
1 Post – 488 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Oh. My. God.

It's literally two old-as-fuck fucks arguing about their golf swings. This is literally how the debate is coming to a close. I just... I don't even know what to say.

16 more...

All the post-debate commentary basically says everyone they're hearing from in the party and undecided voters were like... yeah, we are fucked.

They have even made the point that he's not technically the nominee until the convention twice so far. I.e., we need a new candidate.


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Unfortunately the ramifications will, rest assured, be global. So you'll get to enjoy it too! Yay!

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I can't believe his debate camp didn't work on Biden not doing that confused, slack-jawed stare all the time.

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First impressions matter. Most people won't watch the debate. Of the people that do, most people won't watch all of it. He isn't doing a good job.

100% agree. Imagine Buttigieg up there running circles around Trump.

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Because that's what the "exo" part means.

I sure hope so.

This abortion response started good... and then he just lost it. My god he's so fucking old.

This just makes me so uncomfortable. Trump isn't going to win this election, Biden is going to lose it.

This might be good, he pissed off Trump, now Trump is going off on his paranoia. If he keep him in that mode, that might help.

How long is this debate? 90min?

This is just embarrassing. I can't believe Biden is the democratic nominee.

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Biden got fucking body slammed in this debate. It doesn't matter that Trump is nonsensical. No one expected him to make sense. Biden just looked weak, confused, and mumbled his way through most of the debate.

I can't see how this possibly convinced anyone to vote for Biden. But I can definitely see how it probably demoralized democratic voters. This is just so awkward to watch.

Dammit joe. Say "you've decimated the middle class, and that's demonstrated by the fact that you can't even address the question of how you'll help people struggling to pay for childcare even when you were given two chances."

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No, not really. He still looks confused and is still muttering.

Maybe if you actually take it as a shot... like a syringe.


Biden got his ass kicked.


Just FYI, you can also watch it on YouTube on the USA Today channel.

Biden looks and sounds like absolute shit. And he's mumbling and running all his sentences together. Sounds like a kid giving a speech in high school.

Is the stream awful for anyone else? USA Today feed is skipping and going blank.

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What does that even mean?

Thanks, that's much better.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I scooped the brains of an 8yo girl up and threw them at her father just to insult him and said "you probably need it for her funeral, bitch" and then everyone clapped.

I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target, and I would strap you to a vehicle but not get caught because I'm not bad at my job like the IDF. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker.

As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit.

If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

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Obviously the police are the criminals here, but that mom...

They clearly didn't grow up being told what I was always told: "if you've got a problem and you call the police, now you've got two problems."

15 more...

Seriously though. Can we stop pretending like being 81 isn't a liability? And a reasonable concern?

If Democrats had brains, they'd run a buff, tall white guy with progressive policies and a hot wife. Fascists follow strength and heteronormative values, so? Just use it against them. Trump only looks strong next to an 81 year old dude with a speech impediment. All love to Biden, but hang 'em up, bro, damn.

Guy can't let go of the game even though the game let go of him.

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That's really not what he was saying. If you read the article, you'll find the title is pretty misleading. He's trying to act like Florida has all but "won" the lawsuit, and that Disney should, therefore, just give up. It's obviously a bluff, but he's not really saying "please stop."

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The university system in Florida will get worse? Why should professors feel obligated to try to save Florida's higher ed system?

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Her robust and consensual sex life is perhaps the only thing I don't find despicable about her.

Edit: yes, y'all, the hypocrisy and allegations of non-consensual sex and the book burning and the attempt to takeover the k-12 system with Christian nationalism, etc, etc, etc is the stuff I do find despicable. Sheesh.

That's fine and well. Except they are videos, and it is very difficult to prove they aren't you. And the internet is forever.

This isn't like high school when you went to high school.

Agreed on your last paragraph.

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I'll save you a click. It's paragraphs and paragraphs laying out the reasons someone should do something and then flight-of-fancy dreaming about impeachment, which will never happen.

So, effectively, the answer to their rhetorical question is: "nothing, but I really wanted you to click on this article."

Wait, scientists think we're heading towards catastrophe??? Why hasn't anyone been saying this before? Oh, wait. Nevermind.

Find some comfort, prepare yourself for things to get worse for the rest of your life, and focus on and cherish the small things that make you happy. Those ones will stick around.

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Corporations create the heat and cooling, build the cars and airplanes, and raise the meat for... wait for it... consumers. These things go hand in hand. Asking people to make changes to their lifestyles that will help the environment IS demanding the corporations to stop producing so much pollution. No one wants to take the blame.

When the world is on fire, no one will care, but the idea that corporations are somehow a separate entity from the consumers/individuals that line their pockets with profits is equally irresponsible. It does come down to daily choice, because the corporations follow demand. But no one wants to suffer the inconvenience of changing their lifestyle, so we blame the corporations that we then buy gas, electricity, meat, and cars from. It's blindingly dumb from either direction.

Spiderman points at Spiderman.

Note that the IPCC acknowledges that no one is paying the true cost of energy or food. You could decapitate all corporate executives, and, if we truly wanted to pay the environmental costs of heating, cooling, and food, all prices would go up. If you think things are hard now, give it a decade. Prices for everyone for everything will go up. You could kill all the rich people on the planet, and it wouldn't change that fact, and it wouldn't suddenly make the environment sound. It truly does come down to fundamental lifestyle changes that none of us want to enact.

You cannot eat money.

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She mistakenly thought that calling the cops to talk to her child about not stealing would help him understand why it's wrong and what the stakes are. She's an old white woman. She didn't realize that cops wouldn't treat her large, black child as subhuman.

She was stupid and ignorant, but the cops are the monsters here. Don't get it twisted with your own relationships with your parents. This isn't that.

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We did it, everyone!! The negative effects and burden of a difficult economy was successfully borne by the lower middle class and middle class, while the wealthy generally walked away wealthier, thereby encouraging further wealth inequality despite difficult economic conditions!

Whew, that was close! We really had to thread the needle there. It even started mildly affecting the top 10% for a second!

Why, a wealthy man I work for (I wipe and powder his ass for him every time he takes a shit. It's minimum wage, but it's a job!) said he considered not buying a fifth property for a few months. Imagine how terrible that would have been for the economy!

I mean, it doesn't make it better, but he got confused because he was talking about Mercedes Schlapp earlier.

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I would like it if we could make the wealthy assholes from states like Massachusetts who chose to change their "residence" to Florida but continue to live in Massachusetts to actually be forced to live where their primary residence is.

Instead, they just make a paperwork change to pay less taxes in blue states, vacation away from the rabble in their states of "primary residence," and go right back to living in the states where the policies they supposedly dislike fund the culture and political climate they actually enjoy.

Friends can matter to you more than family, and that's ok, but family does a lot more for you than you realize.

I didn't have a great family, but it was only when I was upset about a birthday party when I was like 12 where my mom made all the cards and buttons and stuff and I was so mad that it wasn't the cool cards and prizes that you buy that I kind of realized it.

It dawned on me like two weeks later that my parents couldn't afford any of that, but they took time out of their day, for like two weeks, even though they both worked too much, to hand-make approximations as best they could. Without me knowing, so I would be surprised.

Ever work a double shift and then spend the few minutes you have not working, sleeping, or cooking to hand-make party favors? Yeah, me either.

It still makes me cry thinking about how ungrateful I was and the look of sadness and yearning on my mom's face when I got mad at her for not buying the "good" stuff.

When I was 20, I sat her down and told her about it and how bad I felt, and how I never knew how to apologize for it. We had a good cry, and she thanked me for seeing it eventually, and how happy it retroactively made her knowing I realized it so soon after.