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Joined 12 months ago

Programmer by day, burnt out by night.

This, with reading the full name of the model each and every time, reads like a corporate ad

Honestly, you'll be lucky if you can get past any bootloader issues on a Samsung.

It was honestly trivial to wipe Samsung's and install LineageOS on a Galaxy Note 10+ and a Galaxy Tab 7. The bootloader isn't much of an issue.

Now, getting a random Linux system to install, rather than an Android system designed for these, sounds live a huge challenge.

I think your first point is the main reason Ubuntu has its popularity to thank for; 10-15 years ago it was (one of) the best desktop Linux OSes, people used to its workflow will continue using it as there's no imminent reason to switch to whatever new thing just came out

Firewall is pre-installed, and they offer to configure and enable it on launch (similar to Ubuntu and many other distros). I've never seen a Linux desktop they came with firewall preconfigured in any way.

The lock screen is an issue, and Cinnamon does not come with a Wayland way to lock yet. KDE, Gnome or some other Wayland friendly DE would be better in that regard, I agree

It's Ubuntu, so it's secure.

It uses a supported LTS kernel, for better stability and security. Updates to a newer LTS kernel if the LTS it was using is no longer supported.

It's very secure by default.

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That's the default everywhere else, yes

So it has auto updates enabled? Windows, macOS and a ton of other Linux distros do that as well.

I think it's moreso that Ubuntu is (one of the) most used desktop Linux OSes, so a lot of corporations and individuals who like to play safe just go with that

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Personal recommendation: is a good website to check your DNS, torrent protection, and some more useful info.

Why would they add a “feature” that makes it look like files are deleted? That would only hurt their service.

Also, what virus here and there? It seems like their service hid files uploaded to it, not actually infect computers with anything. Am I missing something?

I agree, this doesn't explain why Ubuntu would be any better than other OSes that also auto update by default...

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It was one of the first polished desktop Linux systems, even though it's enshittified recently it holds its popularity due to its long-standing status as “THE Linux desktop”

Oh wow, a lot of people use it in countries with a lot of people!

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a rainy part of the UK

Well that's a bit redundant, isn't it?

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What's the original to template? It looks hilarious!

Found it! It's eat hot chip & lie. The text in the original reads:

any female born after 1993 can’t cook… all they know is mcdonald’s , charge they phone, twerk, be bisexual , eat hot chip & lie

non-alcohol bubbly drink

Sounds like a good step towards rocking hard at 84.

I feel like these are two completely different sets of artists.

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They've been doing this for months, at least with some piracy-related sites.

Being used to tone tags, that /S signature felt so weird at first.

On one hand I want to upvote you, because OP will really have a much better chance at getting good support there.

On the other hand I want to downvote you for just “forwarding their call” to another forum, instead of helping directly. (I've had bad experiences with unhelpful Linux communities where people basically just tried to find the quickest way to move someone out of their support channel)

I'll keep it neutral, I guess.

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Or better yet:

  • Run the live Linux environment, run gparted, wipe every partition of the disk
  • Reinstall Windows
  • Launch Windows, launch dskmng, shrink Windows by the needed amount (having another OS shrink it might break it)
  • Reinstall Linux, it should offer to install alongside the other system if there's enough space
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As I stated here

It seems search engines supposedly using their own data, or acting as FE for Google, are down, too

kratoz29 is our friend now ☭

To make your password even safer, also add the penis hieroglyph (𓂸) which is censored on Windows.

I can see it on Windows 10...

Other than that, I love these ideas you evil bastard!

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It does not do it very well (no sequential downloads, tracker scanning etc) and others like qBitTorrent also do not come with spam nor unrelated garbage, only μTorrent does that.

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  1. Because of FoxyGestures, I can't find a good replacement for this on Chromium based browsers.

  2. Because of uBlock Origin, Firefox has the full version, on mobile too.

  3. Because Google Chrome can scan my files system for “malware” and improving their ad data, in other words their spying goes too far.

  4. Because of the customisability of the UI.

  5. Because I can tweak every variable (visit about:config)

  6. Because if you turn telemetry off, it's actually off, Google lies about that.

  7. Because Google's market share is so big, that they have the guts to try and DRM the entire Internet for their browser, no company should have that much power.

And to use the computer without being bombarded by ads

Helped my SO fix Sims 4 on her W11 laptop recently; lock screen ads, start menu ads, pre-installed bloatware begging for money

I even asked how she deals with all of that and she basically said “I dunno it just does that, if you can make it stop that'd be nice ig but just get Sims to worl for now”

Needless to say I got Sims 4 to work (removing cachedir did the trick) AND uninstalled the bloatware and turned off ad-related settings

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Linux Mint is not outdated, it always uses the up-to-date version of a supported LTS kernel. This is on purpose, to prefer stability over cutting edge.

You may prefer cutting edge (ex. AUR) over stability, that's fine, but that doesn't mean Mint is out-of-date.

VLC has pretty mediocre rendering, it stutters a lot even on a fast PC, or renders with grey artifacts. MPV is open source, renders much clearer and faster and can be used as the backend for any simple or advanced GUI video player.

That said, VLC was great back in the early 2000's, when it and it alone could open basically any media file and file containing media including mkv. Nowadays every video player does that.

I offer you Indonesian, which has a word for “he/she/they/it” (dia) but no words for “he” or “she”. Indonesian has words for older sibling (kakak) and younger sibling (adik) but it's rare to specify the sibling's gender. It ever has rude slang for “primary reproductive organ” (titis, among many others) without specifying wether it concerns a vagina or penis. TL;DR Indonesia is based.

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So Arch first?
Got it!

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And included a legend, such as a colour bar

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Meanwhile Arch users are just using the AUR for everything.

I don't use Arch btw, but I'm thinking I should.

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With Minecraft, it wasn't any better.

Minecraft runs natively on Linux, though. It's not FOSS so it's not available through apt, but you can install it from a .deb from their website

Download page
The installation file

I've had better performance with Minecraft on Linux Mint Cinnamon 21.3 (albeit with kernel 6.1) than on Windows 10 personally.

Sadly, I can't easily fix FIFA or Roblox for you

Yet, DuckDuckGo and Startpage seem down, too. Even though DDG supposedly uses its own results, and SP supposedly is a FE for Google DDG uses Bing results and SP aggregates Google and Bing results

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I recall that DuckDuckGo bought data from Yahoo and then used that on its own, but if that was ever true it no longer is:

Of course, we have more traditional links and images in our search results too, which we largely source from Bing.

Anyone can upload packages to the AUR, and people often use it without verying the source, so yeah that can be dodgy

ELI5 albeit a long one:

Your storage is like a book, with an index at the beginning. This index tells whatever computer reading it “the contents of “Math Homework 5.odt” start on page 100 and ends on page 125”, for example.

When a new file needs to be stored, the computer only has to quickly read the index, find a spot in the book with empty pages, and write the file on those pages.

Nkw, when you delete a file, the computer will only erase the index, which is much quicker. Math Homework 5.odt is gone so more another file can be written onto pages 100 through 125!

A thief getting their hands on your storage could still read the part with your file's content on it, though, so it's not safe!

“Secure delete” means the computer will not only erase the index entry, but even every letter from every page related to your file's content. This takes a long time, but a thief trying to read those pages will simply see blank pages, so that's why it's safe!

The image looks like OP cherry picked some replies in the original thread. I wonder how many artists still want AI assisted art to be flagged as such.

EDIT The source is also linked under the images. They did leave out all the comments in favour of including AI metadata, but naturally they're there in the source linked under the images.

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That sounds stressful

Same here, for me it was when I saw how Spez was treating mods that I pulled out.

Also obligatory “Boost Gang 🙌”