You are diagnosed with cancer but have no money for treatment. You've no option but to steal the money somehow. What's your plan? to – 49 points –

Assume you're life-lusted and are willing to abandon every moral you have just to live. Paying for cancer treatment is also worth prison time to you.

Also assume you've exhausted all ethical fundraising options, i.e. GoFundMe, loans, etc. and that insurance won't cover treatment for whatever reason.


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I don't worry about money since the treatment is free and sick people get money from the government during recovery.

Australia. 3 years of chemotherapy, two stem cell transplants, multiple X-rays, CT and MRI scans, now in remission, didn’t have to pay for any of it.

That didn't answer the question. You just sound pretentious.

Nah, it's fair. The health care dilemma is why I actually asked in the first place.

I don't understand why it is people don't revolt over it. The government is literally killing people and society itself just expects you to die and no one actually thinks about or appreciates the gravity of the situation.

They did answer, It means they are stealing tax money from ALL Germans. /s

I mean… it did, they would go get treatment. They have that option.