Maybe it was someone from the future. to – 263 points –

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After seen the photo.of his bloody face I have to say, as a non american, i'm sorry for you guys and for ukrane (and the rest of the world of course, since this time things will be MUCH worst). I hope you can recover but idk if you have mich time. I don't think this wako can loose anymore

Thanks for that. Getting messages like this from outside the U.S. means a lot. For real.

Dark times, here. They were dark yesterday, but today proves things can always be worse.

Yeah, as an American all I could think was this clinched the campaign for him.

He can't handle security for something like a small concert? He can't handle security for the nation. Do people really think Obama wasn't under constant threat? Please.

Now we need to make sure one idiots attempt to stop him from being president, doesn’t derail the rest of our determination to stop him from being president the democratic way.

I’m sure we can do it, but all the non MAGAts need to work together to ensure it.

Yes, the initial reaction seems to be "he just won", but that's a bit silly with 3-4 months to go. Don't worry (yet)! We have no idea if the violence will escalate, or what absolutely fucking insane things will occur in this time (esp. Oct-Nov)!

"Which candidate will calm all of this down?" We await the verdict from the 1. INCREDIBLE or 2. DEPLORABLE (select one after election) people of the USA... PA, WI, and MI.

As a Canadian I'm sorry for the Americans but I'm also fucking terrified for what this means for us. We're already seeing it bleed (pun intended) into our borders and I don't think I could handle if our politics went further that way. This is gonna affect a whole lot more than Americans.

Who's bloody face? As a non-American I'm OOTL ig

Trump was shot at at a rally. Grazed his ear, his security escorted him off stage after a minute or so. There's a photo of him with a bloody ear, surrounded by his bodyguards, fist raised, with the flag in the background. Crazy good photo, arguably historic already.

You saw a face with red liquid on it I will admit that much. What that liquid was or how it got there is not something I have evidence for.