
1 Post – 393 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm fat, so salads are not my favorite, neither I'm vegan, BUT for me deep fried crispy Cauliflower is better than chicken wings

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Idk It looks more like Morgan Freeman with albinism but it's cool

I was going to ask this... doesn't vpn work? Is VPN being bamed too?

Bye bye lil sebastian

Never in my 40 years i ever thought about Hawk tuah on a dick. Maybe that's why I'm single now lol

Staff is people? What kind of comunist shit is this?!

Even if you are not religious (I'm not) we really need a Bible tv show. But it has to be 100% accurate, no cuting corners, at most they could modernize the language, but it has to have 100% of dialogues there. It would be amazing

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Could be a corporate job

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oh I got the joke, nobody want to be an Iron

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I'm an IT auditor. "What the fuck?" is the main question, we ask it daily

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it's nanowhere

I see no problems

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Better this way, every time someone walks towards Poland we have a new war.


can't even fuck them

Please lets not bring TS here. FFS every single news is about her! She doesn't seem like a bad.person and I can't stand looking at her anymore

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Not a joke. My cousin has one of those. Yes he is pretty dumb

Is there anywhere that wasn't or isn't fucked up at some point in history?! Humans are shitty. Ancient humans were even worst (very boring, smelly and short life)

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Over 40? For me is even worst! You younglings still have time to do something. I have no house, no savings, no retirement plan and no time to do all that! I'm the most fucked! Do you think I expect good things?

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Not because of the syntol itself but he seems to have some type of mental disability. He should be getting some care

There are no countries without a dark chapter in their history. At some point every coutry had a shitty person in power.

And btw it took them 400 years to repeale it?! fuck

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The other day, on work lunch, someone mentioned that their cousin bought a 3d printer and it was "so cool" and I said "yeah I have 2" and nothing more. That was very hard

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Are we all working the same job? Just spending 8 hours inputing data, filtering and moving columns in excel?

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Not american but I'm honestly worried about the USA right now. This shit is crazy. Can you imagine if he wins again?!

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Not Historical, Hysterical

ha joke's on you, my anti depressants don't let me masturbate at all

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Hire a 13yo boy just to look at your products and point out all of the ways it can be badly interpreted

obvious lol

My company gave everyone a 5% bonus just because we beat the forecasted numbers, but idk a mint looks fine too

Your turn google

I see Reddit's toxicity is leaking into lemmy.

I'm a Cis woman on Lemmy. I don't know what the fuck "hexbear" is. I didn't vote. Thank you.

Since I'm not going to download reddit official I'm using reddit while I still can to learn Lemmy lol. Trying to find my subs here.

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Not aborted monkeys!!

First thing I do in the morning is dread life itself and my parents choice to have me, then I wish i would die for 5 min, and then I take a glass of water. Also works

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You're right I'll try!