
2 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

The IRS has what is called a first time abatement of penalties. So if this is the first time in a 3 year span you owe you can have the penalties (not interest) waived.

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I'm happy for her and all, but I feel this would be more impressive if it was anyone Else. Beyonce has a huge following and "The Hive" would help prop her up more than anyone else. Get your bag I guess.

What is suppose to be in Dad's hand because it looks like a dog food bowl.

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I can assure you I'm better of today than I was for years ago. I have had the highest pay raise for CoLA than any other year, My union rights aren't at risk (federal worker), my gender status is respected at the federal level, and I'm not afraid of WW3 at them moment.

My only real issue is that the administration needs to cap utility price hikes. My electricity bill doubled because they are upgrading their infrastructure which to me is bullshit. I'm contacting my governor for that too.

It's the term" Uncle Tom," offensive. Because he's definitely fitting that description. I remember learning it from social studies in reference to Uncle Tom's Cabin.

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Part of the reason I enjoy games is for the soundtracks. Modern games that come to mind are Persona 5 and Nier Automata which has do much memorable music. The soundtrack creates an Identity. So many games feel like the sound team doesn't care if I play my own music instead.

Head on applied directly to the forehead.

Are you saying he never asked for this?

I can't be the only one who played the game for the blatant love these two have for each other?

Anime is real

Public libraries should have little to no restrictions on books. Period. We can have all the warnings in the world but information whether it's false or "dangerous" or doesn't agree with my political philosophy should be free. They didn't care about freedom and at this point Alabama should make this a ballot measure.

The child tax credit checks were for 2021 which was Biden. Also him making sure just name was on the checks created delays and is just an ego things. Also when they doubled the standard deduction they took away exemptions.

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What's going on with two? Are there shirts at least? Is this belly, a fupa. Either way I guess I'm thicc

There is absolutely no way Kyle knew that when shooting. That's what we call victim blaming. Fuck them if true.

Seeing as one of those is my brother is say psychopath.

So just fuck everyone who doesn't play on Pc? There are aspects about bedrock that should be gotten rid of, but it's existence is for the ability for cross play to exist. I play both versions but bedrock made making a cross platform server for my friends and I (who all play on different consoles) possible.

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The issue is monster hunter is a very community based game. I still do most missions alone but sometimes you want the squad to beat up on a Kulu ya ku. Now the drm is bullshit. I have rise on switch and was thinking of getting the expansion but now I'm not going to.

Excuse me?? Isn't that why they exist to rest.

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He should have been forced to pick it all up and put it back in order

I thought this was about that one too.

You should see my wife's.

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Look up UNAX, he wasn't authorized to even view that information meaning he did technically break the law. Judge is extra for that comment though.

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You mean Bruce "refuse to pass a budget" Rauner. I still can't believe he tried to run again. I live in the more rural part of the state and see lots of Pritzker sucks signs but could never figure out why?

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I've been saying that for years.

I still remember trying to explain to someone back in my reddit days that many media sources played clips of people saying they are voting for Biden in the primaries because they believe Bernie would lose. The only places saying that were the same media sources.

I work for the federal government and had a coworker get incredulous I over the phone because she didn't believe Georgia was a country. She eventually quit before she was fired but people get real ignorant when it comes to things outside of their immediate sphere.

I still remember when Russia invades Georgia was a headline and how confused Americans where.

That's stealing, says the person who also does this. Also I have some saffron I nicked from Wally world too if you want to try it with our ill gotten gains.

But but but look how many people died while Biden was president. It's not like Trump told everyone the mask mandates don't work and then told people about bleach and hydro blah blah blah. Also how own constituents booed him when he told them about the vaccine he actually helped get funded but the damage was done at that point.

Came wait for the explanation video to drop. Bowser I'm the Fire Sea was the last stronghold a year ago. Here is a history of the no press challenge.

No Press A

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There's is no way the layman could even be aware of a law like this. I know ignorance isn't an excuse but most laws are command fucking sense. Clear rights violation of I was in the courts.

Great now I have to check out my Dairy Queen. Edit: it's a damn dq.

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When they say taxpayer funded do they mean state buildings? Under federal law this is discrimination and couldn't apply to federal buildings.

Red Dead Redemption 2 only because I bought it for full price a month ago.

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But their constituents!

It's half Putin half fear of losing to a Maga for not immediately viewing to trump. I'm tired of spineless politicians.

After looking at the production process of Dragonball Daimo I'm very excited. Toriyama played a big role before his passing and the directors are an all star cast including the person who directed One Piece Red. I'm always down for more Dragonball.

Parry this you fucking casual.

I know it's just a trial right now. The IRS still offers free tax prep through the free file program. The tires of income don't matter.

The one time I felt bad for Cartman was when they smashed all his electronics when someone else was leaking rumors. Them he still became such an asswipe his own mom chewed him out. He's funny but he's not relatable.

Still think about how he fed Scott Tennerman his parents and they call back to our consistently.

Yeah I've had to dispute these especially when a big transaction zeroed me out then the little ones process and I'm charged for each one. Biden has been talking on this for a while now.

The best parody of real life is reality. It's crazy just how I'm your face they are and still not enough people care to oust them.