Archmage Azor

24 Post – 351 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

All these news about X going to shit feels like that gif of the truck driving towards the pole but constantly cutting before the impact

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ChatGPT can teach you how to make napalm if you ask it how to avoid making napalm

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Of course, now that the baby is out the pro-lifers say that they can both go die in a ditch

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Now watch Apple add some component that checks if your pods are in an official Apple case before starting to charge

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In tomorrows news: Disney decides to invest in AI generated VFX for their movies

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None of the logs are straight

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The Native American genocide is Americas favorite thing to pretend never happened

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It's always sad when you go to a community for something you like, something that's widely popular, and see the newest post is 2 days old.

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That's very on brand for Musk, he seems to have an obsession with Xs.

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I'm getting kinda tired of these attacks. Is some loser from 4chan not getting enough attention from mommy?

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It's a shame that so many people will still use it.

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Last night Bigfoot was in my back yard eating the grass like a goat. I forgot to document it but it really happened guys!

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The IT department greentext who kept doing nothing and installing Adobe Reader constantly

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Until the admins receive a nice check in the mail for submitting user data, then it'll happen overnight

It's not that incredible, considering we can get cysts full of teeth and hair inside the body

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Bethesdas remaster would probably be nothing more than a version with updated graphics and lighting and support for modern software. This guy is rebuilding the game from scratch in a modern engine.

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Well, you could have perfect pitch

Elon had a PR team. A really good PR team, that made him seem like real-life Tony Stark. His PR team was so good that Elon himself started to believe in their lies, so he got rid of them. Now we see his real self.

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Proving them right, I see

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Linux users when somebody can open their browser and go to a website without 36 lines in the terminal, 40 minutes of troubleshooting, and 3 reinstallations of Wine:

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You're assuming Nintendo ever lawyers down

✨️✨️🌟💖You don't need a time machine to shoot awful people💖🌟✨️✨️

Going by the pattern this one is gonna suck

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He is actually, seriously saying "I don't get it, so it must be bad/unnecessary"

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If only there were a few individuals with ridiculous amounts of wealth that we could turn to (whether they want to or not)

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Old Egypt was full of pyramid schemes way back then

Uranium will affect your aura by misaligning your chakras

Bethesda games taught me to save at every opportunity

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Welcome to the worlds best anti-monopoly education. See just why monopolies suck in real time!

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It's pronounced "Stefan Wloka"

As someone who enjoys doodling in Paint, this is great

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I see the KGB stopped trying to be subtle about it

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I hate people who are unwilling to learn and even proud of it

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Take that hate and move it where it needs to be, towards the 1%

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This is the last place I expected to find Pettson & Findus

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I think its a mix of idiots everywhere, and the government secretly testing prototype aircraft. The idiots see the prototype aircraft, don't recognize it, and immediately go "eyljuhns!"

But bidet is in white house

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You don't?

Oh, I'm sure that's because they have nothing to do with it

I feel like this is more an issue with boomers, not straights in general?

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