'We will fight imperialism together', North Korea's Kim tells Putin

MicroWave@lemmy.world to World News@lemmy.world – 184 points –
'We will fight imperialism together', North Korea's Kim tells Putin

Russia's president and Kim Jong Un are set to explore a range of "sensitive topics" during talks on Wednesday.

Vladimir Putin met his North Korean counterpart in eastern Russia, according to a video released by the Kremlin on Wednesday.

Accompanied by top military brass and senior government figures, Kim Jong Un implied to the Russian president he supported Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.

"Russia has risen to a sacred fight to protect its sovereignty and security against the hegemonic forces," he told reporters. "North Korea supports all Putin's decisions."

"I'm sure we will remain together in [the] fight against imperialism," Kim said earlier, expressing his gratitude to the Russian leader for the visit.

The two men are due to discuss a range of "sensitive topics", according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.


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When the country with the largest land mass, and fourth largest population on the world, needs help from a hermit peninsula with 1800s level of industrialization.

Well they need help from China, but they aren't as prepared to lend military assistance as Russia thought they would be.

So they've had to turn to the likes of Iran and North Korea.

Getting a strong feeling China will actually be the supplier rather than NK. They're just a front, I'm guessing.

Why would China need a proxy. They're already sanctioned by the US government so there isn't really any reason to play coy

US sanctions against China are absolutely minimal. There is a lot of room to escalate. But apart from that, I don't think that's what's happening. NK has nothing but weapons. Old and shitty ones, sure. But most of them can explode.

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