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Joined 11 months ago

He just kept at like it was no big deal. He sweated and teared up, but ate the whole damn thing.

Joke all you want, but I had a two year old in a high chair that ate my entire take out bowl of very hot penang thai curry. Diapers weren't fun for the next day, but he did it.

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EXCESS body fat? They would both be ripped and the enemy would just eat some cheeseburgers.


That if they stop loving you, they won't start again no matter how hard you try.

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Pwn, pwned was so specific to gaming it shouldn't even be on the list.

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I can think of a lot of ways to take out drones. Drowning them didn't make the list.

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UBI and robust social safety nets should have started with the industrial revolution. Every time a machine, computer, or now robots, UBI should have increased and been given to more people.

Damn cancel culture.

Show me chaps that aren't assless.

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Batman is a billionaire vigilante that destroys half of Gotham every few days. What are you talking about. He would be the first to go full fascist.

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I'm fairly sure leaving the platform will hurt more. I left June 30th. Haven't looked back.

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Girl, the only thing I don't tolerate is intolerance. Look that shit up in between you bible verses about slavery and killing fig trees and shit.

I talk to the C suite and lab staff regularly, sometimes, you can't duck out of front the muckity mucks, sometimes you can't leave a conversation with researchers and partners. But, I'm frequently the one who say, we're 5 minutes from close, 2 minutes from the end of our time, ok, we're going to have to drop off. With either.

The most marketable person on the planet is dating a dude on the chiefs. She recently asked people in the US to vote. That is bad for Republicans (regressives). Now the idiots say she is working for the "deep state." You can't use logic to change someone that believes themselves into it.

Having lived in China, even if this isn't complete bullshit, no way it is free.

You may be too young to understand this. I received a chain email that said you are now immune to any consequences of not forwarding, and still entitled to the benefits of all requests to forward. I feel no compunction whatsoever to even think about what someone online wants me to do. Frrreeeeeeedoooooommmm.

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I hate to say this, but doing nothing is the low bar, regressing a medium bar, and fascism the targer.

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An import thriving in the US? That is about as American as it gets.

It must be tiring to be infuriated by every single instance of anyone kissing everywhere. I truly feel for you, but not in that way. This is public the same way TV is public. I can't imagine the rants you have to send to the studios.

Nah, my dad has dementia, though mostly a sundowner for now. He looks and speaks way better than trump. Even at night.

Just to clarify, the sitting grand jury does not then sit on the jury for the trial.

Bugs bunny. Alternate, Gummi Bears, with points for best theme song.

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Obama is one of the best conservative presidents.

Not to be yelling at kids to get off my lawn, but gnarly was at least a decade before rad. Also, epic is nearly 2 decades later.

It was 14 hours between his nomination and the speech. According to NPR , she couldn't get a flight. Dude is still an assclown.

The rich have way too much cash and desperately want another recession so they can buy cheap assets. Consumers, the overall job market etc. Are trending the other way and messing up the cycle of boom/bust. In this particular instance, I am fine with the layoffs... as long as they keep paying the people they laid off. Paying people whose jobs are automated should have started at least as early as the industrial revolution.

You think we're going to be measuring?

Bacterial induced IBS, but yikes.

I will never buy one, never even thought about it. Two things though, the 1st generation roadster was not anything like a leaf. 2nd, nearly $500,000,000 of the early funding was from the federal government and around $3,200,000,000 from California. Now the new federal bet on Tesla charging stations is around $7,500,000,000. It may have all been worth it to help the car industry need to compete wiith other electric vehicles, but the government could have easily picked a better choice for all that scratch.

Great write up. 2001 a space odyssey is a great example. The story holds up, but the effects were blown away (with star wars etc being a main example). It's interesting, but not at all a good watch except in the context of film evolution. That said, it changed so much in cinema, storytelling, and more.

Don't believe the social security scare tactics. It's always been a shell game. It isn't some pile of money that runs out if we don't pay into it. It is just another line item. Short of voting for it to die, it will be there.

Visit is the key word here.

The librarians your just insulted. Oof. Not cool.

My account is just gone. I wasn't a big time poster or anything, but 10 years of use and my account doesn't exist. I only went back on to delete it.

Shouldn't really matter. Develop the internal you. That matters.

I am 215, obly 6 feet tall, and I look an emaciated soccer player compared to him.

Yeah, you think your chlamydia is bad now? Wipe you ass with some ones. As a sciencer, just wait about 48 hours between receiving new paper money and wiping.

Q1 profits. It happens to some extent every year between Thanksgiving and early February. It helps the books for Q1. 1rst earnings calls of the year mean more than they should.

I'm having trouble because my kids are huge. Someone punches or shoves them, they don't move. We've managed to stop the reaction, but when they push back the other kid goes flying. Almost all instances corroborated by staff. My kids get punished.