Food Not Bombs trial rescheduled after too many jurors objected to $500 fine for feeding homeless to – 740 points –

Too many of the potential jurors said that even if the defendant, Elisa Meadows, was guilty, they were unwilling to issue the $500 fine a city attorney was seeking, said Ren Rideauxx, Meadows' attorney.


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So what happens if they just can't find anyone willing to say the fine is okay?

They'll just postpone it indefinitely and keep trying to find a jury pool.

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury...

I'm probably not quoting (with emphasis added) any sort of amendment to a document that forms the supreme law of the land though.

This is Texas we're talking about, when has something as pesky as the US Consitution gotten in their way of doing whatever the fuck they want?

"The Earth is at least six thousand years old so ten years in jail while we look for a jury is negligible in comparison your honor" - Some Texan prosecutor

It'll probably get dismissed. You have a right to a fair and speedy trial (6th Amendment) as long as you don't waive the speedy trial which happens and is why some people spend years in prison without a trial...and probably plea out eventually.