if there's no Devil then it means all the bad stuff in their heads and hearts is just them. All the temptations are them. All the hatred, including self-hatred is them. There's no Devil that made them do it or think it, no external tempter or defiler to resist. They can't take that.

Also, what is the relation of "a speaker" to religion? If somebody comes in to speak and starts talking about how we need to gas more jews, stop women from voting, and put the blacks back out in the cotton fields then fuck yeah I'm gonna support cutting them off and sending them packing.

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How much do they actually expect these to cost? How about they cancel fireworks at the next sports event. That'd probably cover it

Garage tech startups where the garage belongs to your already upper-income-class parents

Ditto. "The Cloud" is just another name for somebody else's computer which you don't control

But Canada is an unsafe place to travel, according to them

Million Man March? More like "Double Digit Dumbasses"

More like "another shot at the presidency so he can got off free and then some"

Yeah, it looks like she was going to put up with it in order not to interrupt but the host absolutely had her back in identifying this creepy fucker.

Most have Eurocentric accents because those are the areas the various legends and stories originated.

Various depictions of leprechauns make them pretty much Irish rednecks. I love Mad Sweeney's depiction in American Gods.

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TBH, I'm totally ok with the trumpies not voting

They're fine for certain things on an evolving menu etc, but not anything where a tactile sense might be needed to avoid distraction. A lack of volume knob is the thing that pisses me off the most in many vehicles, including my own.

Also, power should be a physical cutoff and NOT a soft button for head units. The one of my car is a software toggle and when the system started glitching, froze and also put out high volume noise with no way to kill it except to shut off the vehicle when I could safely do so

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You need those immigrants to work the low wages you won't

Or, to put it another way: shitty corps and their govt lackeys need those pliable immigrants to work for the underpaid and abusive jobs that Canadians won't, rather than fixing the pay and working conditions

Meh. If they've still got some free ones to give out I'll take it.

But in all seriousness, the Quest 2 is pretty good hardware, especially for the price. The problem is that Meta tried to build an ecosystem around monetization and then bring people in, rather than building something that appeals to most people and still allows them to profit. Kinda the opposite of the Facebook model really, which became a defacto online community and kinda kept the monetization a little quieter or behind the scenes for a long time

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Smart lawyers don't take cases they know they're likely to lose

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I'd try and convince them that politicians are a race..

Thank you for this. The .CN TLD is China, for anyone who was confused for a moment

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There are three reasons that "good landlords" seem to be scarce:

  • People tend to be more vocal about bad experiences than good, so we'll definitely hear more about the bad ones

  • Many people decided to become a landlord because it outpaced other "investments" greatly, especially if you're a shitty landlord who doesn't put profit back into maintaining said "investment"

  • Many of the good landlords that did exist and weren't gouging eventually got hit with a bad tenant that cost them a lot of suffering and $$$ while being extremely difficult to evict. Whether it's true or not, I still hear current ones who say they're charging [crazy amount] to pad for the eventual $20k bill when a bad tenant wrecks their place (and these days it's not hard to do $20k+ in damage)

Also per the comic: I've never heard of anyone tipping a landlord, good or bad

Wishful thinking

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I'm more interested in if they find evidence of communication with his Russian handlers

No shit, right? While not all people in that group are racists, bigots, or homophobes it is the side which is more likely to attract such. Gotta have some real blinders on to think that a black, gay man is going to be welcomed by all as "part of the team"

Does this mean gay sex between serving members or include while on any sort of leave etc.

Between members makes sense (but should apply to sex in general)

Nice. I'd kinda like to see games like Minecraft become more like the Fediverse, where you could walk between worlds hosted on different servers in-game

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"lifetime" partner :-)

And? You could take the same data and say- "religious persons are less likely to speak out againstmessaging that potentially promotes harm" (likely also dependent on the religious affiliation of the messenger)

The preceding message that this makes atheists the more "intolerant" group is a pretty massive reach, consider that the messaging they may be against could in itself be one of intolerance as per my example.

Raw high-def video and image files? But yeah, there's unlimited and then there's kinda pushing the limits of what's reasonable. 233TB is more than the contents of some orgs' datacenters

More that the nature of the indoors location had an increased likelihood of hitting a innocent bystander.

Maybe you're more justified in somebody if it's a 2-on-1 situation and you feel like your life is threatened, but pull out a gun and start blasting and you also put the lives of anyone within a certain distance around your target in danger.

Given the lack of apparent weapons on the "assailants", drawing on them might have been sufficient to disengage and assess without actually needing to fire the weapon at all

Yes but they seem to hate other women

I'm having issues finding an article on how once installed Linux on a Surface Duo, but there's a got page on building the kernels so I'm guessing it's doable.

Now that updates are done, maybe all the Linux users can find them for cheap and convert them

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Which is a matter of how little they're allowed to have. If there were some sort of minimums that might actual force them to be somewhat effective.

Instead it's a race to the bottom of "your business is important to us, but nobody gives a fuck about your satisfaction"

We kinda do though, we just don't often see them as having magnets but most electric motors work on principles of magnetism.

The common thing I've seen in more well -knowncases was the abuser striking up a relationship and pretending to be somebody younger, getting compromising details/photos from the victim, then threatening to release those to family/friends unless the victim follows their wishes (which often providing further sexual images/acts).

Not sure if that might be the case with a service like Omegle, but it was essentially what happened in the Amanda Todd case and other similar cases.

It's like AI inbreeding. Flaws will be amplified over time unless new material is added

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I setup a NAT rule that redirects anything going to the Google DNS IP's send sends it to my own DNS server.

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Where the F*** are you paying so much. Even with Canuck-bucks that's like double what it costs here