What are some "no brainer" inventions or features that just haven't made it to the consumer yet?

TehBamski@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 191 points –

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Just to add a bit: in my country blinking your emergency lights (when all of your turn signals are going) for 2-3 times as a thank you is very common. It's even considered rude not to use them e.g. after you were let in.

I don't know if that is something in other countries. I live in Hungary.

It's not exactly universal. In Germany, this can be interpreted as you warning of a pending emergency and trigger slowdown; they'd do thanks by signalling left-right-left-right rapidly.

Oh, yeah, we use that too. It's absolutely contextual, on the highway we use it for what you described.

blinking your emergency lights

In the US, truck drivers sometimes do this as a "thank you" if you flash your brights to them to let them know they can safely change lanes to the right after they've passed you (which is a nice thing to do for them since they can't really see shit behind on their right).

As a truck driver, it pisses me off when truckers don't gimme the blinkies.

I learned that this is a common practice in Japan, from a Youtube video I watched years ago. I adopted it after watching it. I live in the US.