6 Post – 210 Comments
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writer/fantasy nerd

working on: Singularity (novel)

latest: Hide (short)

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Pay 44 billion for a brand, then change it. Pure genius.

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I'm actually surprised by the comments in here. This technology is incredibly disruptive to authors, if they are correct that their intellectual property has been misused by these companies to train LLMs, then they absolutely should have the right to prevent that.

You can both be pro AI and advancement, and still respect creators intellectual rights and the right to not have all content stolen by megacorporations and used by them to create profits while decimating entire industries.

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This is a strawman.

You cannot act as though feeding LLMs data is remotely comparable to reading.

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I can’t believe people smart enough to acquire the wealth for that excursion

You do not need to be smart to acquire wealth.

Of the people in the sub, I am confident that 4/5 of them were born into wealth, and I can't really find any information on the other one.

  • The Dawoods (father and son) were only wealthy because their father/grandfather was wealthy.

  • Stockton Rush was also born into wealth, his family made their money from oil and shipping.

  • Can't find a lot of information about Hamish Harding, but he was flying aeroplanes at 13 and went to a prestigious private school called The King's School, so it's safe to say he was also born into considerable wealth.

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Hi, it's me the author!

First of all, thanks for reading.

In the article I explain that it is not exactly what authors do, we reading and writing are an inherently human activity and the consumption and processing of massive amounts of data (far more than a human with a photographic memory could process in a hundred million lifetimes) is a completely different process to that.

I also point out that I don't have a problem with LLMs as a concept, and I'm actually excited about what they can do, but that they are inherently different from humans and should be treated as such by the law.

My main point is that authors should have the ability to decree that they don't want their work used as training data for megacorporations to profit from without their consent.

So, yes in a way it is about money, but the money in question being the money OpenAI and Meta are making off the backs of millions of unpaid and often unsuspecting people.

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Company wholly owned by the EQT group, a publicly traded global investment organization. This is just going to lead to more enshittification.

They do. There are plenty of indie Devs.

The reason why everyone doesn't do it is because it requires significant capital to be able to support a dev team through production for a number of years.

Not to mention they will still have to deal with publishers potentially fucking them over, as shown with the Helldivers 2 PSN fiasco.

Creation Engine is based on Gamebryo.

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It was 2000 shares, he's already sold like 50k in the last year. Nothing sinister about it.

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Mmmm, nah, I think that sometimes, people are stupid.

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If there's no issues then we can refederate at any later time.

What is the harm in waiting?

"Pokemon with guns on PC."

That's a great sales pitch.

It's not illegal to seek asylum.

TLOU is criminally low on this list. Easily top 3, and personally, I'd put it at 1.

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"A short essay" is required? That's a blatant lie.

I wrote "it was on the recommended list at" and got accepted.

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Well you have to consider it's 7 years old. It was incredible in 2016.

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It's actually "Large Language Model."

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It's 5% more XP than the boost from sleeping alone.

Great thumbnail pic though.

Not expensive, but it's another expense that not everyone can drop immediately.

For most it would be a choice of upgrading to a new drive or getting two games.

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Call me crazy, but I think if a game can be "retired" by Warner Brothers (or another megacorp), and the dev doesn't control it anymore, then it's not really an "indie".

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Because reading is an inherently human activity.

An LLM consuming data from a training model is not.

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I played through all of Tears of the Kingdom without making a hover bike.

It's not weird at all, he owns a car company.

Beyond Good and Evil.

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It's naive to think AI is going to disrupt the status quo from the rich. It's just going to make the rich richer. Just look at who owns the AI.

I'm not in favour of this merger, but I don't understand how the FTC let Disney buy Fox and yet they have a problem with this.

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Baldurs Gate 3 is a better RPG than Skyrim.

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Hades 10outta10

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New Switch

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This is actually what reddit was like in the early days. It took some time for the major subs to become dominant.

This whole scenario is insane.

Using a fake priest to get dirt on workers. Somehow it being normal enough to hire a priest to talk to workers that he thought this wouldn't raise suspicion. The workers actually talking to this priest.

And of course the kicker, the employer just gets off with a fine and no actual penalties.

if the penalty for a crime is a fine, then that law only exists for the poor

Unfortunately for quite a few of the fights it's not possible due to the shove distances being 6+ metres, when in regular DnD the shove (which is an action not a bonus action) is only 5ft.

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When I lived in a top floor apartment in Melbourne, where it regularly hit 40°C without any air-conditioning (still unsure how that was and is legal to rent out), I would use a spray bottle of water and a fan to evaporatively cool myself, cold showers to lower my body heat and trips to an air-conditioned space like the cinema or shopping centre during the worst of it.

Blue Protocol (PC) – Stage

The Idolmaster Shiny Colors: Song for Prism (iOS, Android) – Stage

My Hero Ultra Rumble (PS4, Xbox One, Switch, PC) – Stage

SAND LAND (PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, PC) – Playable, Stage

SD Gundam G Generation ETERNAL (iOS, Android) – Playable

Sword Art Online: Last Recollection (PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, PC) – Stage

SYNDUALITY: Echo of Ada (PS5, Xbox Series, PC) – Playable, Stage

In this economy? In a heartbeat.

The strangest game of 2023: “They’re going to be like, ‘What the fuck is going on?’”

Oh, so it's gonna be just like Starfield?

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That’s something that can currently be done by a human and is generally considered fair use.

That's kind of the point though isn't it? Fair use is only fair use because it's a human doing it, not an algorithm.

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I find it interesting that this article doesn't mention any of the Soulsborne games/Elden Ring/Sekiro, despite them ostensibly all being Japanese RPGs.

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One: Starfield.

Not much I can say about it that hasn't already been said, it was just so bland.