Recycling 4-year-old 737 memes (Part 1) to Lemmy – 604 points –

First customer:

Guy Fieri with flame shirt being evicted

ONE WAY TICKET TO FLAVOR TOWN ~(the~ ~bottom~ ~of~ ~the~ ~ocean)~

Needs two sets of tildes and you only need one set for the entire string, boss!

~~(the bottom of the ocean)~~

(the bottom of the ocean)

I'm getting a strike through with the double tilde, what do you see on my original comment from your end?

Is Airbus doing some kind of odd gorilla marketing, or did you just lose a bunch of money on Boeing stock?

I had these saved on my Instagram from the time that two 737 Max crashed about four years ago. Never thought these memes would ever be relevant again but after the door incident I had to pull them out and spam Lemmy with them.

In my case it's more disbelief and anger, I was pretty upset after studying the 737 Max crashes. They could have been completely avoided, but they chose to skirt regulation. Boeing test launch for the space capsule was a disaster, and now this. It's incredible, i would have assumed something would have been done after hundreds of people died. But it appears like issues persist and more people are going to die. All in the interest of profits, and our legislators are not only complicit but actively participating in this criminality.

Accurate, to the point, and emotionally compelling. Exactly what a marketing manager hired by Airbus would say! I'm on to you.......

I fucking wish. I'm unemployed and living like a hobo

Ah, I see they trained you well young padawan.

1 more...

I thought this community was about spreading bullshit...this is more accurate than so called "authoritative news"

Like every other failure, it will be rebranded as a right wing grift and sold to desperate idiots that desperately need validation from an external group.

"No Libz Allowed Air" is the first airline with no safety regulations - you can smoke, the pilots can be drunk, there's peanut shells on the ground, because of freedom!

Already saw a comment on Instagram saying it happened because of diversity hires