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...What does the writer think support end means? Microsoft bricks the PC as soon as the support period ends?

They're going to just keep using Windows 10, security be damned. Probably a good number of users who weren't keeping their PC up to date even when Microsoft was forcing updates on them.

12 more...

The idea is that at first will seem "normal", like all the other fediverses

Then they start adding features that either break against other servers, or straight up aren't supported, making seem more enticing just because all the neat features aren't on the other sites.

Think how Internet Explorer killed Netscape with all the Page Load errors caused by ActiveX, yet everyone wanted ActiveX sites.

Once they've walked through the path of least resistance and grabbed the bulk of the traffic, they just defederate from everyone.

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Are they calling Streaming Sites Streamers? I'm confused.

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Honestly, good.

You think trump's fans are being bad now, bad back then. Just think of what would've happened if they got to Matyr him.

If he's to die, it should be rotting in prison for the crimes he's committed.

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They want private schools, which basically means not everyone will actually go to school if this happens.

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What a weird way to thank someone

Didn't the animal tests lead to pretty bad deaths? And wasn't that less than a year ago? I can't imagine this going well.

Plus there was the blind-tech that was revealed not too long ago where now that they're bankrupt the group is slowly going blind and worse. I feel like none of this is going to end well.

I feel like "Threatening the life of others" falls under the same category as Crying fire in a theater. You can't claim first amendment when you're actively endangering others.

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I feel like every time someone says this, a federal employee should be allowed to audit the schools that person went to on how the fuck they messed up so badly teaching this failure.

He was always going to get it though

So the judge is in with trump. Hope none of his cases go that guys way.

Like yeah, he broke the law and needed to be punished. But it wasn't government secrets, which i'm pretty sure is already legally coded separately from this guys crimes, and also neither of which are treason, which would be the capital attack.

So the guy blatantly spoke against his own legal experience for a political swing.

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Are we back in 1995? This should be common knowledge.

Blocking ads to avoid their malware was the #1 reason to have adblocker.

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That's...not a legal excuse.

In fact that';s an open and shut end to a project if you're caught doing it.

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I mean, one of those examples is

"Time to reject the extrem trans lobby harming our society"

That is a global rule violation on most sites. Hate speech.

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Calling people emotional little bitches while making a shitstorm of a whine....

I mean, yeah. I would vote democrat if the other option is republican. Because things like abortion rights, the constant voter suppression attempts, and supreme court (people who were chosen by republican representatives and proceeded to lie to the country) Would kindof be where I would draw the line.

Yeah, if that's not where you draw the line, then we don't really have something compromisable. Because a significant portion of that is violated human rights, and the other parts would make it harder to actually fix those issues in the long-term.

Sure, there doesn't have to be a good and evil. The party is currently doing evil things, and if you are sticking to your guns with that party, then what exactly are we supposed to say? I wouldn't even say Democrat is being a good party, it's just not doing things I would consider reprehensible.

And that's purely going off the domestic policy. Not even going off the fact that there's some very clear proof that the republican party has Russian government infestation corrupting it.

If you don't think nows the time to make a clear sign the party needs to reform, then I think there's a problem there.

TL;DR: We draw our lines, and unfortunately the line to draw for the republican party has crossed some pretty problematic points over the past 10 years.

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Linux is a usable daily driver if you’re tech savvy enough.

A daily driver shouldn't need you to be tech savy. There should just be an added benefit for being tech savy.

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So what happens if they just can't find anyone willing to say the fine is okay?

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Hasn't ReactOS been accused of using code that was not reverse-engineered multiple times? If they became too big MS would probably just sue them.

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Performance absolutely matters. I've dropped firefox like 5 times in the past 10 years because either it's stability with extensions was bad, or it handled tabs so poorly it felt like memory leaks dragging my entire PC down. At the end of the day you have to actually be able to use the browser.

Performance absolutely matters.

And I am trying firefox again and have experienced two crashes. i'm still giving it a chance but I need to stress that the most important thing is that it fulfills it's main purpose, browsing . If my #1 concern was privacy I wouldn't bother with the browsers altogether.

edit: It is worth mentioning I don't think performance has anything to do with privacy, and firefox could absolutely have both. It just hasn't in my experience.

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Review bombed. Still getting peak 75k players says the article as well.

I do think the game's quality has gone down since OW1, but to call it the worst steam game of all time is silly. There's straight shovelware on steam.

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So...he's basically in this election to divide votes. Not to win. Because there's no democrat that wins the presidency with this.

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So basically they're protecting you from something that's only possible, because of something they shouldn't have done.

Isn't it authoritarian to beat to death people expressing views with which you disagree with?

Something which you all but advocated in the thread in question? You just want a platform to advocate far more extreme methods than bans.

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Companies are also a shitshow who defrauds consumers. Especially ISPs. I don't see how this is remotely an argument.

Like it isn't even an argument. ISPs rank highest among the worst companies in the country.

The trick is to make it so their product isn't reliable enough to use. Then they care.

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The only reason they put kids in the name is to shame people smart enough to see through it.

Incidentally the person breaking the rules is making the biggest stir in this thread about not banning people.

Guy literally is advocating beating people to death as a good Christian moral while also trying to advocate he shouldn't be banned for it.

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I feel like when making claims like this, you should be expected to prove that what you're know...happened.

Surely there's a news article or 2 of people being arrested for child grooming that were in the LGBTQ+ community if this actually happened. Cause if there isn't then she's talking about a crime she didn't actually report.

Or you know, it didn't happen.

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Did Erica Marsh even talk about technology? Or is this just categorized as technology because of twitter? Because this sounds like a post you'd see in politics or news....

edit: looking at the web archive post, this has as much to do with technology as posting from any site on the internet. This is a politics post.

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Is there no government oversight for "Uhh no you aren't?"

Given the recent animal testing results this seems like assisted suicide

You can't counter someones argument by just saying the same thing you know. He brings up a good point as you can in fact argue your likeness in court.

This would likely require a court case but chances are the AI law would have to offer an exception to it.

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...Aren't drug patches already a thing for more extreme drugs? I feel like you just gave bad examples when there's actual examples that exist....

Power supplies and motherboards for PCs

generally if either of them go the rest of your investment goes with it. Worst case scenario the power supply damages the motherboard meaning your cheap purchase made you lose more parts.

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Is there any "I'm not racist/prejudice" card he didn't use in that statement?

Part X
Watched tragedy (not really)
Not hearing it from anyone
Friends are X
X by association

Pretty sure it just means you're allowed to say it without being jailed.

But if it actually happens it could certainly be used against you.

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I mean, I've thought it was obvious from the beginning he wants to be president so he can pardon himself. Like that has always been the end goal.

Their food has been trash since covid started (i'm sure some will say sooner)

The snack wraps went off the market, the selects are gone, the nuggets are thinner and more flakey

And i'm sure they just want to make it more difficult to get a drink without ice so they can give as little as possible.

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For some reason that made me think that if aliens ever wanted to take over the earth, they just have to become CEOs. Nobody would be able to tell the difference.

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They already tried to just kill win32. Not only did it fail miserably but it's the reason Valve started looking into Linux to begin with.

They're too locked in themselves to kill off non-cloud.

Aside from the whole higher education system being built on this loan system

You didn't even read that both people are in situations they never could've predicted happening back when they took those loans, one of which was laid off from the job meant to pay for that loan....

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