Tesla is banned from driving schools because of new turn signals

Lee Duna@lemmy.nz to Technology@lemmy.world – 746 points –
Tesla is banned from driving schools because of new turn signals

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Is nobody gonna mention this horrible KITT steering wheel?!? That damn thing is dangerous.

Yeah round wheels are not a fuckin style choice. It’s so you can grab it anywhere in any situation. This steering wheel looks fuckin deadly

They are the worst drivers by infractions. Dead wheel is a culling tool.

You can’t even grab 10:00 and 2:00 on it. Looks like the closest you can get is 4:00 and 8:00

10 and 2 is actually no longer taught. 9 and 3 is the new thing

The only way a yoke would make sense is if it was drive by wire and could vary the ratio of the wheel dynamically depending on speed.

Oh, I think I would hate that. Variable turning seems so bad for intuition to me.

If poorly executed yes. If done right it may be really awesome. Just like your steering gets stiffer at higher speeds. But obviously I never tried it (although I bet you could rig a simulator to test that theory)

It’s a yoke because top tier race cars use yokes and Elon thinks his teslas are that for some reason. Completely disregarding all the setup and engineering race cars have that make a yoke the more viable option than a wheel…

The funny thing is that they put it on the S/X without changing absolutely anything else, then brought out the Cybertruck with steer-by-wire (where a yoke might actually make sense) and put a squircle on it.

I’m still gobsmacked the Cybertruck is now a thing. Does nobody remember that we were ridiculing the design of that monstrosity 15 years ago?

Like it disappeared for a while, and now it’s suddenly in production with no changes, nearly two decades later? I feel like I’m from a Mandela universe.

They also don't ship with the yoke by default anymore, the default is a regular round one and have been for a while.

I am a Knight Industries 2000 with a 1000 megabits of memory and a one nanosecond access time.

Ever seen what real life F1 car steering “wheels” look like?

They aren't meant for public roads, just like Teslas.

Oh absolutely not. Just mentioning it in reference to the way the KITT yoke looks.

TBF KITT could self drive just fine so he didn’t need a very functional “wheel” heh.

I think that’s why Tesla designed it this way. They were relying too much on self driving and not a human driving it.

Those are way more sensitive so there is no need to turn hand over hand. The downside is that that sensitivity can be really hard to handle at high speeds.

Couldn’t the sensitivity be adjusted based on the speed? Doing a hard turn during high speed is a very bad idea anyways.

Yes it could and that is what Lexus is doing.


But Tesla is not doing that, so there you still have to turn hand over hand even though you don't have a round wheel.

I figured that it already exists, it's not like that's rocket science. Tesla not doing the obviously right thing is also not surprising.

You mean those extremely dangerous, highly specialized cars that require a trained athlete to drive?

Not sure why you got down voted so much. Yeah those “wheels” look horrible. But I guess they are professional drivers. And all those buttons and knobs!!?

Likely assumed I was defending the musk mobile rather than just making conversation. I spose I should have been more explicit.

F1 racing is a way different type of driving than “normal” driving. Less need for lots of turning the wheel quickly and more need for controlling car features.