Alabama’s Nitrogen Gas Execution Will Be Cruel and Unusual Punishment to politics – 133 points –
Alabama’s Nitrogen Gas Execution Will Be Cruel and Unusual Punishment

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I'd like to wonder how Nitrogen Asphyxiation, which I know from my LN2 safety training is extremely dangerous due solely to the fact humans can't tell it's happening until they faint and die, can't be used because it's inhumane and dangerous, yet lethal injections, electric chairs, and toxic chambers are perfectly fine to use.

I don't support the death penalty/capital punishment, but if the punishment is the death itself, torturing prisoners is plain unnecessary

It's prolly the most humane form of execution and prolly companies that supply lethal injection that are kicking up a fuss. If I had to choose a way to go, nitrogen all the way.

All those companies refuse to make the "medicines" used in it, actually. In this rare instance, the private sector pushed back and effectively ended lethal injection as an option.

Hence AL looking elsewhere.

I'm with you guys tho, N asphyxiation is peaceful...but as we all know, the cruelty is inherent and fundamental to capitalism. Hence the propaganda campaigns.

Dunno anyone killing me against my wishes, peaceful or not, seems like cruelty.

The cruelty standard in this case applies to the method not the punishment.

Yep tell them they're getting nitro'd in 4 days, then nitro them in their sleep that night.

It's literally the way I choose to die.

Chased off a cliff by lacrosse players?

Having your nuts bit off by a Laplander, that's the way I wanna go.

Well death by snu snu is my PREFERRED way. Nitrogen asphyxiation would be a distant second but highly preferred to any of the others mentioned.