1 Post – 367 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yes, they are working on a so called "best" sorting:

And yes, they are working on "multi":

Just to add a bit: in my country blinking your emergency lights (when all of your turn signals are going) for 2-3 times as a thank you is very common. It's even considered rude not to use them e.g. after you were let in.

I don't know if that is something in other countries. I live in Hungary.

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Also how about not forcing everybody to use Apple hardware to compile their apps? How about allowing xcode competititors and running on different hardware? Allowing to emulate macos/ios?
Fuck apple.

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Was that so hard?

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Yeah, when I only skimmed over the title I was thinking, whoa, are we doing this on Lemmy? Okay, nice!

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No. Just 8. The famous Android phone 8. It's a rebranded OnePlus 7.

Me too, any day. I hate everything where indentation matters. Let me just throw my garbage there and YOU sort it out, you are the fucking computer, not me. You do the work.

So fuck you, YAML! All my homies love JSON!

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by the way

Yeah. This is SMS.

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Lucas Arts

A small instance of USDefaultism, but I appriciate OP's thought.

I'm really surprised.

Okay, but what have the Romans ever done for us?

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Web archives Bypass Paywalls Clean ClearURL View Page Source (I'm seriously surprised it's not a basic feature.)

Whoever ever thought that case sensitivity is a good idea ever in any place or time whatsoever, can go to hell. Including but not limited to Unix systems.

Nowadays every fucking funny picture is a meme. Like apparently every photo that you are on is a selfie regardless of who took it. I hate it.

Sure. And the mouse has the right to war with the elephant. But it's not a very clever thing to do.

Okay, but.
Are they Marxist-Leninist? Pro-China? Socialists? Anti-capitalists? Looks like: yes.
Was the whole thing founded on the grounds of free, shared things and anti-corporate thinking? Also yes.
Do we absolutely know for sure that the ML domain was chosen because of this? No, because the above sources (or any source I ever saw) confirms or denies this claim. (If there is something specifically about the TLD, please share with me.)

I'm not saying it stands for Machine Learning. I'm not saying it stands for My Love or Mah Lord. But I also wouldn't say that it for sure stands for Marxist-Leninist. We can assume, but we don't know for sure. Maybe it's because it's free, maybe it sounds cool, maybe it's Maybelline. We don't know this specific aspect of the story. (As far as I'm aware.)

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And not just the men. The women and children too!

Or the most secure one: hunter2

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Similar to what I always say: if your company's survival relies on tax evasion, you shouldn't have a company.

That's why I could never get into Twitter and now Mastodon. I don't give a shit about who posts, I only give a shit about the topic. I don't want to follow people. I want to follow topics. And hashtags just don't cut it.

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Rubber duck debugging

You increase the daily/monthly active users count if they count only visiting people as well. Only by 1, but still. If they are using that number in any kind of negotiation with other companies to persuade them to do business with them (ad-related or otherwise), you probably wouldn't want to increase that number.
Not much, but it's honest work.

Edit: I'm not talking about this message in r/place in particular. I think this is awesome!

You usually know a company is slowly going to shit when they start to be serious and stop doing fun in their products and ads. Then you know lawyers and shareholders and people who think you can only do business with a straight face started to take over the company. Which is just sad.

Once you realize how the dots connect to make a border, it just all comes together.

Nor And hopefully that won't change.

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There are cases to reform somebody, and I fully agree that we must try that. In some cases. Which this is absolutely not.

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Millenials are actually somewhat the exception because we actually needed to use computers. Generally speaking it got worse because every fucking thing is abstracted away from consumers.

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No, it's 50%. They either live in Montana or not.

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Fortunately Sync just redirects to a link on my home instance. I know I saw a GH issue on what you mentioned but I haven't checked it in a couple of months.

Edit: found it. Still in discussion phase.

Web 2.0 (also known as participative (or participatory)[1] web and social web)[2] refers to websites that emphasize user-generated content, ease of use, participatory culture and interoperability (i.e., compatibility with other products, systems, and devices) for end users.

You can define your whole cloud infra as code so you don't have to manually maintain hundreds, sometimes thousands of resources manually. My work would be basically impossible without it, or the DevOps team shouldn't consist of 5 peope but 20. It's a descriptive language where you define the end result you want to see and Terraform transforms your code to actual API calls to AWS/GCP/Azure. Like this

resource database MyAwesomeDB {
engine = mssql
version = 1.1
backup, initial db, master pw etcetc. }

It's incredible useful where you have 50+ microservices, 10+ db instances, load balancers, gateways, auto scaling rules, object storage, nosql, queues, countless firewall and routing rules, notifications and observability systems. And that was just dev. Then you have test, staging, prod, plus multi-region on top of that. And of course ephemeral environments fired up for every PR so the dev can test their shit without messing everything up. You end up easily managing a couple of thousands of cloud resources.

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That means nothing to the average Joe. Joe saw a comment mentioning Lemmy under a post on reddit. Got curious, went to

"What the fuck is an instance? - he thinks. I don't care, where are the posts? Okay, a lot of these things seem to be specific domains, maybe they are for specific countries or interests. I don't have any of that. The fuck is federation? I don't fucking care, show me the posts already. Okay, .world is the largest, the name implies it's for everybody. Cool, register. Next, next, fucking finally here are the posts."

That's why.

Needs more jpeg!