1 Post – 121 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Sorry for chuckling at your disappointment.

I try to follow Bash strict mode. It can protect you from some foot shooting.

"While indiscriminate backdoors might be cheaper for the State than alternative investigative measures, they were expensive for society at large on account of the security risks they produced," EISI told the ECHR.

It's great when someone with some sway actually gets it.

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the 70-year-old Kennedy has portrayed his athleticism and relative youth as an advantage over the two oldest people to ever seek the White House

A 70 year old is the young guy? That's nuts

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Unless you live and travel within the EU. Then you can use your phone as much as you want and know that you won't get a higher bill than usual.

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Do we really want Facebook users just for the growth? Quality beats quantity.

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I couldn't agree more. I hate that some open source projects are using discord for communicating.

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the researchers claim the petabit discs can last 50 to 100 years.

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I don't worry about money since the treatment is free and sick people get money from the government during recovery.

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That is crazy. He really did seem knowledgeable, and apart from the upload of a sensitive image, he really did what he could.

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If it works and you are still figuring things out, I suggest not taking specific action right now. Use your package manager to keep your system up to date and it will deal with this in due time.

In the beginning, the mouse did not have a wheel. The only way to move the view was by dragging the scrollbar with the mouse pointer. So when we got mouse wheels, it was easy to just connect the wheel to the scrollbar. And thus the traditional direction makes sense since you are moving the scrollbar, not the view. With time, the scrollbars became more and more hidden, and we got a disconnect between what we were scrolling (the almost hidden scrollbar) and what we thought we were scrolling (the view). When you think of it as manipulating the view directly, the natural scroll makes sense. Because that is what we do in touch devices (manipulate the view directly).

That said, I use traditional scrolling because it's what I am used to.

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That's what we did in Sweden in the 60s. It feels so archaic whenever I have to enter an honorific on documents (i.e when booking hotels and flights) from other countries.

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WW2 was a long time ago.

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I think the unit price should be more prominent than the price per item.

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Thank you. Also, it's crazy that the locking behaves differently depending on what methods you use to lock

I don't recognize these pain points. I always use the self checkout and it's usually quick and painless. My experience is.

Edit: seems I made the assumption that everyone uses wireless scanner handles.

  1. When we enter the store we scan the ID to get a wireless scanner handle.
  2. Collect your wares, scan with the handle, placing them directly into the bags along the way.
  3. Put the handle back and blip your membership id (card or qr code on phone) again to start the checkout.
  4. Blip your payment card.
  5. Walk out

Every once in a while I get caught in a random check, which is kind of a pain, but it's so infrequent that it is acceptable.

Is this not how it usually works?

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8GB is not enough memory these days. But you can always add memory later.

Odd choice to use Android 11 on one of them and Android 14 on the other. Makes me suspicious of their ability to keep these devices up to date over time.

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I hate that my government (Sweden) is a driving force behind this.

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That's my point exactly. Everyone is so old that a 70 year old is considered young relative to the others.

No thanks

If he said it out loud, it's most likely a lie.

Mismatched signatures have been discouraged since day one of Android. A mismatched signature is a sign that some one other than the original publisher built this package, and the user needs to be aware that it might be malicious.

That F-Droid went with this setup with mismatched signatures was always going to make their apks look suspicious.

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This is an f-droid problem. If they use the same package name, they need to use the same signature. That has been the case since long before f-droid existed.

They could just build apks with alternate package names and this wouldn't be an issue.

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From a European, what does a standard NA beer bottle look like? I thought your bottles were similar to ours, which means bottom heavy and a slim neck.

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Electric cars don't have more data collection than other modern cars. They all collect your data, regardless of the energy source.

This needs to be regulated.

I managed to convince one long distance friend a few years ago. So now I need to keep Signal just to be able to communicate with him.

You cannot seed files that are altered. It's not the same files anymore.

So yes, as long as you want to continue sending, you need to keep the original files around.

What does "locking with the key fob" mean? Do they mean actually turning a key in a door lock or pressing a button on the key fob?

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Have you met any non-technical people?

All game shows have made up rules. 😋

It's enough that you have read the code before implementing an alternative to get into legal trouble.

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I always use Bacon ipsum

Why not use a compiled language that compiles to fat binaries (rust, go etc)?

Why would the workday start drift?

Anatsa uses advanced techniques to avoid >detection and gain access to banking >information.

Anyone who knows what those advanced techniques are?

If there are Ethernet ports in every room (as the article describes) then the back haul happens over wire. No unusual packet loss or latency with a few plug and play pucks throughout the house.

Clickbaity headline to scare you for no reason with an easily detectable behavior. If a white box suddenly appears on top of all my other apps I would get really suspicious and start to uninstall apps until it went away.

That says, I do agree with the conclusion that granting permission to draw over other apps is dangerous.

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