Virtual Insanity

@Virtual Insanity
1 Post – 112 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

404... Beer not found.

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I'm actually really trying to play devils advocate... But I'm struggling.

I came to get away from the main stream socials.

I came to minimise my farmed data footprint.

I came to find other like minded people.

These principals alone are shared by quite a few I guess.

If we end up hooked up to the machine we were trying to escape from then coming here was near pointless.

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This, very very much.

I can't code for shit, but am willing to put some time and effort into FOSS.

But I'm not sure what's needed, or where is needed.

Have these projects ever considered just asking for the help they need?

Anything to qualify that statement or just taking a shot? Who offers better value machines than Lenovo?

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I just checked and it's almost double what I'm paying currently for 100/40 fibre.

I don't know where you got your figures but u suspect they're faulty.

At best it might be an alternative to Skymuster.

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There is a fundamental misunderstanding here.

Our data has never been 'invisible'... We've just trusted that places like Reddit and their staff will do the right thing. That's literally how it already works.

If you sign up for Reddit, Reddit staff can see your posts and votes if they want to.

If you sign up for a private forum the admin there can also see database contents.

One way encryption is not possible without stopping functionality... If data about you was encrypted then posts you make couldn't be displayed. If you include a means to decrypt then there was no point encrypting anyway.

This is how it's always been, and Lemmy doesn't change this status quo much.

A faceless corporation that has had access to your data is just replaced by a variety of admins distributed across instances.

This isn't a good or bad thing, the potential for abuse does exist, but when we have literally made agreements with places like Reddit that they can use and sell our data... then what difference does it make it an admin takes a peek?

It wouldn't be great... but nothing is perfect.

It's still worth working on however, to see if a better solution can be found, but at this time I'd say just be aware that it is possible that your data can be seen and understand the only safeguard against that if you need to communicate something private would be to use direct messaging with end to end encryption.

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Can buy one with the money saved by pirating

Nope. While WiFi has fancy claims you're not going to get any more than around 1200mbps at 20 metres on the best day with the best gear.

While with cat6 you'll probably do 2.5gbps to 100m no problem, and even 10gbps. Even cat5e will do those speeds at certain distances.

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I know waterproof Type C ports exist as electrical components. So the test is up to the manufacturer to correctly implement it.

Ultimately, Type C is no worse an option to other ports.

The biggest thing killing Lemmy for me is needing a seperate account on every single instance if I want to participate in anything on an instance.

I thought this wasn't how it was supposed to work.

I saw this post on another instance and tried to reply this exact message but got an error saying I couldn't.

Using Liftoff if it matters.

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If you got a Lenovo ThinkPad then you can easily replace parts. They're available online from Lenovo themselves along with documentation on how to perform the repairs.

If you got a Lenovo ideapad... they suck.

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I like the Fairphone 5 but €40 for a case is unforgivable.

I'm feeling like it's a gouge because they know not many (if any) 3rd party cases exist.

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So what is the standard fast charging solution they've choosen?

The site doesn't say.

Are we going to see USB-PD in more phones now?

I'd love to see all the different manufacturers standards bugger off.

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Home ownership is 2024

Sounds like she's rarely out never noticed you use it either... Which makes it interesting both because of the uncommon UI and workflow, and she has not had regular observations to learn from.

For those of us that have operated both it's a non issue.

But think of how you'd go about it with zero knowledge. I bet most would try dialling the number without lifting the receiver.

Yeah... Fuck us for driving to a job no public transport can get us to right?

If you wanna admit you suck go right ahead, but with the means I have at hand in making a solid effort.

Sounds like your not.

Consumerism and capitalism is the real issue. Must have the latest iPhone, the company must grow. Limitless growth must happen in a system with limited resources.

Typed from my 5 year old phone I don't want to replace but Samsung agree pulling security updates so I'll have to.

Webster dictionary...

'arousing feelings of affection or admiration'

I've never considered the term to be only for children.

On the contrary... I've seen the New Zealand mosque shooting in full.

So no one gets to say "you don't get it" to me.

I came here to simply point out that focusing on a single gun is a bad idea.

This seems to be a common trait in the anti gun community.

Pretty much anything semi automatic would fill the vacuum the AR would leave immediately.

I like guns. But I'm wise enough to know they're a problem. A massive problem.

I'm also lucky enough to live in Australia, where guns have always been hard to get and the ownership of them tracked.

This tracking made getting all the semi automatics out of hands relatively easy here.

I now live in a society where an AR-15 is a 1 in a million firearm only allowed for those that can demonstrate a need for it.

What you guys gotta do is stop focusing on 1 firearm by name and focus on the actual issue.

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I just had a look at their motherboards, nearly AUD$1000 shipped for the cheapest available 12th gen board... board only.

Just bought a ThinkPad with 16gb dual channel and 1TB nvme for $60 less than this and it has an on-site warranty.

I love the idea but the pricing is insane.

Just pricing the minimum possible 16" machine came to AUD$2400 with no ram, no SSD, no OS, no numpad and no charger.

Add all this things, even self bought your looking at over $3k or even $4k if you want the GPU

I wish them luck... They're going to need it.

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Ham Radio

Some aren't even aware the hobby still exists.

Easy to get licenced in most places, ham radios are cool pieces of clever tech. So many sub hobbies within. Digital modes, long distance, electronics, antenna design and building.

You'd be surprised just how few search engines the are.

Google and Bing are about all there is.

Most other 'search engines' just offload the hard work onto existing search engines.

Very few people actually know DuckDuckGo sources their results from Bing for example.

The infrastructure Mozilla uses to serve their content is microscopic compared to what they'd need to operate a fully independent and capable modern search engine.

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Why not?

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You're right about the assumption... ... But the assumptions are also part of the problem.

Women's liberation doesn't get a second glance at is name, so why can't a men's liberation discussion group enjoy the same?

Better build the house in a barn then.

That will solve everything!

This is true, but these people are too stupid to accept facts and feel better picking on the dangerous black rifle.

The fully semi automatic clip fed AR-15 that fires 9mm bullets that will blow a lung out is the real problem.

No... Just no.

Guns ARE a problem, as is mental health and the mindset of people.

But per capita Sweden has more houses with assault rifles (literally military provided rifles to national service citizens) but no mass shootings there?

I'm actually in favour of better gun control, but I can't think of a truly practical way to achieve it.

The US pro gun people are in denial about the issue, and the US anti gun people are equally in denial about the true issues and facts, so much so that their cause is suffering for it.

I'm concerned about guns... But I'm not stupid.

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I agree with all but hand crank drills. If you own a battery drill it's probably stored with it's battery and with keyless chucks (that don't work on a hand crank drill) getting a battery drill ready for work is faster than a hand crank, and it will do the job faster too.

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That's true, but also dumb at the same time.

The benefit of reduced drag applies regardless of mode of propulsion.

So really, it's complexity for complexity sake.

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Yeah, is a Pico... $5

On Firefox mobile it barely looks different... But what stood out was more bugs. Missing next page buttons and layout issues. So... Good job Reddit... LoL.

Galaxy S5 was IP67 with a headphone socket, removable battery and dedicated microSD card slot. Others have also existed. Taking like adding a headphone socket costs more than 5 cents is stupid.

I'm a Bluetooth buds convert now, but I'd still like the choice.

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So you'd need 10,000 of them to generate 1 watt.

Sounds useless.

They're both terrible. Why should anyone have to support either? Does it have to be a choice?

How's this for a fact. Not everyone aware MFF is known colloquially by some to refer to gender of participants in a sexual context. Non cowardly downvote to you for being an antagonistic ass.

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Your just proving your stupidity in this post.

There are other guns the have attributes similar to the AR-15, and if you that the AR away the next most popular gun will be the next issue.

I'm not defending the AR, I'm saying all guns are a problem and focusing on one is not a smart move.

This is already happening with smart phones.

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Well how else do you think navigation works?

Of course it's going to need data.

Google gets away with it by streaming the data.

Smaller 3rd party mapping companies don't have the infrastructure to do that so you download map packages.

That's how it worked before navigation devices had always on internet connections.

220mb for a city it really quite efficient, I wouldn't be complaining.

Did they blow any lungs out?

By your logic then why aren't you just suggesting to pack and bring a desktop PC everywhere?

I do badly want to like these.. but I don't see the point.

Repairability wise mid range ThinkPad is nearly as good. Only major difference is I think Framework claims they will release schematics... and as someone who actually does component level repairs I've seen promises like this work I've or twice, but then they stop maintaining their data or pays get hard to get rendering the gesture null.

Upgrade wise... I switch machines every 4 to 6 years... at which point the chassis has a bit of wear and tear.

Spec wise I buy what I need and add a little headroom with the ThinkPad.

Spare parts are good for ThinkPad and Lenovo actually has component replacement guides that no one seems to mention or know about.

And when I do upgrade I appreciate having a complete spare machine.

I think it's also not unreasonable to assume my style of buying and upgrading is not uncommon.

This leaves the Framework very few hardware advantages and nil price advantages.

I still think they're a great idea, but I don't see any practical benefit over a sensible alternative.

Genuine question... Have I missed anything?

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Worst with trains

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