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Joined 9 months ago

They would love to but we're all equally fucked in this economy tbh. We're all just trying to make more money so we can help each other out when someone needs it.

I have a coworker that if you try to call her and she doesn't want to talk she straight up changes her status to away or busy and then just ignores your call. She is an a-hole but not for this reason, lol.

I have the opposite problem where I know there are better alternative routes but google refuses to acknowledge them.

I've only ever seen Quora as a joke, I didn't think people were actually getting good answers there.

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My parents at 24: oh shit you're pregnant better get married

Me at 32 living in sin and child free: is another plant too much responsibility?

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And every single one of those is accurate

I watched this great documentary that proved that sleep deprivation actually just turns you into Brad Pitt out to destroy capitalism.

My sister's ex. Though a lot of her friends had the feeling, he sure as hell charmed her and my parents. Dude was a manipulative cokehead who stole thousands from her. She's fine now but fuck that guy.

Paillot de chévere. Local cheese man got me hooked on it.

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Ok this one is actually resolved kind of but it super freaks me out. I was working on something and had white noise in my bluetooth headphones coming from Spotify on my browser. At like 2 in the morning, over the white noise, and without making a noise like it connected to anything else, the headphones started playing this like chatter (like people chit chatting) and eventually the started singing what sounded like hymns, at the same time the headset kept cutting in and out and this went on for like 10 minutes. I turned off the Spotify, closed the browsers, confirmed my headset wasn't connected to anything else and nothing else was playing sound that I could see.

A few days later I go back to my computer, open up some separate work I had been doing (transcribing interviews) and lo and behold at the end of the roll there's the creepy fucking chatter and singing.

What it must've been was somehow my foot pedal getting triggered (though I maintain my foot was not on the pedal) and somehow, though I'm certain my app was closed, playing the end of that recording. But damn if I wasn't sure I was haunted those few days.

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I think other people who are more touchy would not appreciate ours but when one of us goes away and we are greeting each other, instead of hugging or kissing like normal humans we thumbs up.

My partner's a little awkward and neither of us like public displays of affection, so he just thumbsed up me once when I was going in for a hug and I still think it's the funniest thing.

I had a neighbour I lived next to that no joke the kids used to play basketball inside the apartment. We met the poor person below them once and she asked almost jokingly if they play basketball. Yes, yes they do that is what they're doing.

Luckily at my new apartment I don't have to wonder what they're doing because in addition to the stomping I can also hear their kids fucking screaming the entire day. Do they jump on their bed at 5 am? Why yes. Do they chase the dog around at 2 pm? Why yes, yes they do. Does their dad come home and yell at them at 5 pm? Why yes! Yes he does.

That was my first thought but then I realized that if I, a 30-something year old old person, understand every word of it, it's gotta be a lil sus.

Can someone point me the way of that bot or whatever that changes all your old Reddit posts before deleting them? I thought I had it saved somewhere but I can't find it now and have no idea what it's called.

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Bruh I'm not even European but that measuring cup got me shook.

My city is awesome and recently decided to just stop recycling glass. You know, because we love plastic and why would we want to reward companies who use glass, the much easier thing to reuse and recycle.

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I recently found an interviewer who is clearly more left leaning but he does interviews with very conservative/right wing people (mostly students) and just like, not to argue or anything, he just asks a question and they answer and he goes "okay thanks" then posts it without any added comment on the socials. It really interested me cause like, I can see why they might think the things they think. Doesn't mean I agree with them, but at least it's a way to listen and kind of see the humanness in people who you might otherwise instinctively villainize.

Isn't this an episode of black mirror?

Well I didn't want children but now I got some experimenting to do.

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Not the same person but where I am there are shelters and community centers that offer these things for free. The facilities are not in as good condition as a gym membership though.

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I know it's a lot more nuanced than this but the idea of history being like "yes these people were unarguably here first" and government going "nah we created this place" is so fucking ridiculous.

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It's easy, just sleep for 3-4 hours then wake up and drink coffee and feel terrible every day of your life! Gotta love that 9-5 hustle.

This is just a Denny's ad and I know this because I worked there for more than 10 years and we used these exact pictures for probably that entire time.

Then there's animal crossing shaming you for abandoning it

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My partners job gave him a couple of the keg gift cards one year, it was over $100 value. We held on to them for a special occasion. We moved, it was my birthday, made plans with friends and excited to get steak paid for by his shitty employee.

Those fucking gift cards have never shown up again. Just gone into the void.

Not a movie but when I was 9, my grade 4 teacher decided to put on one of those ghost shows about a haunted Scottish castle and the story went that you could hear the bumping of a murdered body being dragged up the stairs in that castle. I told my dad and he spoke to the teacher and she told the whole class it was my fault we couldn't watch tv shows anymore so I got doubly traumatized. But fuck that, I had to run up the stairs in my house for literal years after that fucking show because I was afraid I would hear the murdered body.

Man I hate that fucking woman.

Sleep for dinner!

My eyes tricked me into thinking this was loss

Ok so I have a super unserious one compared to everyone here but I am legit really proud of myself for it.

I have pretty bad trypophobia where I will have a pretty extreme visceral reaction to many different holes, patterns of them, etc. This includes nail holes in the wall so I have a hard time putting things up and especially taking things down. When I moved places a few years ago I tried to face this extremely irrational fear and made myself fill every single nail hole in our old apartment. I felt so ill and honestly still feel ill even typing this out. I had to lay down on the floor in the dark apartment for what felt like hours because I was so nauseous. But I did it. Never fucking doing it again, but I did it and nobody can take that from me. This year I even put up two frames all by myself.

Oh I am so dumb

Shockingly (not shockingly) women can also be misogynistic!

It's not only men making those stupid fucking laws mate.

I remember on Reddit once I commented a very vague description of a very personal experience I had with SA. Not fucking joking, people were defending this person they knew literally nothing about, except for the fact that I had said "oh yeah, I've experienced SA".

I haven't seen anything that bad on Lemmy yet so hopefully it stays chill.

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Wherever you live sounds like paradise

Omg I had this opportunity against a higher up who is a really fucking awful person but I opted to go for an informal complaint because I panicked that they would tell them who put the complaint in. the higher up really likes me and had no idea that I'd complain about what they were doing - they also would've talked absolute shit about me and tried to destroy my reputation if they found out, considering I'm very early into my career it wasn't a choice I was willing to make. I wish I had been brave cause now it's all said and done I can really see how hard HR actually wanted that person gone (much harder to do without the formal complaint).

Good luck to you!

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This is just a trick to make me look bad if someone looks through my profile.

I think the concept of 'popular' at work is a bit silly but for the sake of your question, I am and have been very well-liked at most of my jobs. People give me compliments and show their appreciation often and I usually do float on that high for a minute, but I also don't really absorb it. I have real bad imposter syndrome and low self esteem. Those 'popular' people aren't usually as high on themselves as you might think.

As for what actually makes me happy, idk maybe my cats and seeing people I care about succeed.

I'm glad you get happy when you get compliments, you deserve to feel happy. I can't imagine ever being annoyed by compliments.

It also fucks with the quality of videos to the point where they are unwatchable if you have an android

Canada's not doing much better mate but we're hanging in there. Til our next election I guess.

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I scrolled away and had to come back because I just kept repeating the sentence in my head. If Apple Jacks gets $19B in profit I better join the cereal industry.

Could she do a Black flip tho

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