Shitty deal

no banana to Lemmy – 574 points –

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Yes, and well lubed.

Enema not included in tutorial 😂.

I mean yeah, naturally. And with a good lube too. But people that do this are the ones already prepared for fisting or harder.

Footing 🤔? I've seen that, but, come on, that's just... not right IMO... it's at that point I'm like "OK, enough pr0n for today" 😂.

Street cones

Bed posts?

Jars 😬...

Yeah, that probably brings back some bad memories, I'll see myself out 🏃.

Yeah the jar man is a staple of internet history.

Still, it's one of the grosest videos I've ever seen... 2 girls 1 cup is a walk in the park compared to that...

I totally agree. I've seen some weird shit online. I've been to rotten dot com. But glass jar man is in a league of its own.