Health Insurers Have Been Breaking State Laws for Years

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 346 points –
Health Insurers Have Been Breaking State Laws for Years

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As long as the cost of breaking a law is less than the cost of complying, American businesses will choose breaking the law every single time.

American governments often fail to realise that they literally hold all the cards. At any time they can dissolve or threaten to dissolve a company for flagrantly disregarding the law, and yet this rarely happens.

In fact the opposite is true. Since Citizen's United allowed unlimited bribery political donations, companies hold all the cards. Unlimited funding and advertising can make or break most any candidate's chances for election, especially in purple areas.

Believe me when I say that a dissolved company can't fundraise shit.

Explain please, exactly who's going to do the dissolving? The same government representatives who are controlled via donations by that corporation? Wishful thinking doesn't make it so.