What series did you rewatch most often?

redballooon@lemm.ee to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 229 points –

Honestly? Who has time to rewatch a series??

For me that’s Buffy and Babylon 5, both three times. I think Queen’s Gambit may beat them, but I’m not there yet.


I rewatch Futurama all the time. Super excited for the new season!

Futurama for sure. There's so much going on in every episode, it's easy to find new things (or things you just forgot) on rewatch.

Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.

It's just so damn good.

Expertly written, great actors and consistent quality

Finish Breaking Bad: "Well I suppose I should watch Better Call Saul."

Finished Better Call Saul: "Well I suppose I should watch Breaking Bad."

Rinse and repeat.

That's literally me last year. I'm so glad that universe ended on such a good note. Infinitely rewatchable.

Bob's burgers is on in the background at my house quite a lot.

Same. There is a certain comfort I get from adult animated shows I can't get from anything else lol

Me too! Did you give The Great North a try? Same vibe.

The office, parks and rec, firefly (that might be cheating since it's not that many episodes), game of thrones before it went of the rails.

Nah it's not cheating, cos there's a movie too. But yes, I have seen Firefly a fair few times (and Serenity), and once half way through with the commentary. Also I have watched The Orville more times than they have seasons.

The Lord of the Rings extended trilogy. It's so long it feels more like a modern miniseries than individual movies.

A cinema chain where I live did a LOTR marsthon not too long ago, it was so wholesome to see all the fans gathered up and clapping at all the important moments, it kinda felt like watching it for the first time

Blackadder, Red Dwarf, Fawlty Towers, the IT Crowd, and (oddly) The Good Place.

If you haven't tried it. Based on what you listed. I think you will also like Father Ted.

Community for sure

That's the one. A general story throughout but each episode essentially a standalone, and so many fantastic episodes (and sure, some not as). D&D needs to get put back on streaming, though.

If you watch it on Amazon it has the D&D episode!

I regularly rewatch Star Trek, primarily TNG and Enterprise with the occasional DS9 or TOS episode.

“What about DS9??”

“Oh, dear doctor, especially DS9.”

The West Wing

Sports Night and Studio 60 are the ones I watch over and over.

Loved Studio 60 but still haven't given Sports Night a proper watch. I'll get around to it one day.

Love, Death, Robots; Black Mirror; and The Good Place.

Each of those is comfort media for me in their own way.

Edit: Oh! And Star Trek, particularly TNG

I've watch scrubs and king of the hill clear through probably 20 time each. I have a hard time finding new shows I like.

Have you tried 30 Rock (Scrubs and 30 Rock are tied for my most rewatched show) or Ted Lasso (showrun by Bill Lawrence like Scrubs)?

Shrinking is also by bill Lawrence and also very good, and co-written by Brett Goldstein (from Ted lasso) and Jason segal

I really like Shrinking. It took me a bit, I was iffy for a while, but by the end of season 1 I was very much on board.

No I haven't but I'll definitely give it a shot. I didn't know Bill Lawrence was involved in Ted lasso, maybe I'll try it tonight, thanks for the suggestions.

Get ready to binge the entire show! I told myself, "I'll watch the first few episodes" and two weeks later I had watched the entire first season three times. First by myself, then showed it to my fiancee, then showed it to my best friend.

P.S. Zach Braff directed the second episode!

Fucking hell, you got me all excited to watch this and it's only available on apple tv...... It better be worth the $7 a month haha

It is, in my opinion, Ted Lasso is probably one of the best tv shows ever, like in the entire history of TV.

It absolutely is worth $7 for the less-than-a-month it will take to watch Ted Lasso. And honestly Apple TV has a surprising number of good shows.

Shrinking is another from Bill Lawrence that is worth a watch, starring Jason Segal and Harrison Ford.

Schmigadoon is great if you like musicals.

Mythic Quest is from many of the same minds behind Always Sunny.

And there are others that have been recommended to me that I’ve yet to try out. One of my coworkers has recommended Severance but I haven’t seen it yet.

Chernobyl… I’ve rewatched it so many times my husband will ask me what I’m watching while he’s at work (I’m a SAHM) and when I don’t answer right away he knows I’ve got it on again 🤦🏽‍♀️😂 can’t watch it when he’s home cause he’s sick of it now hahaha 😝

The office, parks and rec, schitts Creek, letterkenny, always sunny, veep, and silicon valley.

I think that about covers it.

House MD.

I abused 30 Rock with rewatches but Supernatural is a go to. The Mick if I wanna smile

Parks and Recreation

My fiance and I needed something to put on in the background that wouldn't distract us while we worked late during a very busy week. We picked a random episode in season 2 and ended up re-watching the whole show over the course of 3 weeks.

  • Black Books
  • IT Crowd

I'm watching Black Books for like the 3rd time currently.

I just rewatched it for the first time, a few weeks back. It was absolutely glorious, proper lightning in a bottle comedy

I've watched The IT Crowd so many times over the years that I ended up in one of the episodes :o

I personally think that The IT Crowd is generally better, yet I prefer Black Books over it.

The Wire, Sopranos, theOffice and Seinfeld

Really surprised Seinfeld is not featured more in these comments.

Seinfeld got me into LEGO again. The Seinfeld set is awesome, but now I'm onto the flower stuff, and some cars/movies/adult stuff. There's some neat Jurassic Park stuff on my Wish List. Even has Newman in it!

Futurama, Scrubs but if it counts, then number 1 would be the first 6 or so seasons of The Simpsons.

If you rewatch scrubs make sure to torrent some seasons with the original music. Anything up on a streaming service won't have it because they didn't buy good enough music rights to include streaming and all the songs Re replaced with stuff that's not nearly as good/fitting. Makes a huge difference in the show IMO.

Probably Twin Peaks. I think series 3 has now surpassed the prior classic series for me, which is something I wouldn't have thought possible.

Season 3 is for me the best tv show ever produced. I have to stop myself from watching it over and over.

I don't rewatch series very often, but every couple years I watch the British comedy Coupling again.

The Giggle Loop is still one of the truest elements of human life ever explained by a sitcom.

Futurama, How I Met Your Mother (as an aside, the sequel series is pretty good), Chuck, and Bob's Burgers.

I am a grown ass adult and Phineas and Ferb is always on my my house.

This is one of those shows that parents and kids can all enjoy for different reasons, so it's on a lot at my house as well.

So many visual gags and high level jokes! It always surprises me when I catch a new one.

I could watch nothing but Black Adder, Arrested Development and Eastbound and Down and be pretty happy about it.

Surprised you're the only one who has said Arrested Development! Most of that is so rewatchable.

Brooklyn 99, Babylon 5, Star Trek various series. We pick a series to watch while we eat dinner. Sometimes it’s a series we haven’t seen fully before (we may start Cheers soon), and sometimes it’s one we’ve seen multiple times (Avatar the Last Airbender, Star Wars Rebels, etc). It’s fun :)

I'm on board with this whole list. We might be related.

Brother!! Sister? No matter…c’mere you

hugs or high fives, whichever you prefer

Definitely B5. For all of its issues it's one I still enjoy.

Halt and Catch Fire, Stargate-SG1, Stargate Atlantis

same for me with SG-1 and Atlantis. I've also watched SGU a couple times. I really liked where they were going with that show and wish it would have continued. I check every once in a while for news of new series or movies. Sometimes I'll see things that sound interesting and then for some reason it never happens. Recently there is this: https://www.gateworld.net/news/2022/07/fourth-stargate-series-would-introduce-unique-gate/ I'd watch it!

edit: not as recent as I thought, that was last July... but still would be interesting

SG-1 wasn't on any streaming services I have in the UK for ages but just noticed off the back of this that it's back on Prime. I haven't watched it for SO many years. Great show.

Halt and Catch Fire I've seen 2-3 times and I love it.

Simpsons and IASIP

Kinda mad how far I had to scroll down to see always sunny—so much content you've almost certainly forgotten something about an episode by the time you get around to it again

The Black Adder. Seen it at least 5 or 6 times. Twice on TV when I was a kid.

Just writing this made me want to watch it again!

I like horror theme. So I've watched Ash vs Evil Dead, The Exorcist S01, The Haunting of Hill Twice twice so far. Out of these Ash vs Evil Dead was the best on the repeat run, so I may watch it again at a later time.

Have you seen “Evil” or “From”? Both really great horror shows.

I'd watched a single episode of evil but didn't like it so didn't continue. I'll check out from. Thanks

Stargate SG1, Malcolm in the Middle and The Simpsons

I watched GG on repeat for literal years. Must have seen it over 20 times? Then AYITL happened and I can't watch it again, because it really took it out of being a 'product of it's time' and made it almost impossible to look past how much Rory sucks.

The office. Probably 5x by now. Always great.

Futurama, Venture Bros, South Park, and Archer.

I've seen the first 3 seasons of Community at least 6 times. The whole series maybe 3 times.

BoJack Horseman, too many times to count by now

Ted Lasso. I need the joy.

“I like to give away joy for free!”

"Dr. Sharron helped me remeber the even though football is life, football is also death. And that football is football too. But mostly that football is life!"

"Your turn, amigo"

By the way, I absolutely love your username.

Edit: “You killed my Scion. Prepare to die.”

I do not mean to pry, but would you happen to have 6 gears on your left hand drive?

Everything that starts with B.

  • Breaking Bad
  • Better Call Saul
  • Barry
  • Bojack Horseman
  • Black Mirror
3 more...

Definitely Psych. I think I’ve watched it 8 times at last count. Currently rewatching it again because my wife has only seen it once lol.

It's a tie with three full watches for these shows:


-Stargate SG1

-The Wire

-Band of Brothers

-Generation Kill


Battlestar Galactica and Band of Brothers are basically annual binges for me.

American Dad up to the point that Seth stopped writing for it and then I restart. It is one of my background noise shows. King of the Hill is the filler cartoon to not start the loop instantly.

Star Trek TNG and TOS for scifi

Oh and i watch Forensic Files enough that i can typically remember who did it within the intro. Similar to the original Law and Order.

Pokémon first three seasons and Digimon's first seasons one and two.

I am rebellious and a bad ass, you need not tell me.

Buffy, The Sopranos and Succession are probably my most rewatched. And Friends was on TV constantly when I was growing up, I must’ve seen each episode at least 10 times.

Who has time to rewatch a seriess??

I watch TV while eating only. That’s a bad habit I have. I don’t want to look for new shows while eating. I just replay the same shows I know are good.

If I start a new show and I like it, I will just just binge watch until the season finishes. I am too old to waste time like that so I don’t usually start a new show.

Firefly, short (sadly) and never not fun

First 5 seasons of Supernatural, when they had a story to tell and not an IP to milk

Last 3~4 seasons of Deep Space Nine, after the focus shifted from the soap opera to the war

Fate/Zero and Unlimited Blade Works, often as familiar background noise when I'm not able to 100% pay attention, like a security blanket

Persona 5, faster than a replay of the game and the main character actually gets to talk

definitely Red Dwarf

I've stopped rewatching of late but have seen many times through the years.

Buffy is the most watched, hands down.

Nowhere Man is another one I love to watch over and over again, it's only one season, but I haven't seen it as many times as Buffy. It's pretty dated, but it's a great premise, and really enjoyable.

Battlestar Galactica, Lost, Friends, and the Office

  • Peep Show
  • IT Crowd
  • The Wire
  • Cowboy Bebop
  • Gurren Lagann
  • Hunter x Hunter

That scene where Jez 'forgets' the Christmas turkey still makes me laugh till I have tears in my eyes, no matter how many times I watch it. When someone misunderstands me and starts ranting, I usually reply "It was a joke, Mark. A christmas joke." I'm sure 99% of the time people have no fucking clue what I'm referring to

Guilty pleasure one for me is burn notice. It's so over the top but so much style and coolness

Probably early Simpsons up until something like season 10

Ah yes the golden seasons. There's a few good episodes after that point, but the first 10 have more good than bad episodes.

If I have the time and desire to sit in front of the TV (which is pretty rare): X-Files, Kids in the Hall, Justified, Doctor Who, TNG/DS9/VOY, Good Omens, and Arrested Development. I'm sure there are others but they're not coming to mind right now.

I think Scrubs is the only series I've watched twice, so that's the one and only.

I've watched individual episodes of other series again, but not systematically.

I usually end up with community playing in the background while I'm working on something else. No idea how many times I've rewatched it.

Battlestar Galactica and X-Files are comfort watches to have on in the background

Futurama, Archer seasons 1-3, Simpsons seasons 3-8, TNG seasons 2-7

Community, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Rick and Morty, South Park, The IT Crowd

Arrested Development, Archer, Always Sunny, MST3K, Yes Minister/Prime Minister

The Last Kingdom.

I can't quite put my finger on it but the series really keeps me watching.

Can't believe this isnt on any of the comments I haphazardly scrolled through and decided that I needed to post it myself.

For real series that I pay attention to as I watch them:

Breaking Bad Better Call Saul What We Do in the Shadows

For when I want something easy:

Family Guy American Dad Futurama

You prob know this already, but the new season of What We Do In The Shadows has just started. Laughing my socks off already two episodes in

Dateline, murder never gets old!

Plus the hosts... Dying old guy, disheveled divorced looking guy, and the fluzey blonde!

(Sarcasm but datelines a classic)

The Mentalist…hands down.

I've rewatched this so many times!

I’m with you there! I created a community here on .world I’d like to see grow (details on my ID) about this show. It’s got some great fans.

Early seasons are great... But it just gets so sappy

It did change, but taken as a whole it’s still my favourite show.

I've rewatched good omens several times, something about it is just too cheerful not to

King of The Hill is probably my most watched. Fall asleep to it every night. However most active rewatching goes to Moral Orel.

I have a few favorites:

  • Altered Carbon (Season 1)
  • Dexter
  • Supernatural

Interesting, I haven't rewatched Altered Carbon. How does it hold up? I had read the book before the show came out so I had that reference point in my head.

For me it’s Avatar the last airbender I just love how wholesome it is xD

That is a great series. The series finale is something I watch so many times.

West World, Supernatural, The Boys, Breaking Bad, Justified.

Speaking of which a new Season of Justified coming out soon.

On Supernatural seen every episode at least 3 times and some of my favorites at least 100.

West World season 1 and 2 I watch every other month. (And yes I know it been removed but I own the dvds of the entire show.)

How do you have time for that?

I don't know I am kinda boring sometimes I will rewatch the same shows over and over I do that with movies too. Be honest I don't have the time to do all the things I want.

On Supernatural remember show aired for 15 years been fan since day one and been off the air for 3 years. So plenty of time to rewatch my favorite episodes.

On WestWorld it was a great show and season 1 is awesome.

Justified is just great and on The Boys I rewatch right before a new season aired. Same way it started with WestWorld I mean each season was 2 years apart. Then when I am in the mood I will rewatch it. I seen season 3 and 4 twice but thats it.

If you saw the amount of books I read you probably be flabbergasted.

One thing I don't have enough time for is my writing ( I literally have 3 novels I need to finish editing and one need to finish writing.

Also playing video games. I still have not finished Dead Island 2 and just got the new Zelda game but haven't finished the first one for the Switch.

And now writing all of this reminds me that I need to focus on my editing instead of being here on Lemmy.

Oh and how can I forget that I am building an Rv Park on top of my day job. I don't know how I can get anything done.

New season of Justified?!? THANK YOU. I'd have had no idea.

Yes he will be in Detroit. Justified Primeval it will be called. 8 episodes coming out this year. There a trailer.

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • Angel
  • the Night Stalker (70s-era occult/neo-noir) Edit: holy crap, there was a mid-2000s remake of the series and whole season is on youtube.

I'm seeing a pattern here...

None? I've never really understood the appeal of 'rewatching stuff'. My favorite movie(s) are the LotR ones, and I've probably watched it through... three times over my life?

Bob's burgers, It's always sunny in Philadelphia, What we do in shadows. They don't have complicated stories, they are funny and quite comfortable to watch while doing other things.

King of the Hill.

I've watched is from premiere to finale atleast 5 times now.

Even after that I still pick up on small little jokes. It's a wonderful show.


I saw it a gazillion times, I think I can quote whole episodes.

Friends, watched all 10 seasons at least 5 times in chronological order through streaming service. Watch any episode when it’s on live tv.

It may be the most re-watchable series of them all but bbt is a close 2nd. Along with p and r.

RWBY, Carmilla, West Wing, and My So Called Life are my absolute favorites that I could watch every day. <3

The good place, avatar the last airbender/Korra, the nanny, bobs burgers

One and only I've fully rewatched is Veep. It's brilliant in so many ways. I've revisited a lot of office episodes at random over time so I may have even rewatched the whole thing by now.

Bojack Horseman, Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, The Closer/Major Crimes and The Good Place. Also obscure to anyone but other Finns: Pasila, Ihmisten puolue, Itse valtiaat, Roba and Sunnuntailounas.

Top Gear and the first series of Red Dwarf I have seen a lot

Yes. Top Gear and Grand Tour specials are on ALL THE TIME over here. I think I've watched the Mongolia special about 20 times at this point.

While I am not a huge fan of the idea of rewatching a series, me and my wife are rewatching The Office now, we're already on season 4 or 5 I think.

Another one I could probably rewatch is The Big Bang Theory.

Besides that, I am actually trying to avoid spending the evenings in front of the TV.

Futurama, Archer, and Rick and Morty are the one I have rewatched the most in the last decade.

Midsomer Murders (I fall asleep to it every night)
Absolutely Fabulous
Are You Being Served?

Frasier, Modern Family, Mom.

Those 3 shows I can fall asleep with.

It's always sunny and arrested development, I can't which one I've watched the most

Dragon Ball Z. I don't know why. But I needed to rewatch it.

I think it has the perfect mix of goofy and epic, sadly Super just doesn't scratch that itch for me. The first two seasons of Jojo's Bizzare Adventure did, Avatar did, but not a whole lot else did.

Yeah there is no other show with similar energy. For me, it's Dragon Ball since Piccolo appears, and then all the way until the end of DBZ's Frieza saga- a masterpiece. The rest of DBZ is okay but it becomes a bit repetitive. There is nothing after Z in the franchise that I care about.

I couldn't stand Jojo, but I should give Avatar a go. I heard only praise for it.

The Big Bang Theory.

That show receives so much hate it's unreal. It's just a very nerdy sitcom. I loved it as well, although I haven't watched an episode in a long time.

A lot of the punchlines are "ha ha, aren't they weird?", which hits totally different if you're the sort of person who the character is an obvious caricature of. Doubly so if the weirdness in question is associated with some form of neurodivergence. For some people - myself included - a lot of the laughs in that show feel very much like they're laughing at you, not with you. It's only funny if you identify more with the people on the other side of the joke.

That's an interesting take. I'm sure they didn't mean to hurt ND people, even if they did end up doing that. I loved the jokes despite identifying with most of the "weird" characters

Modern Family, Brooklyn 99, Impractical Jokers, Parks and Rec, Sarabhai vs Sarabhai in no particular order

Stargate SG-1, TNG, Friends, South Park...

the office and malcom in the middle. because my son loves malcom

Scream Queens. I've easily rewatched the first season at least ten times

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

The Office

Ted Lasso


A lot of mine have already been listed here, but the one I don't see yet is Red Dwarf, such a great show no matter how many times I see it.

It was Gilmore Girls, but now maybe Psych?

I watched GG on repeat for literal years. Must have seen it over 20 times? Then AYITL happened and I can't watch it again, because it really took it out of being a 'product of it's time' and made it almost impossible to look past how much Rory sucks.

Mines probably the anime konosuba I just found it very funny and loved the characters. Even read the complete light novel series and spin offs afterwards.

Konosuba is an awesome show even if you're not an anime lover. It's essentially the animated version of every DnD party ever

Mushoku Tensei, Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, Interview With Monster Girls, Usagi Drop, Overlord

Futurama, King of the Hill, always sunny, parks and Rec, the office, bojack horseman uhh probably more

Twin Peaks, the original run. I watched each episode twice a week when it first aired, then several times once I had it on VHS (including a 24hr marathon with my friends), and then I've watched it about 3 or 4 times on DVD. However this has involved fast forwarding through some of the storylines I don't like in the 2nd season (mostly James & Evelyn,,little Nicky, and a lot of the Nadine and Mike stuff). I've only watched the 3rd season once so far, it's long, and quite intense, and I haven't had the head space and time I would like to dedicate to it when I go back into it again.

  • The Simpsons seasons 1-5 (5-10 are okay, 10+ is yuck)
  • Beavis and Butthead
  • MST3K seasons 1-10

Always Sunny and Trailer Park Boys

I generally don't re-watch shows. But those two I've seen three times, they're just so fucking funny!

I've been subscribed to swearnet a couple of months now. It's definitely not the same as the scripted energy of the shows but it kinda scratches the TPB itch as they're all in character. It's only £3 a month, plus it's nice to know the money is going directly to the content creators.

Story based is Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul, and Firefly. Show in general is Whitest Kids U'Know cause I put it on every night when I go to sleep.

Futurama! I'm probably through it 3 times completely in the past 2 years or so. Also star trek... I'll start one series and then jump to another when I'm reminded about an episode while watching e.g. I started watching deep space 9 (ds9) and it reminded me of enterprise at one point so I started that again. Its a vicious cycle

One punch man. Have probably watched it 3-4 times. It's just fun to watch and a light hearted parody of other hero shows.

I just finished "Six Feet Under" and I am currently rewatching "Oz"


For someone who is not Black, it brings a glimpse into Black culture that I simply did not have. Plus, Anthony Anderson is perfect casting for the role.

Currently: Simpsons, Futurama and the most recent addition Star Trek lower decks, Harmon Quest (at least the first season)

Other shows I used to rewatch a lot: Stargate sg1, Stargate Atlantis, Avatar the last Airbender, Final Space, parks and rec.

Kids in the Hall Spaced Stark Trek Next Gen and Voyager Stargate SG-1 Bob’s burgers

Big Bang Theory and Modern Family.

They the first western sitcoms I watched and the comfort from watching them stuck with me.

I never watched a serie more than once, I can't do it as I always remember details about the story.

For me it held up pretty well, but I can have an obsessive quirk about new things I find interesting.

Everything hit for me with this show. The plot, the pacing, the acting, the music, the action. Even bits of comedy. I think Joel Kinnaman played a big part in why it was so enjoyable.

I find it easier to rewatch something than expend the mental energy on something new, so I rewatch a lot. Buffy, Stargate SG-1 and Taskmaster are the ones I rewatch the most.

That 70s Show. It never fails to make me laugh and is just a fun, comforting show.

I have watched the Owl House 4 times since that last season ended late last year

I have rewatched how I met your mother and that 70s show like 6 times over

Forensic Files. My wife likes to fall asleep to it. I know most of the episodes by heart.

Mine'll have to be Doctor Who and The Good Place. The Good Place is just a nice, comfy comedy show with a really good message and Doctor Who is my comfort show.

I've gone through all of Scrubs twice plus random episodes here and there.

And I have gone through Dark three times and that's saying something since I don't often watch a series more than once.

Spongebob. If you say you didnt rewatch every episode from seasons 1-4 at least 10 times you are either a 10 years old or you are lying.

I don't.

Once I've seen a series, I don't tend to watch it again unless it's an old episode on TV, there's nothing else on, and I really want to watch something. And even then, it'll just be that episode - I won't go and rewatch the series.

It baffles me how many people bang on about rewatching series.