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Joined 13 months ago

And yet, here we are.

There’s a great episode of The Dollop about the Segway guy. 565 - Dean Kamen and It.

An LLM can essentially reproduce a work, and the whole point is to generate derivative works. So by its very nature, it runs into copyright issues.

Derivative works are not copyright infringement. If LLMs are spitting out exact copies, or near-enough-to-exact copies, that’s one thing. But as you said, the whole point is to generate derivative works.

Gretchen Whitmer.

When Biden seemed lost at the beginning, it was the Introitus.

When they were arguing about golf, it was the Confutatis.

When they were both responding to how to help Americans with addiction by talking about restricting fentanyl coming into the country, it was the Dies Irae.

The entire thing was underlined by the Lacrimosa.

The closing statements, the Kyrie. Lord have mercy.

Edit: (Obviously these are not in performance order.)

That’s exactly what Pepsi is.

This video on YouTube plagiarism can’t be that long…

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My brother in ADHD, you need to chill the fuck out. You’re replying to someone who said Adderall makes people who DON’T have ADHD wired. They didn’t say anything about what it does for people with ADHD.

You aren’t being persecuted here. No one is calling you a speed addict because you take Adderall. But denying that amphetamines existed before Adderall and that amphetamine is included in the broad street name “speed” is silly. Take the L, stop obsessing on this one. Just let it go.

(Now, if your ADHD behaves like mine, just be glad this conversation didn’t happen in person. Because I’d have it intrusively replaying in my head for the rest of my life in your shoes if it happened in person.)

Oh I love that shit. See also every video by channel Shaun (the skull with glasses).

Dominos turned their shit around like, I dunno, 15 years ago or so. When they started making oven baked sandwiches.

I honestly really like some of their pizzas. It’s not bad. They just know that it used to be, many years ago.

It’s like when Buick made those commercials about how their new cars actually look good so people don’t realize they’re Buicks. When you have a reputation, sometimes it’s a good idea to acknowledge it.

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and one to be bound

I didn’t realize ALL the log cabin republicans were into that.

I'm not saying it's good food, I'm saying it's decent food and good value.

I, personally, would call their Philly Cheesesteak pizza “good” food. Not, like, local restaurant level good. But early days of COVID that was my little bit of sanity. Order a couple pizzas from Dominos delivery on Sunday, eat a slice of each for lunch every day.


Let the people riot.

Condemning an innocent person to death would be the direct responsibility of the Judge, whereas the judge is not directly responsible for the actions of the protestors. Those protestors are behaving outside of the judicial system, and the judicial system may deal with them eventually, but their threat of violence should not be part of the decision-making process.

Caiaphas and his whole “it is expedient for us, that one man should die for the people, and that the whole nation perish not” thing shouldn’t really be seen as a role model for judges. Just sayin’.

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Also, my robot vacuum has LiDAR. It’s not expensive relative to a car.

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Holy shit. I’m not sure people understand how big a deal this is for Ottawa County.

Ottawa County contains the town that voted to close its library over LGBT books. Ottawa County is where Betsy DeVos lives. Ottawa County had their commission taken over by a far right group called Ottawa Impact that tried to oust the county health officer and replace her with someone completely unqualified because of mask requirements.

Ottawa County is home to a congressional district that hasn’t gone Democrat since the civil rights movement.

This is kind of huge.

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You’re acting like he wants Xitter to succeed. I suspect he wants it dead because he thinks it contributed to his child being trans. And also because some of his financiers don’t want an Arab Spring.

Edit: Either way he’s a piece of shit.

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cracking the whip

I think this is a fantastic example of what you’re talking about.

On its face, “cracking the whip” doesn’t need to be seen as offensive. Humans have collectively spent far more time using whip cracks to motivate animals than fellow humans, I suspect.

However, the determination of offensive speech is not in the hands of the speaker, but rather in the reception by the listener. That is to say, you can have the purest of intentions but if someone is offended by what you say, no amount of explaining takes away the initial offense. And generally you don’t GET to do that explaining. Damage is done, and that person may then avoid you or already have a shifted opinion of you.

I’ve had to learn this lesson the hard way. And fortunately have had friends who were willing to tell me that I had offended them when I thought what I said was completely benign.

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I just pay for YouTube Premium. It gets me YouTube Music, so for slightly more than the cost of Spotify I get music streaming and ad-free YouTube, and the channels I watch on YouTube get more value out of my streaming than if I watched with ads. And far more than if I watched with an adblocker.

Google Play Music was so much better than YouTube Music, unfortunately, but YouTube Music is still usable.

I understand that everyone hates ads. I hate ads, too. But video streaming and content creation aren’t free. I want to support the platform and support the creators whose content I enjoy, and I don’t want ads. So YouTube Premium seems like the easy option.

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The judge doesn’t want to give Trump’s team any ammunition for an appeal. I realize it’s absurd, but if he’s thrown in jail without significant warning then they’ll argue it biased the already liberal jury (cause NYC) against him too much.

(I am not a lawyer, that’s just my understanding.)

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If it is still convertible between handheld and console, and is fully compatible with Switch titles, Nintendo might have finally gotten a transition to a new console right. I don’t need another TV-bound console, but I would gladly take a more capable Switch.

They usually got generational transitions correct with their handhelds, but always flubbed it with the consoles. Hopefully now that they’re one and the same there won’t be a problem.

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That M4 and OLED screen is gonna display the SHIT out of some sheet music for me.

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How could it be? Most Android manufacturers, including Google, allow you to use other app stores.

If anyone has an Unjust Monopoly in this space it's Apple. (Though I think it's unfortunately more complicated than that, as much as I'd love to see Apple forced to let other app stores on.)

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LGBTQ 2 has better graphics, split-screen multiplayer, a customizable interface, and hot-swappable controls. It also supports macros.

But now you have to pay for DLC maps.

It's still treating Trump different than most.

Of course it is.

If it's such a problem to put Trump in jail, why isn't it for any random person?

Because he is a former president of the United States who is currently running for re-election. This situation is unique in American history. As much as we may dislike these facts, they are true. The judge is in uncharted waters here, and needs to be careful to avoid anything that can be construed as evidence of bias against the defendant. This trial will be under scrutiny for as long as we have a country.

It’s not fair that most defendants do not have the essentially limitless resources of the entire conservative political machine at their disposal to pay for their legal woes, but it is the reality of the situation.

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If you don’t allow people to have second chances, then recidivism rates skyrocket. Being tough on crime creates more crime (and more prisoners).

Look at the Scandinavian prison model. Reform is what ought to be the focus.

But in the US, recidivism is kind of the goal. After all, we need to keep the for profit prisons full.

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I don’t mind a touchscreen. Apple CarPlay/Android Auto are really nice.

I just also want physical controls for everything the car needs to do to be a car, like climate control or wipers or shifting. And also physical controls for play/pause, skip, volume, and tuning.

Touchscreens can do a lot to enhance the car experience, but they cannot replace physical buttons.

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Wow the way she’s crying is disgusting, she’s just sorry for herself not for the deaths she caused. No remorse, only regret for getting sentenced

How do you know that? I don’t know about you but I’ve done things in anger that I felt genuine remorse for later.

Never killed anyone though, I suppose.

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Just wear a mask, jeez.

If only. I was so hopeful early in COVID that Western countries would embrace mask wearing when sick. But noooo, dipshits had to politicize it and make it a wedge issue.

This precisely. It wasn’t about charging for the API. It was about charging an exorbitant amount for the API, giving devs a tiny amount of time to come up with a solution, and then belittling the user and moderator communities.

I don’t want to be a part of a website that treats its own community with so much disdain and spite.

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Honestly race is a social construct formed initially out of ethnicity in a very similar way to gender being a social construct formed initially out of sex. I don’t think most people would be offended by someone whose cultural behavior matched that of a race not normally associated with their ethnicity, as long as it was genuine and not done simply to appropriate another culture.

Like, if a white kid is raised around a lot of Jamaican immigrants, falls in love with reggae, and becomes a Canadian reggae sensation, we aren’t gonna say that he’s black (because he isn’t), but we also aren’t gonna say that Snow is appropriating Jamaican culture.

I guess it could be an interesting question for a more open future society, whether “trans-racial” identity could eventually be something we could identify and accept.

But of course TERFy bitch J.K. Rowling isn’t asking this question in good faith, she’s trying to be edgy and punch down, like she’s constantly doing these days. So, no J.K. Rowling. Fuck off.

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So, Reddit cans any mods who don't play ball.

Well I certainly hope they do so safely, or they could end up with botulism.

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It is possible for women to be colorblind (if their father is colorblind and their mother is a carrier for the gene).

It is also possible for men to be tetrachromats if they have XXY genes (called Klinefelter syndrome).

This occurred on a 29 year old plane. This is almost certainly just a one-off issue. Unless it starts happening frequently with other 757s, it’s nothing to be overly concerned about. And in that case, the NTSB would figure out why it’s happening and issue a directive.

Planes are designed on a “Swiss cheese” model. Swiss cheese (as Americans call any variety resembling Emmental) is full of holes, but you can’t usually see all the way through a block of it. On a plane, something might fail and you can’t always prevent that, but you can make sure that there is enough redundancy that if something does go wrong you’re still covered. For something to cause a plane to crash, the “holes” have to line up so something could pass all the way through the “cheese.”

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This "one-off" issue was spotted on dozens of 737s.

This issue with a damaged wing slat on this particular 29-year-old 757 was spotted on dozens of 737s? Do you have a source for that?

Unless you’re confusing this with the 737 MAX 9 door plug issue. That is not a one-off, that is a manufacturing/assembly issue. And that’s my point. The door plug situation is a systemic problem on many brand new planes, whereas this story is about a relatively small issue on a 29-year-old plane.

Something being damaged on a 757 shouldn’t shake people’s confidence in Boeing. Shit going wrong in the design and manufacturing of the 737 MAX series should.

iOS will sometimes ask you even if the app has been using it (for certain permissions), and might even tell you how often the app has used it. Which is really handy.

Like, “this app has accessed your location from the background 48 times in the last month, you gave it permission, would you like to change it to ‘when using’?” Or “This app has had full access to your photos, would you like to limit it?” (Not exact wording, but you get the idea.)

Something that delighted me when I discovered it.

(Android does permissions very well too, I’m in no way trying to knock it.)

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Can't park under trees

Well if we’re being fair, that’s a bad idea for all cop cars. Trees might drop very hostile acorns, forcing the officer to unload his gun.

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The way fear, anger, hatred, and the resulting division is being used to control populations.

We have more in common with one another than we think. We all do. But our media highlights the things about each other that we fear or hate.

I know plenty of people across the political spectrum. There is a distinct lack of empathy for anyone who doesn’t share specific views or experiences.

Note, I am not trying to “both sides” here, I’m really not. Modern conservatism is dangerous. But it remains in place not only because conservatives are fed fear and hatred about progressives, but also because progressives are fed fear and anger towards conservatives.

I don’t think the original goal here was to control people, I think fear sells. We seek out warnings, they impact our mental state more. News organizations originally realized they could make more money by making their audience afraid.

But there have always been those who capitalize on those fears. And today it means that those who control the channels simply need to keep us afraid of and angry at one another over some wedge issues and they don’t then need to fear anyone coming together to make actual meaningful societal change happen.

I wish we’d all spend a bit more time talking to other people. But that’s becoming more and more rare.

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Nick Cordero was a Broadway performer and was in extremely good physical shape. Healthy, young, and fit. COVID still killed him. Being in good physical condition doesn’t inherently mean safety.

It’s remarkable to me how quickly we forgot the terror of the early days of COVID-19, before we had the vaccine and before we really knew what we were dealing with.

Fun fact, that $200 in 1991 would be about $450 today. The most expensive Nintendo console today is the Switch OLED at $360. Nintendo is beating inflation!

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