5 Post – 623 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am the developer of Summit for Lemmy.

Disco Elysium but with ADHD

I'm not the original author:

Trebuchets are the most technologically advanced siege engines of all time, and are capable of hurling a 90kg stone over 300m using a counterweight.

With this in mind, we can perform the following calculations:

A 22TB WD Red Pro drive weighs 670g, with a maximum hurl weight of 90kg, trebuchet can hurl 134 drives at once, totalling 2,948 TB of data.

The average speed of a trebuchet projectile is 54m/s and the average size of an American 'block' is 100m. Lets presume 3 blocks to get our full trebuchets use (fuck you catapults).

It'll take 5.5 seconds for the projectile to go from launch to dramatic landing, meaning a throughput of 536TB a second.

Therefore, trebuchets are the best transfer method.

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Just create a global object and stuff your variable in there. Now you have a global singleton and that's not a purely bad practice :D

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You can always solve a problem by adding more layers of abstraction. Good software design isn't to add more layers of abstractions, it's to solve problems with the minimum amount of abstractions necessary while still having maintainable, scalable code.

There are benefits to abstraction but they also have downsides. They can complicate code and make code harder to read.

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The good news is they are biodegradable.

This post is so confusing. Do I upvote opinions I strongly agree with or down vote them?!

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Can they improve the single player version instead? I don't have friends who will play with me :(

And it's no longer organic!

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This is actually exactly how user agents evolved.

Chrome pretends to be safari.

IE pretends to be Netscape.

Safari pretends to be Firefox.

All popular browsers pretend to be at least one other browser for compatibility.

Can't wait for websites to require an emoji in your password /s

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Slightly confusing title here. A less confusing title would be "Mozilla drops support for Mercurial, moves Firefox repository to GitHub".

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Dish washer soap. Gotta rep technology connections for teaching me that not only is the powdered stuff cheaper, it's also just straight up better. Also store vs name brand shouldn't make a big difference either, at least not from my tests.

When I buy dishwasher soap now I just compare price per gram and grab the cheapest option.

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Like a beyblade

Yeah but now you can see the weight of your poops and compete with family and friends on the leaderboard.

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Where's the parm tho. How the fk am I supposed to eat this without parm.

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I'm so glad I made games as a hobby before I got anywhere close to graduating. Killed that dream real fast. It felt like shit having to play your own game so many times the game lost all meaning and it was hard to gauge if it was even fun anymore.

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I don't see people mention Cross Codes often and no one has mentioned here yet so I think it's "lesser known".

It's one of the games I got. I'm 20 hours in and the game is amazing so far.

The game can be pretty challenging sometimes so I'm not sure if it's for everyone. I'd describe the game as a MMORPG but without the MMO. It has a lot less grinding than a MMO and a lot more puzzles.

I saw some people compare it to Zelda but I feel like that's only accurate for some aspects.

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Use a password manager yoooo. I spent half a decade avoiding it and said fk it one weekend and set it up. It takes some time to set it up the first time but it's the way to go.

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Here have a cat pic

Usually people at a company are not allowed to sell stock except during special windows. For people at the very top it's restricted even further where they need to essentially plan to buy/sell stock well in advance. Essentially there is a huge delay to any stock decisions. So these sell offs were likely decided far in advance and once locked in cannot be changed.

For more details read

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Thanks to Reddit nuking itself I am now spending 6 more hours a day writing code (I'm the developer of Summit for Lemmy) :D


JPEG compression is standardized. The only part of the algorithm that is configurable is the quantization matrix which is essentially a control of what information to throw away and how much. So unless you are throwing away a huge amount of information (really shitty image), there is no way a different library will somehow save you a bunch of space.

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The best of friends.

Trueeeeeee. Then post your ip here so you can recall it later.

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Bring back "Look around you"

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Oh sht. The cops were the good guys all along. They're angels sent by God to take us all to heaven 🙏🙏🙏

/s (I'm going to vomit from having to type that)

Thanks. Op should probably update the source to this one or similar. There's no reason to link to a bad source if good ones are available.

"Fingering supports the contributors you love."


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How do you stop this tho

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Feet fetishists are out of control.

Thank you to all the scammers I fell for in RuneScape for teaching me life lessons using monopoly money 🙏

Implying java isn't a real programming language. Smh my head.

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Np. closed as duplicate

Yeah. Put me on a pedestal instead. I've got some nice ideas. Like what if we made a car with a square steering wheel? I mean we won't know the downsides until we try.

Here I fixed it