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If "Vote for Educated Leaders" is truly a controversial statement, then we're all fucked.

Your leaders absolutely should be educated, not even necessarily in politics, but Bob next door who's only got two neurons in his head fighting for third place shouldn't be leading any country

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As it turns out, the majority of folks are just people trying to get by, and if you're nice enough to them, they'll be nice enough to you.

The problem with most terminally online people is that their social lives ended when they left school, which is when the population of arseholes is at its highest. Everybody is trying to impress everybody else, even at the cost of others.

But a lot of those same people tend to chill off as they mature into adults and become less self-centred. There are still absolutely arsehole adults, but nowhere near as many as the terminally online expect there to be.

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Now this is the kind of growth factor the Fediverse needs, not Threads.

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Exactly how do Glassdoor expect people to give earnest reviews of their employers (which is literally the core of their business) if those people can't trust Glassdoor to not to throw them under the bus when they give honest reviews of malicious employers?

Talk about sabotaging your own business model - idiots.

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This is what happens when you defund education and replace it with conservative "news"...

It's astonishing to me that one of the most well documented atrocities to ever befall mankind, the evidence of which not only still stands but you can literally go walk around it, can be deemed a myth.

This isn't some Bible story, you can literally go see the remnants of it with your own eyes!

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“We’re trying to have those conversations with Elon to establish what the sensors would need to do,” Baglino added. “And they were really difficult conversations, because he kept coming back to the fact that people have just two eyes and they can drive the car.”

Yes, and people crash cars all the time Elon...

If you want an autopilot with the failure rate of a human, then you might only need two eyes. If you want an autopilot with a near zero failure rate, you need much better telemetry data

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I'd like to wonder how Nitrogen Asphyxiation, which I know from my LN2 safety training is extremely dangerous due solely to the fact humans can't tell it's happening until they faint and die, can't be used because it's inhumane and dangerous, yet lethal injections, electric chairs, and toxic chambers are perfectly fine to use.

I don't support the death penalty/capital punishment, but if the punishment is the death itself, torturing prisoners is plain unnecessary

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Do you know what you do when someone doesn't hold up their end of a bargain? You don't uphold your's...

If the FTC forces them to unmerge, it'd make others think twice about lying to the FTC, and give the agency much stronger fangs to bite back with in the future.

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Imagine completely legally swindling your way into living rent free in one of New York's most prestigious hotels only to completely fuck it up by trying to fraudulently claim you own the building

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God damn Tories. What do they know about “best interests of the child” that a doctor doesn't already know? Less than nothing is the answer.

If a young person is suffering from gender dysmorphia to the point of considering gender affirmation procedures, then I think it'd be in their best interest to not exacerbate that condition. Delaying the onset of puberty via puberty blockers until they're at the age where that can legally consent to such procedures isn't exactly novel.

Even if they eventually decide not to undergo those procedures, all you habr to do is take them off the blockers and they'd undergo puberty as normal. There's not all that much downside for an awful lot of upside for those in need.

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I would've expected to see something like thus out of the EU rather than China, but at least somebody's making the first move against the predatory monetisation of apps

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Go figure. Conservative judge does everything she can to delay the trial, and then postpones it, making sure no new judge will be able to catch up with the case in time for the election.

It's fucked up how overtly horrid and traitorous conservatives are nowadays - the founding fathers put too much faith in people when they made that constitution.

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This death spiral/"ant mill" is actually quite short, though still deadly - in the worst case scenarios, a death spiral can be literally kilometers long, some ants might not even make a single revolution around it, which is kinda terrifying to think about.

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Oh I don't know, could have something to do with the whole climate change disaster the collective scientific community has been warning about for literally decades now

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As long as there us incentive to do so, malicious actors will exploit the source code whether it is open or closed...

Making something open source does make it easier for malicious actors, but it also allows honest actors to find and fix exploits before they can be used - something they won't/can't do for closed source, meaning you have to rely on in-house devs to review/find/fix everything.

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I feel like there's a certain irony in someone who grew up poor, likely eating the cheapest tomato sauce available, selling $13 jars of tomato sauce to the very place he grew up in

The Florida governor pivoted, arguing that if the 2024 election focused on “relitigating things that happened two, three years ago, we’re going to lose.”

Oh, you mean the shit you guys last did when in power?
I wonder why you might not want to talk about that?
Do you not want to admit that you're going to do exactly the same shit all over again?

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What?? You mean there's more to translating media than scraping together the literal translation of one language to another and calling it done??

Nah, those Spanish folks will totally get all the English idioms and phrasing they've likely never heard of, and will totally not be confused over the piss poor machine translation effort

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Just how many laws does this man have to break before he faces any real consequences??
It really is a divide of the rich and the poor, cause if any of us did just one of the things he's done there'd be no question, and we'd be behind bars already.

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There’s also the risk that any age verification implemented will end up being bypassed by anyone with access to a VPN

I'd bet there's already a significant amount of people doing this in places besides the UK.

Government can't get enough of seeing what people are doing, including what they're wanking off too - no privacy for the masses.

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Lads is it gay to not want to die by climate change?

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Damn who could've predicted that the price of even basic groceries skyrocketing up while wages stay stagnant (again) would discourage people from buying more things. It's almost like they don't have the money ...

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Going after the copyright holder for infringing on your work, which by merely existing commercially infringes on their copyright, is one hell of a way to get sued out the arse...

Having said that, it is a crime that LOTR still hasn't entered the public domain yet.

Yeah, because Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo are companies who would never pass those costs back to the devs or down onto consumers. They'd totally bite the bullet on Unity's new royalty...

Unity are out of their minds if they think this is at all a good move. All they're going to do by pushing devs away and pissing off the major distributors is inspire the creation/adoption of a competitor.

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When you've spent literally decades trying to bury your past self with philanthropic acts and good PR, it becomes quite easy for people to think you're at least nicer than the steaming turd in a dumpster fire that is Elon Musk.

Gates may be nice compared to some of his billionaire compatriots, but understand that's a very low bar to pass.

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Dude, your choice is between an insurrectionist fraud who is almost certainly a Russian asset and a moderate.

While Biden may not be the perfect candidate, the choice of who to vote for isn't difficult.

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The fucked up part is that barely a decade after his death - thanks to the efforts of Louis Pasteur - Semmelweis's work went from so controversial they condemned him to his death, to becoming the basis for the field of aseptics

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In its application, the Archdiocese said its vision is that the school “participates in the evangelizing mission of the Church and is the privileged environment in which Christian education is carried out."

I think this is the closest you'd ever get them on tape to admitting that they want to brainwash your kids into Evangelicals

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Why the actual fuck is anyone considering putting LLMs into the driving seat of anything?!

Of course they make fucked up decisions with no proper or justifiable rationale, because they have no brains. They're language models, stochastic parrots stringing together sentences to fit the prompt(s) given to them.

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I genuinely have to wonder if Musk is intentionally trying to kill Xitter, because if he's actually trying to recoup his "investment" he's going about it completely the wrong way

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So their punishment to other countries for recognising Palestine is to intensify their Palestinian genocide?

How can anyone see this and not realise that this whole thing was never about Hamas, they were just an excuse to finally get the ball rolling.

I want the API changes reverted as much as any other Reddit refugees here, but I can't stand behind this kind of malfeasant extortion.

Not only is it blatantly obvious they're using the API change rhetoric as a means of irritating Reddit into giving them their hush money, it also avts towards delegitimising all protest efforts made by the Subreddits thus far

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Don't even need a face to see how done this worm is with their partner's shit

Actually "rationalising the pipeline" would be getting rid of all the massively overpaid execs, rather than the people who actually make the Take-Two execs their money

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This seems a lot more like an unfortunate coincidence than the first whistleblower, unless Boeing have resorted to bioterrorism to get rid of their witnesses, but I'd hate to be part of Boeing's PR team right now - huge court case where the witnesses against you keep dying doesn't look good even if you had nothing to do with it.

The only news we should be reading is about him being behind bars, but unfortunately it seems he'll die before that ever happens

Underdog? Underdog?? It's literally the default on windows!

It's like saying vanilla is the Underdog ice cream flavour haha

Exactly. Their swords had to be well-honed simply because they would break otherwise, because the ore they were using was absolute shite.

These weren't God slaying weapons, heck even after all that labour, they'd still struggle against just about any slash resistant armour. Basically any swordsmith from a country with actually decent ore could trounce these swords with ease.

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Hard to believe there are still people out there saying this is justified...

Whike it's true that Hamas are by no means the good guys, Israel's response to the Hamas attacks is to literally pull a genocide by a different name.

What else do you call straight up bombing buildings and hospitals full of innocent people; sending out kill squads into the streets; destroying any and all infrastructure required to grow and preserve food, and to get potable water; and denying your victims any and all humanitarian aid. Even without the quotes from Netanyahu, Israel's actions say more than their words ever could.

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I was genuinely confused by this statistic until I realised it was a double negative. YouTube losen't Google a lot of money.