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Joined 1 years ago

Oh I have. And I have never gotten a notification. šŸ˜’

Iā€™d love a dream router ā€¦ if they were ever in stock. Instead they all end on eBay for $100 more than retail. Wonder why that is? (Fucking scalpers)

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No you asshat Iā€™m pro Palestine because I donā€™t like seeing innocent people getting murdered or starved to death by a cruel and evil government for no good fucking reason.

You really canā€™t beat a dead horse as a reason for a party.

And Iā€™d bet money he just watched Running Manā€¦.

Well this is literally in my backyardā€¦..

Now if we could just get a UFC-style debateā€¦

If it is getting under Trumps skin Iā€™d double down and release more of them. Fuck him.

They bought themselves into a beta test/focus group. Apple still doesnā€™t know what this will be. It might be a Newton MessagePad. Or it might be the iPhone.

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Just pump nitrogen in the sealed pens. The animal doesnā€™t panic due to perceived oxygen deprivation. They just get sleepy and die.

Hell it would be the way Iā€™d want to go if I was sick with terminal cancer. Cheap, easy, and painless.

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Is nobody gonna mention this horrible KITT steering wheel?!? That damn thing is dangerous.

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Iā€™d actually argue this is better than just running as a Dem. As a Dem its just noise. But as Rep she stands to get some exposure and getting the base there to actually have a conversation about these important issues.

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Did Elon secretly buy Reddit?

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I never understood the move to synchronous communication for asynchronous questions. The ephemeral nature of discord is really a PITA. Itā€™s like using IRC for a FAQ.

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I wonder sometimes if he is actually stupid and actually believes some of this stuff or if he just says outrageous shit to get people to listen to his show.

So heā€™s either a fucking moron or a fucking troll, neither of which Iā€™d wanna listen to.

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Broadband is not a speed.

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Yeah this part bothers me. To these companies a solid profit stream is not viable. It has to be iPhone level growth year after year or they think itā€™s failing and axe it. Itā€™s quite annoying. Eventually you will hit a plateau. That just means itā€™s a mature market, not failing. Grrrrā€¦

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So she punched him in the face and someone was arrestedā€¦ got it.

Still think this is just greedflation. Raising prices because you can. Not because of rising labor costs, supply chain problems, inflation., etc. That might have been true at the start of the pandemic, but it isnā€™t now. Want an example, streaming prices. There is no reason for increases except greed.

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Maybe it might because Israel is in the wrong? Maybe overreacting a bit and committing something awfully close to genocide? Just a thought.

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As an American I feel that a majority of Americans loathe him. The issue lies in not all those people vote.

What scares me is that any Americans vote for him. How can you be so blinded and not see what a lying, cheating grifter that he is. The man is not intelligent, doesnā€™t read, is petty to a fault, vindictive, spiteful, narcissistic, nepotistic and just generally not a good person. Why would you choose that for a leader? Itā€™s because you share those traits. Thatā€™s what scares me.

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Green Day is anti-MAGA?!?

Iā€™m shocked, just terribly shockedā€¦ /s

I would simply not go to that restaurant anymore and very plainly let them know why. This is greed and I will not reward it.

Much like when I place a to go order and go pick up the order and the POS (point of sale not piece of shit if youā€™re wondering) system pops up that tip screen. You didnā€™t do anything worthy of a tip so I will not be tipping you. Now if for example when I get there they apply some discount I wasnā€™t aware of that makes my bill cheaper, Iā€™ll tip for that. Throw in some extra cheese sauce, tip. Anything above and beyond, tip. Just ring me up and hand me my food, yeah no tip.

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If they were that accurate in their seat management then why are airlines constantly overbooking their flights and asking for passengers to volunteer to take another flight?

Plus if a passenger is NOT taking a leg doesnā€™t that save them fuel? This is like suing a person for using a buy 2 get 1 free deal because they could have sold 3 for full price.

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This article is essentially written by an Epic fan boy thatā€™s ā€œhopingā€ Steam will eventually succumb to capitalism and commence the enshittification that is happening elsewhere.

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Iā€™m 52 and while I think Iā€™m still smarter than the average 52 yo Iā€™m no where near what I was 20 years ago. And 40 years from now, if Iā€™m alive, Iā€™ll be significantly less able cognitively than I am now. Hell if I can eat cereal from a bowl with the aid of a spoon Iā€™ll consider that a success.

But one thing I know for sure is at 96 the last thing Iā€™ll want to be doing is working or being responsible for decisions regarding anybody else. Why these people want to be in these positions is beyond me.

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Guess she found a babysitterā€¦.

I wish these chucklefucks would realize not all of us believe in god let alone the same one they pray to.

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I feel like this is warranted:

Fuck Elon.

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Hell half of these damn copyright claims are automated bots. I guess they forgot to turn this one off.

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Now if theyā€™d just voteā€¦.

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Two words. Money. Laundering.

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I have advanced college degrees in science/engineering, I watch electronics and chemistry videos for fun, and I wouldnā€™t feel qualified teaching most subjects past 6-7 grade. How some of these parents with just high school diplomas do it is beyond me.

I feel the most empathy toward the students who are taught these very myopic curriculums that are very weak in science and math (Iā€™m looking at you young earth/creationists types) and who knows what about history (slavery gave African-Americans jobs skills?) that try to get into college. Most profs will not suffer fools like this even if by some miracle they get accepted in the first place.

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Thomas should just recuse himself from everything, I.e. resign if he had any morals.

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Well maybe Google shouldnā€™t take political contracts.

At this point, with ALL this negative press about Hp inkjet printers, whoā€™s buying them? I certainly would never even consider one at this point. Well Iā€™d never buy an inkjet but I digress.

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Freeing Gaza is not Jew hate you ass-hat.

Sounds like a good case of ā€œfuck around and find outā€ to me. Acting aggressively and being a douche just to get views on YouTube is a good way to get shot. Especially when the shooter specifically asked him to stop several times. I really do not like douche nozzles like this guy.

Iā€™m really starting to think Google has gone to shit now.

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