
77 Post – 849 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Phones don't use LLM for predictive text. The algos are a lot less complex on phones.

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If there is interest in an external audit of lemmy and the costs are affordable, I’ll look into crowdfunding this cost.

It could get VERY, VERY expensive... depends on code complexity.

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Make a poll, let the admins realize that their users don't want to federate with Meta.

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I would completely agree with this and do it like this. Why? Saves time to say the least.

But, using the same one as for dishes? No way. Separate one, marked and all that? Makes perfect sense πŸ‘.

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Instance admins be like: Please, please make it through without errors 😬 😭!

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You chose wisely sir... save your sanity πŸ‘.

A family tumbleweed πŸ€”...

That's just about perfect if you ask me.

Monero, here we come!

Well, at least the sense of humor is present on both sides.

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Block email dolain, peoblem solved πŸ‘.

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Ummm... I must've missed a lot after the jeans thing.

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Do people really hook up in games 🀨? I mean... you have tons of other apps for that, why use game chats.

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Could you pull your top down while you're at it?

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Well, that escalated rather quickly.

Don't impose your imperialistic temperature views on the rest of us! Leave us cold lovers alone!

I wash them in the toilet 🀷.

Dump him!

The rectum can stretch a lot. So, yes, that can fit in a butthole.

And you can boil them if you wanna reuse them, they're usually just silicon, doesn't melt at 100C.

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This meme killed it for me as well, so I had to share.

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I'm pretty sure that's not Rust...

fn main() {
    println!("Hello, world!");
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Lots of tiddies, I like that 🀀.

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Must be high quality shit.

I love this gif 🀣.

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0Β°C is not very cold... chilly maybe.

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I stop seeding when I don't give AF, we're not the same.

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Yes, and well lubed.

Enema not included in tutorial πŸ˜‚.

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Hey, shit happened to me as well... deadbeat obese mom...

Buuut, I wanted him to have his mom by his side... no matter how offputting and lazy she is... so, we make it work (kinda... not really... I do it for the kid, OK 😭?!).

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Yes, yes, I'm quite sure, it's 42!

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This is my new copypasta when someone mentiones balls in chats.

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The joke was better than the meme 🀣🀣🀣.

Eat your veggies Timmy... yes, they're digitally signed by MS, don't worry.

Shit... 225gr, EZ 😏.

See, this is why I post stupid shit like this. One, for the comments, and two, for info like this. Thank you kind stranger πŸ‘ ☺️.

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I'm flexible. I would have just taken them and thrown them somewhere in a dumpster. No one needs to suffer 😊.

If she visits my home at some point, I would just say my cousin fell in love with them and I just couldn't say no, so I gave them to my cousin.

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My mom always told me, it doesn't matter what you read as long as you read something... so here I am, 30 years later with the phone in my hand reading shitposts on Lemmy... yep, she would be proud...

Dude, don't waste money on that. Wanna help? Donate it to your instance πŸ˜‰.

Nice comeback, you wanna repeat that?

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I stop seeding when rutracker admin tells me to, we're not the same.