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Joined 1 years ago

Yeah he will kill everyone who spoke poorly of him, that includes everyone here.

Yeah, how politics and voting are supposed to work and how they actually do are 2 different things.

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Now it really is too late. It's Biden or Trump. Your either for democracy or fascism

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She should be held as an accessory.

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Why do you think Amazon and Elon musk are arguing with the Supreme Court that the DOL and labor rights are unconstitutional.

Your not relevant anymore Hillary, STFU and take a seat with everyone else.

That's cause cannon is corrupt

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He is a mass murderer.

There goes the last of NYT integrity

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Should enrage everyone. Bye bye 4th amendment

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good, get a real job

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He didn't make tesla, he bought it.

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Fuck spez

The only reason all companies prices go up these days is for CEO pay packages

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"I am repeating this lie cause Russia paid me too." Also Tulsa gabbard

Funny since she cheated on her husband

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Obstruction of justice

At this point she should be considered an accessory to his crimes.

Important thing to remember is he is an insurrectionist

Little Hitler should be arrested.

It's prolly the most humane form of execution and prolly companies that supply lethal injection that are kicking up a fuss. If I had to choose a way to go, nitrogen all the way.

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Socialism for monopolies but not for starving and sick people.

i agree with that but pretty sure she is trying to pretend to be white.

sounds like a russian asset

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"Accusses Biden of what he is actually doing"

inflation would not be a problem if wages went up as well.

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sounds like threats from terrorists

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hey rich people, ever heard the stories of what happens when the mass working class gets hungry?

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Eat the rich.

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100% accurate

Well considering telsa isn't even the #1 ev any more? I guess anything else.

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eat the rich. regulate monopolies

all the traitors need to be investigated

Yeah but wouldn't be great if they get abbot for sedition too.

Doubt it, the Klan protect their own

Remove the fascists!

No, they are part of the coupe

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It's not a recession if it only affects the lower classes

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Eat the rich. Regulate monopolies

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would be good if it were any where but texas!

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