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Joined 1 years ago

It's called inflation.

Russia's Defense Ministry called it an "attempted terrorist attack" and claimed that one drone had been shot down and two others jammed, leading them to crash into Moscow's prestigious Moskva-Citi business complex.

We don't know what the targets were.

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She continued: “Elon made it clear that he did not want to talk about Nevada’s death. I didn’t understand this, just as he didn’t understand why I grieved openly, which he regarded as ‘emotionally manipulative’.

This is horrible.

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The Kremlin has already been hit by drones last year. No nuclear war. Instead you guys have forgotten about it.

In other words Germany has to leave the "Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs". Fine by me.

Btw. Canada and Uruguay are already in violation of the treaty. Nobody seems to care. 🤷

Unfortunately we don't share a common language anymore. The people fighting for "law and order" don't actually mean, that everyone has to follow the same law. For them it's a tool to police minorities and political opponents. In other words fascism.

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Either that, or it was a way to build a wide alliance to support Ukraine (with some countries being more eager and some more hesitant to help).

Regardless, it was a half measure and should be abandoned rather sooner than later.

I was under the impression that the border was extremely well guarded and secure. At least at some point it must have been. It seems like the government recently moved troops to the west bank in order to protect settlers instead.

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US sanctions against China are absolutely minimal. There is a lot of room to escalate. But apart from that, I don't think that's what's happening. NK has nothing but weapons. Old and shitty ones, sure. But most of them can explode.

He is using Tesla as a piggy bank. Grifting money, employees and graphics cards.

The problem is, that the studies on glyphosat are way too small. As far as I know it is not particularly cancerous. That is other weed killers are worse. But Monsanto who did these studies and Bayer who bought Monsanto and miscalculated the risks; they did a poor job with these studies, which caused this massive confusion and are therefore largely to blame themselves for the disaster.

Here is a good video on the topic. It's in German, though:

It’s probably safe to assume the studies saying it doesn’t were bought and paid for by Bayer

This btw. is how it works. You have a product you want to bring to the market, so you have to prove it's safe. It's the regulator's job to decided if the provided evidence is enough.

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I guess that applies to the whole of Israel, though. Gaza is the most dangerous hot spot right now. But I don't know if that has always been the case. Hamas came to power in 2006. I guess people just carried on, hoping for the best and trusting in the security forces. But honestly all of that is speculation. My point was just, that the reasons for people living there are complicated.

I just looked it up. He has a 6 months lock-in period. CNN article

Btw. this was not an IPO, but a reverse-merger using a SPAC. That way the company going public doesn't have to adhere to the SEC's strict IPO regulations.

The article says:

...explosion that occurred just about 150 meters from the convoy of cars...

Russia's Defense Ministry called it an "attempted terrorist attack" and claimed that one drone had been shot down and two others jammed, leading them to crash into Moscow's prestigious Moskva-Citi business complex.

We don't know what the targets were.

I don't know if hippie is the right word either. But your analogy is way too disconnected.

In Germany you can get by with pretty much any job. If you don't earn enough you can apply for welfare. It's a pain in the ass, but better than working yourself to death. If you want more, you need a good education. Generally speaking, the better your education, the more likely it is that you can get by with only speaking English. But wages are lower than in counties like the US.

it might look completely different and way better in 2024 and we're currently only having a temporary skewed statistic

The graph in the blog post does not suggest that. Sure it may very well fall next year, but not by much. Also, $7 trillion is just so much money. To put that into context, a quick search suggests ending world hunger would cost $330 billion. In total, not per year.

I was under the impression that the border was extremely well guarded and secure. At least at some point it must have been. It seems like the government recently moved troops to the west bank in order to protect settlers instead.

Edit: Oops, I replied to the wrong comment