2 Post – 1782 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

They probably went out to harass the opposite sex for something interactive.

It's how we bundle together stuff we enjoy with sexual desire and sell it as moral goodness.

Climate change at this rate.

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The word is astroturfing.

Root or die

Even just the phrase "child water" sounds all fucked up.

My controller has all of these features and 3 more! Also a screen, and a whole computer

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The gamer girl is also an adult.

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Weird flex but ok.

Yes, you should all go to Mars and have abortions.

No u

Because SE Linux drove me bonkers once and I am petty.

The never ending story!

I barely remember it.

EYYY BOI, YOU ARE MY FAVORITE! Once I get you into this ball, we're gonna go on an adventure!

Your intestines should not be in your lungs. If they are, probably skip to prayer because the doctors might not make it in time.

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No, that's actually how I envisioned this. 😵

Nice idiom!

Cincinnati is pretty diverse, but also corrupt law enforcement.

Fuck them employers. Supply more money if you want your job to be in higher demand. Cut the bums off, and I'm taking about the middle management/CEO trash.

It makes me feel weird when I try to recommend stuff I really like. I'll be so in favor of the things I like that it sounds like I'm selling it to you because I want you to like it too. I'm sure some people think I'm shilling the Steam Deck.

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Holy shit, most of that list covers me and I'm just now appreciating how dramatically much stuff counts as fads.

Bro, yo-yos, beyblade, robot dogs, Pokemon at school, pencil toppers, pop-its, razor scooters, and more!


I made a meme too! It's "If buying isn't owning, then pirating isn't stealing."

It's a comment I made on a Louis Rossmann video!

I also did "capitalism doesn't return the shopping cart".

I want Elon Musk to buy Reddit. 😈

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Gee, I wonder what some murders want with the real names of people who they don't like.

Anyone curious why privacy is so important even if you've done nothing wrong?

Did you ever quit because someone else was better? Then you're not an artist. You're in it for business or attention. I don't dance because someone's gonna pay me or because I need to stand out. I dance because I like it.

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When a 10 year old can't pee on a tree, we need a coup.

Yes. Schools exist to make your kids into little workers for their kids.

Taylor Swift doesn't need the Superbowl.

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Guillotines are expensive. :(

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I wanna make energy without fucking anything up.

"Yeah no, stop that right now. It's illegal."

Who the fuck does this? What's going through their head to make them think there's any justification? How is there multiple idiots collaborating well enough to get in the way!?

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Jesus Christ, does this even need to be pointed out!??

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You know what to do boys!

They fucking WHAT.

I was homeless just North of their border so the police here in Ohio set me up with a fake felony to keep me in jail. A dude stopped his truck in front of me while I was Doordashing, cornered me into a fist fight, and then told the police I hit him with my car. The people in the car behind me also backed him up. It never happened, so why was it so simple for me to be locked in jail indefinitely with my and lawyer telling me COVID suspended the fair and speedy trial? I cannot handle being in a noisy environment and have avoidant personality disorder, so I eventually caved to the plea deal. Now here I am nearly 2 years out with an ok job and my own place but I need to come up with $1100 before the end of the month for my fines or go back to court.

I'm convinced they're just trying to create a slave class. If you are an easy target, they'll take you and mark your record so you have to be cheap labor for three upper class.

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Reddit's owners are the risk factor.


Keeping score isn't love.

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Anyone wanna tell me what publishers do and why anyone does business with them?

Afterwards, who wants to crowdfund a super generic 'just gets the job done' publishing company that touches nothing else?

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