6 Post – 644 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The great misunderstanding of hard left leaning western folks is that neither Russia nor China are socialist or communist.

Just like their hard right leaning counterparts they’re stuck in a mindset from the first half of the past century.

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Uh.. What a long winded intro to a nsfw dad joke

While we’re waiting, did musk respond? His 24 hours are over

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I think you might have misunderstood. She put your name behind her.

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Cool. All the medical risks of alcohol for getting none of the things why I’d drink it. What a deal.

Technical problems aside, no one wants repost bots from Reddit. Nothing makes people unsubscribe faster from a sub than a ton of bot posts without comments.

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MacOS instead of some Linux distro. Mostly because of the hardware that comes with it, making a neat integrated product.

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Just because conspiracies likely do happen on a regular basis doesn't mean that any popular conspiracy theory has found one.

Remember, the big conspiracies like Watergate or the NSA leaks where not uncovered by conspiracy theorists. They where not uncovered by cherry-picking factoids from public government statements and "doing ones own research" aka using Google. They were uncovered by whistleblowers speaking out and journalists double-checking and following up on information they were given.

As a side note --- the poor boy with this scumbag father who constantly lies to him.

That’s the best explanation I heard so far.

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Mac OS. People say it costs more, but I am not paying for a hardware and then some software that tries to make use of it. Instead I’m paying for a well thought out product that just works.

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At the very least after the first few ten thousand dollars of unpaid bills I would stop working. But there may be other considerations.

Never heard of him. Still totally believable. There’s so much anti trans activism, that requires deep pockets.

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I'd like to to spend the same time on Lemmy, but then I just see the same posts all over again.

Don’t let for-profit-companies control social interactions, be that Meta or your local mall.

Go into local politics and push for community spaces that are for people, not for profit.

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If someone inherits a billion dollar, how is that not just given to a random person?

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I daresay India and China will be CO2 free before the western states. The West is too concerned with not loosing an inch of the status quo of current behavior. It’ll shoot itself in the foot by electing fascists with their go-back-to-the-good-old-days-without-migrants promises.

But the developing countries also will be much too late.

I don’t think 2-2.5 degrees are realistic. I mean for 2050, probably yes, but it won’t stop there. There are several tipping points that’ll help shoot far beyond that.

I think the world will settle between 4 and 5 degrees late this century and it will be a world with quite a smaller number of humans than we have nowadays.

It wouldn’t have to be that way. Siberia could become farmland and take on half of the African population, for example. But Russia won’t stand for that.

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I don’t even need to buy them. They just pile up unread. One of them has nice art in it.

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Circlejerk rather than shitpost.

Makes me wonder, is there a higher rate of knee surgeons in Switzerland than in the rest of the world?

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I want to join in here too with the exceptionally good driving. I, like everyone else here, am totally a very much better driver than the average person on the road. Exponentially much better, even!

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So, Hoid of a sort

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I don’t know the word, but your question makes me remember how nostalgic “Stranger Things” made me for the 80s. Although I lived through that as a child and it wasn’t all that cool, with the Cold War looming over everything.

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I would formulate it differently: Expecting perfect solutions is a common tactic for opponents of an idea.

They might spread western ideas of communism in China. That’s not something China can allow.

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Guess you’re one of today’s lucky 10000

What country is that?

Denial that humans have anything to do with it.

Severe crackdown on any sort of migration, which of course is incompatible with liberal democracies, so they’ll be replaced by autocracies of various sorts.

If you look closely, it’s already happening.

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My landlord has only this one second apartment and never responds unless we refer to laws and work with deadlines.

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Huh? They already introduced the paid version half a year ago, and that was the one being responsible for the buzz all along. The free version was mediocre to begin with and has not gotten better.

When people complain that ChatGPT doesn’t comply to their expectations it’s usually a confusion between these two.

That shouldn't be a problem anywhere in the near future.

Quite the contrary. I had a good feeling about the principal of my sons new school, and he was part of the reason why we went for the school.

He didn't last another year there. First he was not seen for months, and now we know that he was convicted for possession of child porn.

Until then I generally had a feeling that I could assess people quite well. Now, that feeling is shattered.

That’s true in the same way as you are nothing else but molecules and some biochemical reactions.

It’s reductionist, and otherwise not a useful description of a human, tells nothing about interaction possibilities, lifestyle or lifespan for example.

It’s also not an accurate description, because “molecules and biochemical reactions” describes very very many life forms, just as “a computer” could be your smartphone. But aside from both being a computer, a smartphone is quite distinct from a cloud.

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Then, what do you mean with double speak

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I’m back to Mail clients. Webmail is a compromise that didn’t work out for me well.

I use Gmail at work because I have to. It’s good for it’s company integration, but privately no thanks.

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Still factually wrong. The IDF ist Israels military, independent from whether there are currently fascists in the government

Your formulation implies

  • there’s a fascist government
  • a special armed force installed by that fascist government specifically (I.e like the SS/SA from the Nazis, or possibly the Wagner group)

While the first one is debatable, the second one is just plain wrong.

No I remember none of that.

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Do not trust financial advisors when they live from the contracts they sell. (Most do, don’t trust them).

They work for their own interest or for that of their employer, yours is only second to theirs.

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That is genuinely funny.

But if you fuck it up, you'll always have someone coming back with a 'told you so'.

And I still don't know how to use it, as in getting an interesting feed.

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