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How to speed run your entire user base into hating you.

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Damnit Abed. Do not roll the dice.

I fucking hate Blanco. I live in the county he is in. When the pandemic hit in 2020, he openly reported to the public that he would not enforce the health orders the county was issuing. On top of that he had many, many of his deputies die in the prison system due to COVID, plus the jail system in the county has been criticized for issues under his watch. Maybe worst of all, he was a member of Oath Keepers.

I fucking hate this dude. To make the matters worse again, back in March, the Riverside County Supervisors voted against separating the Sheriff’s Department from the Corner’s office. Apparently there have been a number of unexplained(?) deaths in the jail system that the department has not investigated after receiving complaints from families.

He is one of the worst people in elected office in Riverside County. Somehow people keep voting for him.

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I don’t trust Boeing with airplanes anymore. What makes you think I trust them with spacecraft of any kind?

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Hmm… doesn’t specifically basing any laws on a universally recognized organized religion by definition a violation of Church and State? Doesn’t explicitly stating a religious totem qualify as favoring one religion over others? Doesn’t this also violate the Lemon Test since it in no way can be seen as secular in nature to put religious text in any form inside a classroom that is funded by the state? Seems they wrote themselves the reason to strike down the law into the law itself.

I already dislike the experience of being with other passengers on United. Nothing negative occurred on my part, just noticed how badly behaved other passengers were compared to every other airline I’ve flown.

My point is, I wouldn’t pick United to fly as my first choice.

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At this point it feels like a history of sexual abuse is REQUIRED to be involved in the Conservative parts of “Christiandom”.


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I trust NASA but despite that I still don’t trust that it was Boeing who were involved.

If you want to yell at someone who shouldn’t be a called a “doctor” then do it to Phill McGraw. That man actively hurts the people that go on his stupid fucking talk show. And yes, the drama series Bull is based on his life.

Okay, good fucking luck with that. You can’t deport natural-born citizens. What a fucking dumb fuck.

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This is all Temecula’s fault!

So in times of pregnancy complications, can we call the police and list them as the murderer for the seemingly preventable death of the mother?

I used to have a co-worker that was a hardcore supporter. Donated to her campaign. And of course they got all their news from RT. I stopped listening the second they told me they actively watch propaganda media designed for Russians.

Then why did a hologram of Janeway tell a bunch of kids she once was a salamander?

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Just so he can call us losers if we end up dead? No thanks.

Sure, sure, you think looking for an intermix chamber of antimatter and matter that is not 1:1 is easy. What happens if they are simply leaking plasma from their nacelles? Or what if the ship is trying to steal your tech by luring an engineer onboard to repair “damaged” systems?

Or what if their warp drive uses an artificial singularity?

He is smart enough to understand what he said was bad but dumb enough to not realize that applies to himself.

You can’t gaslight everyone whenever your own words get used against you. Eventually you make your own life seem like a hoax.

I see military bros wear shirts that incorrectly quote Ronald Regan, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it's never more than one generation away from extinction.” That’s from a speech on socialized medicine (arguing against it). I doubt they understand that.

Wonder if I can count on them to stand up and project my right to go bankrupt for my health? What do you mean you don’t know who Regan is? 😱 /s

What even is the “Deep State” at this point?

I want these Christian-Right folk to name five things wrong with America and quote the relevant passage in any version (legitimate version) of the Bible that says it is wrong.

Then I want to see those same people follow the teachings listed in the Bible. I doubt they could do it.

Sadly mine is a Republican that thrives on being hated as far as I know.

Oh so she has identified themselves as being a part of the losing side in a civil war. Is their pronoun: loser?

Okay, but what did a HOLOGRAM have this knowledge?

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That must be embarrassing… if Florida didn’t already have a social stigma these days, it should now.

Is this Cold War II?

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In case you didn’t know, he has been a guest on Greg Gutfeld’s talk show, were he thinks he is funny discussing the same stupid subjects he would discuss on any other Fox News show.

EDIT: Of course I didn’t watch the show. I am just aware he was a guest. On top of that, I assume every guest is picked because they have something bad to say about the Democratic Party.

As long as we can still go to The Restaurant the End of the Universe, I’m cool with that.

I said natural-born, not immigrants. This is stated by the 14th Amendment. If you are born in the U.S., legally Feds can’t deport you.

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Don’t you dare disrespect Hologram Janeway! /s

But please don’t.

EDIT: Just to be clear my tone is the sarcasm.

When I was in middle school I remember the campus security (I don’t think we called them “security”) had some sort of lecture on the dangers of social media (this was circa 2004). I don’t recall details but they basically said the person in charge of security was supposedly lurking on MySpace to see what we were doing. Pretty lame and did nothing for seemingly nothing reasons.

Another way that Christian’s Nationalist are similar to Islamist terror groups: they preach a false interpretation of established religious doctrine. I doubt a major of these so called “Christians” practice half the shit listed in whatever version of the Bible they might cite or even read it.

I’d like to hear an explanation on “craft” beer. The term is largely misunderstood by the lay person. The Brewers Association classifies craft as small (6 million barrels or less a year), independent (25% or less of the brewery is owned or controlled by a beverage alcohol industry member which is not itself a craft brewer) and most importantly, a brewer (has a “Brewer’s Notice issued by the Alcohol & Tobacco Tax & Trade Bureau, or its successor, or control the intellectual property for one or more brands of beer, have that brand or brands brewed for it in the United States, and have as its primary business purpose the resale of the brand or brands it controls”).

What exactly from craft beer is being showcased for agriculture? Is the state growing some particularly notable ingredients?

You know by comparing Q to a everything bagel is a mockery of the whole thing. Everything bagel does not have everything.

You know this is fucked up when a person who would be normally affected by redistricting doesn’t want to stop it from happening.

Great. I hate to see how high the rate of birth by children due to rape spike in the state.