Shitty deal

no to Lemmy – 575 points –

You can only hope these were cleaned after their last use

Can these ever really be clean enough for you to knowingly touch one? Nah.

Especially that first one - I'm scared to think that someone can even accomodate that up there

The rectum can stretch a lot. So, yes, that can fit in a butthole.

And you can boil them if you wanna reuse them, they're usually just silicon, doesn't melt at 100C.

When I was a kid I had a friend who would go around saying you can fit a raccoon in your butthole. I've never forgotten it, but I've also never worked up the nerve to find out if that's true (for clarity, I mean via internet search, not via experimentation). It haunts me (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)

Don't look for it, I can tell you that, in theory, yes it can (and I really do mean theory, I haven't googled for something like that as well 😂).

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I’ve been on the internet since 1995. I know what can fit up there with the average human. But yeah, I don’t think that’s the one you start with.

Glass jar man is forever etched into memory

Do not search for this.

Glass is glass, and glass breaks.

You can search for an explanation of it but I'd never recommend actually watching the thing.

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No way all beads on the far left fit in one orifice.

Oh I can assure you that some people fit far larger and longer things in there.

Are you supposed to put all the beads in your butthole and pull them out fast? Or do you put one in and let the others dangle?

Like you are starting a lawnmower

I've seen them do that in porn. But you have to be already extremely relaxed for that.

Yes, and well lubed.

Enema not included in tutorial 😂.

I mean yeah, naturally. And with a good lube too. But people that do this are the ones already prepared for fisting or harder.

Footing 🤔? I've seen that, but, come on, that's just... not right IMO... it's at that point I'm like "OK, enough pr0n for today" 😂.

Street cones

Bed posts?

Jars 😬...

Yeah, that probably brings back some bad memories, I'll see myself out 🏃.

Yeah the jar man is a staple of internet history.

Still, it's one of the grosest videos I've ever seen... 2 girls 1 cup is a walk in the park compared to that...

I totally agree. I've seen some weird shit online. I've been to rotten dot com. But glass jar man is in a league of its own.

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Obviously you do as you like but a common way is to put then in as far as you like / as it's comfortable and pull them out slowly.

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Reminds me of years ago of a team I played on. They turned out to be some collection type guys. Didn't realize at first. They were petty good to me and they were the first team I joined as I was pretty young then.

In the locker room before one of the games as we are getting ready, one of the guys pulls out of his hockey bag his lady's double dong and starts tossing it around the room like a hot potato. I'm not sure I want to know why it was in his hockey bag as those things can get pretty gross as it is.

I'll never forget that episode. It was never on the list of first ways to see as double dong in real life.

One of the things that stays burned in you forever...

The old chocolate pretzel handshake.

(From Mall Rats, if you missed it)

Man, I never understood that joke until now 🤣🤣🤣... thank you so much!