15 Post – 723 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

What makes you think I'm defending the actions of the US? I remember watching the drone video when I was 18 years old, it was incredibly shocking and it forever changed how i saw the US military. Alternatively, do you support assange releasing the name of people in Authoritarian regimes who were working with the US? Who were imprisoned or possibly killed?

What I'm pointing out is that assange is not your ally, despite him exposing the atrocities of the US, much less a journalist. There are codes of ethics that journalists follow (and laws they have to follow as well) and if he did that, it likely could left him in a better position legally. Instead he was cavalier, and possibly even malicious with his actions. He should have kept a lawyer that specializes in whistleblower law on staff. But he probably thought because he was in Europe he could do whatever the fuck he wanted without consequence.

Did Russia claim to have freedom of speech?

I'm done here, it almost seems you are missing the point on purpose. This case is very clearly not about freedom speech.

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The fact of the matter is that Assange's policy of "leak everything" mainly only applied to the United States, which put united states assets (spies in authoritarian regimes) in danger and ended up in prison. And Assange did not extend the same courtesy to the Russians when documents were leaked from their end, and would redact and editorialize the leaks. Stack that on top conspiring to steal classified information and its not so much of a nothing burger as you call it. Yeah, let's give blanket immunity to "journalists" who actively try to steal state secrets, leak it straight into a pipeline, and selectively put our -only- our allies in literally mortal danger while protecting that of our adversaries. Come on dude.

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When your platform is just hating people

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I guess Fetterman has experience with being a disappointment.

Ah yes, the DNC, known for making good decisions for our democracy. How they trusted Hillary on us leading to the election of Trump.

We just need ranked choice voting at a national scale. Until that happens we're going to keep dealing with this bullshit. A lot of Republicans don't want to elect a fascist anymore than a lot of democrats don't want to elect a geriatric. But just like democrats a lot of those Republicans think they have no choice. These could all have been avoided with a different voting system and the more moderate members of each party could have voted together.

I agree with you, but the system is just fucking broken.

Yes, this. That's essentially the attitude of all of these corporate exec. They know it's wrong and do it anyways.

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Maybe maybe not. But they sure as shit do things they know they wouldn't be able to get away with in any other situation.

Alright it take it back, he tried to help crack a password, but he likely failed. Looks like he was still actively pushing Chelsea to gather more classified info. I'm sorry but this is not the behavior of a journalist

In a pretrial hearing in Manning's case, prosecutors presented evidence that Manning had asked Assangeโ€”who was instant messaging with Manning under the name Nathaniel Frankโ€”if he had experience cracking hashes. Assange allegedly responded that he possessed rainbow tables for that, and Manning sent him a hashed password string. According to Thursday's unsealed indictment, Assange followed up two days later asking for more information about the password, and writing that he'd had "no luck so far." The indictment further alleges that Assange actively encouraged Manning to gather even more information, after Manning said she had given all she had.

It's not clear if Assange ever successfully cracked the password. According to the indictment, that password would have given Manning administrative privileges on SIPRNet, allowing her to pull more files from it while concealing the traces of her leaks from investigators.

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No it was more than that, he actively helped Chelsea hack into files she didn't have access to. He literally hacked into classified databases of the US military. Much worse than leaking info.

He was not in trouble for leaking information. He literally helped Chelsea hack into classified files she didn't have access to, he actively participated in breaching security inside the US military. Very illegal no matter where you stand.

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And people want to let these parasites integrate into the fediverse

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Aren't these the people that straight up manipulated data to make AMD look worse than Intel or something wild?

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Equating Israel to Judaism is such a stupid fucking idea.

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Would you let government collect DNA from people when they are born? Absolutely not, but I will definitely give it to a silicon valley start up who will then proceed to sell it and have it stolen.

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Uber was notorious for moving into and operating in certain cities illegally.

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Musk sure has a big fucking mouth. There most have been some sobering back door conversations for this to happen so quickly.

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When the country with the largest land mass, and fourth largest population on the world, needs help from a hermit peninsula with 1800s level of industrialization.

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I remember one time I spent an hour filing taxes, I accidentally hit a premium option, it literally didn't let me go back to free. On top of that it kept piling on charges. Fuck intuit. Thieving pieces of shit.

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Dragon ๐Ÿ‘ fire ๐Ÿ‘ cannot ๐Ÿ‘ melt ๐Ÿ‘ spire ๐Ÿ‘ beams ๐Ÿ‘

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Holy sensationalist title batman

Fuck the state for wasting resources on ruining someone's life for the dumbest fucking reason. I swear if it was men doing the prostitution nobody would give a shit.

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I mean, if we are going to get technical he probably also shat himself too.

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Remember when Trump supporters said they didn't want to ban abortions? Remember when they said they just wanted to bam late term abortions? Remember when they said that they wouldn't ban medical emergency abortions? Or rape?

It's infuriating talking to these people, I remember how they were playing it of as the rest of us being crazy and projecting our own hysteria. What the fuck do we do with people like this? Trump tried to overturn the democratic process and people still support him. Similar with abortions they downplay and lie about what the consequences would be if he wins. Talking and reasoning with these people clearly does not work. I now understand more than ever how a country can spiral into something like Nazi Germany. And the only thing I learned is that there is very little you can do about it when these many people are this fucking stupid.

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I'm not one for circle jerking but reddit is objectively becoming a shittier platform

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We need to stop treating housing like bitcoin

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I used to no mind Jordan Peterson. I listened to him a lot, thought he just talked a lot without saying anything. But as soon as he started talking about climate change, something in which he has -zero fucking authority- , that's when I started to really dislike him. Pseudo intellectualist where a good portions of his arguments are structured with motivated reasoning.

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You won't lose your job, you'll just become more of a peasant.

Ur not a flying squid u fucking liar

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Been there I get it. Trick is to rub one out while shitting

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I hate this

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Absolutely insane. Considering how shitty their UI is as well as them not paying their mods. This an incredibly naked theft of labour. This is many times more appalling than the 3rd party app debacle.

I went on the reddit post for this article. There is a lot of resignation from the people there, not anger like before. Most of them don't seem to know about the fediverse but I can tell they are truly seeing the death of Reddit and are not sure what to do. As much as I would like to I refuse to make an account to spread the word.

Anyway, I think this is an indication that we will be seeing further growth here on Lemmy.

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I'm constantly reminded of it by instagram when they insert the most unhinged incendiary thread posts on my feed. Quite a way to advertise. "Hey, do you like to be angry and argue with strangers? Come join Threads!"

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Im always amused watching British people online get pressed by some light banter after their nation spent centuries conquering and subjugating nations around the world. Like, there is no faster way to bunch up a British nationalist panties than by bringing up the falklands, a relatively small war that they ended up wining anyways.

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Canada after committing warcrimes: No one will believe you

Israel constantly spits on the US

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Some basic facts about your hero Stalin

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Fuck Russia

Seeing this shit happen in 2024 blows my fucking mind

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