
2 Post – 125 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Even if it doesn't, the consequences of the board ignoring this is catastrophic to the company. One way or another, the workers will have a victory here.

The question doesn't need to be hypothetical. I am moving to a country exactly like that. From the US.

Lack of modern health care coverage alone is enough to justify it. A bonus is that the quality of life across the board is significantly higher.

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What? It was the easiest move I've ever made. Deleted a 13+ year old account. I'm loving it here. Fuck Reddit.

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Sometimes you have to pay for keeping things free, if that makes any sense.

FOSS can't exist in a vacuum. The developers spend a lot of time on things and they need to be paid for their efforts, otherwise we won't get great products like Sync.

If you want things that are well maintained and supported, then there has to be income for those owners to provide those services.

Sync for lemmy is a top tier client. I'm willing to pay to get and support that model. It's not like the 17 dollars a year is a big deal. I spend more than that on a single sushi roll sometimes.

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He's been doing this for a while now. He fired the entire PR department and set it to respond with poop emojis and every article editor that's reached out for a comment has had this as their reply.

He's a man-child. And one of the most powerful and influential people on earth.

This is far from ok. ☹️

But so it goes...

Correct. This is largely for a time pre Musk.

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“It will not be we who reach Alpha Centauri, and the other nearby stars. It will be a species very like us – but with more of our strengths and fewer of our weaknesses.” — Carl Sagan

This one has been my go to for years and years.

It gives me comfort. In that we probably won't every get there, because of our evolutionary failures as a species, but that's ok. Because the next species or evolution of our kind will stand a better chance.

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It sounds that way, because it is that way.

TL;DR; The board basically caved to the demands of the 500+ employees that penned and signed a letter telling them to reinstate Sam Altman and disband the current board.

In addition to reinstating him, most of the board is "quitting".

In this case, the employees won out.

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Yeah, most likely. This lets his rich buddies give him money for bribes and shit and it acts as "income"

Pretty sure he can't do that since it's not publicly traded anymore

Unless they pull an EEE. Which they absolutely would.

The fediverse admins all over would need to be vigilant and refuse Facebook access to the fediverse, otherwise we'll get extinguished, just like XMPP

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The Russian scammers are using a ton of proxies and VPNs. Unfortunately, this change will not affect them unless the Russian government completely removes access to the global Internet, and even then, the corruption is so deep that many officials will be selling access to the global Internet to their friends or people with money.

Russian scammers and social media manipulators are here to stay, likely because they're largely state run initiatives and they'll still have access to the global Internet.

What this does is keep the normal Russians insulated from the rest of the world and unable to coordinate outside of their own country, where everything they do is even more tightly controlled by the government.

Broadly speaking though, it's true. Do you have counter examples to offer?

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You say that like the Saudi's aren't cool with taking Twitter down. It was the cause of a lot of strife and issues during the "Arab Spring" years.

I suspect they're overjoyed it's tanking.

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Not to be confused with the great Emu War of 1932, which was the Australian Military vs Some Emus.

The Emus won.

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Reposting my reply to someone else on this topic for visibility:

The Russian scammers are using a ton of proxies and VPNs. Unfortunately, this change will not affect them unless the Russian government completely removes access to the global Internet, and even then, the corruption is so deep that many officials will be selling access to the global Internet to their friends or people with with money.

Russian scammers and social media manipulators are here to stay, likely because they're largely state run initiatives and they'll still have access to the global Internet.

What this does is keep the normal Russians insulated from the rest of the world and unable to coordinate outside of their own country, where everything they do is even more tightly controlled by the government.

We're afraid of all government spying, including our own. I just think most Americans don't really understand that other governments, especially in the EU, have significantly better privacy laws and protections for foreigners than America has for its own citizens.

I see someone has been reading Sapiens.

As others have replied, the MS thing is about them having a Plan B in case the board didn't reinstate him.

One way or another he's working for Microsoft here at the end of the day, Microsoft is just making sure they keep him gainfully employed within their control. Their move to hire him was covering their bases.

If the board were to reinstate him, like it has, then MS can rescind their offer and allow him to join the Open AI CEO position again.

Either way, MS didn't want to lose Sam is all this says.

There's no hate quite like Christian love.

Because they've benefited significantly from the results. Generational wealth for white Americans is significantly higher than black Americans because of this very thing.

They want to keep that flowing and avoid being told that they've had a leg up on almost half the population because of what their ancestors did.

Then we get to wait for the real once in a lifetime event.

Which is extinction.

Perhaps with each corner of the X at a 90 degree angle clockwise? You know, to add style points.

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The whole XMPP was used by nerds thing really showed how full of hubris he is, agreed.

This is going to end in a disaster, and this blog post from him will be linked at for decades to come to try and warn the next generation the next time we need to do something like this.

And the cycle will repeat.

I mean, it's less about that and more about just calling out how stupid many of his decisions have been. What's wrong with pointing out stupid shit someone does in full view of the public like this?

Seems pretty fair since Musk is behaving like a douchebag

You're just straight up wrong my man. Factually. You have the facts wrong. Whatever you believe here that you think makes you right, is in fact, 100%, provably, wrong. As others replying to you have pointed out and used references.

Textbook hubris.

His blog post will be another cautionary tale to tell in the near future.

Ultimately, people are selfish.

Whatever meta promised him is worth him selling out of his scruples to the community.

I don't hate him for that, but the dude should at least have the balls to be honest with us that that's what's happening here.

Meta joining the fediverse is not a good thing for the fediverse. To say otherwise is to invite ruin.

We'll start a new ancient Egypt, with hookers and booze.

well, it is, but it's like saying EA is less awful than Monsanto

100% fatality rate

💯 with you here. Fuck McConnell. Some people do deserve to die for all the horrible things they've done to their fellow man. He's one of them. Limbaugh was another.

Just wish it didn't take 81 years to happen. He's lived a long and full life, and that's a terrible reward for all the hate and evil and death he's brought into this world.

Maybe they increase the likelihood weight of ads you'll see from headphone companies, or groups in that space.

It's also just straight up a datapoint about you that someone out there will pay Facebook to collect so they can profile you and upsell you on more shit.

That's how all this crap works unfortunately.

You're still victim blaming.

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It's never been used for good as a primary goal.

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Assuming Facebook doesn't get ahold of this...

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Generally agree. but the line work here looks exactly like line work for tatoos on skin. If it was drawn on, you wouldn't have the green bleeding out and in to the line work. That happens because the colors are mixing sub-dermally, just below the surface of the skin. This is generally because your fill needles are huge bundles of several needles and they always tend to bleed into/under the black line work. That's why you need extremely thick, well defined lines so it can hide the color fills bleeding through. In this case, it looks like some of the color got through.

The white as well is pretty spot on for white inkwork. That's the white color you get only for the first few months of a color tattoo.

Honestly, I think this is legit.

Could be wrong, but it looks real.

Source: I have many, many tattoos over much of my body, and several in color with white accents that looked exactly like this for the first few months after it healed.

They said they're looking to go independent and would update soon

Olive garden?

We're a long way out from that fortunately.

Not saying that some jobs won't be cut/lost, but the companies doing that were likely looking for reasons to downsize.

AI models do not replace competent UI/UX. That's just not what they're designed to do. Very different functions.

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