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Joined 8 months ago

That's not really a suit case though. That's a foldable bike.

Japan might not have a category for e-bikes. The article says the suitcase was considered a motorbike.

Was probably made by a child as a school project. At least I hope.

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Ah OK. I just wanted to know what it was about.

Community Channel...

I don't have an account. Care to share what was the link?

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Some of the block list maintainer do accept donations, if I recall.

Skin is extremely flexible,water proof and self-repairable.

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Is that really a secret?

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I'm against what Israel is doing 100%. But mixing LGBT+ rights with support for an anti-LGBT+ country is not the way to go.

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I never 100% trust vegan food in regular restaurants becsause of this, but I think it's less common that you paint it. I know several people close to me working in restaurants. Depends of the food of course.

Or fire people because of politics.

From all the jobs that will disappear, the jobs of models replaced by AI is probably the ones I care the least.

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This sign certainly came to exist after some Karen was late and complained that the bus didn't wait for her to arrive.

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Really sad. In Germany, Firefox sits comfortably at 10% market share, and actually is having a slight uptick in the last month.

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That's not what tourettes is actually. It can take a number of forms.

I went on a date with a guy that had it and he just frequently vocalized small grunts. I have to admit it was a little uncomfortable at first but I got used to it while we watched a movie in bed. I didn't meet him again though, because the sex was very bad, but I think that's unrelated to tourettes.

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Offices have way more power to convert the world to Linux than even gaming does.

And ofc, Microsoft is well aware and is not interested in letting that happen.

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The freedom to carry your DRM free music tapes around with you and easily lend them to your friends is sadly not in my pocket.

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This is most likely fake.

If this was automated, a company automating rejection emails would never write the reason for rejection. It would be a vague excuse like "not a good fit for the role".

If this was not automated, then no recruiter would be this stupid.

I don't. When I have a need for software I got look it up.

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They do, and they have a backlog of hundreds of issues to fix and they must prioritise then. If fixing a bug doesn't make money, it's not priority.

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Lemmy alone creates more content that I care about. This is fine.

They can't, but if you don't give you password and safety codes away before you die they can't legally let you transfer ownership of the games. Just don't tell them and arrange for all your emails, security keys, and 2FA keys to be safely transfered to your children.

Didn't we hit 3% in January this year? At this rate well reach 350% by EOY!

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Because when you have everything the money can buy, you become greedy for attention.

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Pretty sure this is not legal in many countries. Adverts must be at the very least labeled as such, like Google does with a tiny almost unnoticeable label.

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That's not my experience at all. Most people I know who say they can't use Linux do so because of professional software. Games on Linux have come a long way and unless you insist ob playing windows-only games, you have more games for a Linux than you could play in a lifetime.

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It's a nigligible inconvenience for a significant increase in security. This sort of situation has happened before where different numbers and symbols are used to pass off as other users in online communities.

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CGP Grey. His last 114 or so videos were literally just a single round of rock paper scissors each.

Kidding. His videos are still great.

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Valve and Microsoft working together to get people to switch to Linux and make 2024 the Year of Linux on the desktop.

In Iceland it's a commonly accepted reason to stay home. Volcano-leave, we call it.

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It's actually a huge feat to kill such a huge company that had so much momentum. Kudos to him. At this point he could make a business out of ruining things. Pay him to endorse a company if you want to tarnish its reputation.

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And then to top it off users get annoying and angrily point at sticked posts, wikis and whatnot when people ask the same questions for the nth time.

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Stop asking a language model for accurate information and problem solved. ChatGPT is not supposed to be a knowledge bank, that's purely incidental for the amount of training data.

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The UN should be looking out for people's safety instead of reaffirming bullshit. People will smoke, so they should have access to clean shit for regulated farmers and vendors.

My biggest pet peeve is when you join a new server and you have 15 different steps you have to do before you can ask a question. Verify with a bot or two, send picture drinking verification can, send emoji here, ask for emoji there, introduce yourself, publish your whole biography, wait for the pope to bless your account, and then, maybe, you are allowed to use the #help channel. I'm not a discord user, I don't know what this all means ffs!

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Oh, now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time.

Apple Taste Pro is a white sausage-shaped devices that you shove down your throught and controls your taste buds, olfactory system and controls breathing.

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The way how every single digital product suddenly has AI shoved in it is really reminiscing of the Web bubble before it popped.

Then give a setting to enable it in the developer settings.