2 Post – 352 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I think there are few overlapping things here that are probably worth pulling apart. Keep in mind that all of these are spectrums, some people might experience these acutely, others mildly, others not at all.

  • Gender non-comformance: having a preference for activities that are typically ascribed to or preferring to appear as the gender opposite to the one you present as - men who like wearing dresses and sewing, women who prefer having short cropped hair and playing rugby
  • Transgender - a feeling that your sex (your biology) does not match up with your gender (do you consider yourself to be a man or a woman?). Gender is a really complex thing and is pretty strongly informed by society - what were you taught "man" and "woman" means beyond just sex. For some people this disconnect can be dysphoric, and it quite often overlaps with gender non-comformance
  • Transition - changing your gender presentation to be different from your sex. This can be small things - changing your hair style - to large changes such as getting legal recognition for a new name and gender identity or seeking medical interventions.

I guess my point is that there are plenty of people who engage in small non-conformances or who feel like their experience of being man doesn't 100% line up with how society perceives men, and that's valid, and is a trans experience, but doesn't mean that they do or should feel like "trans" is a label or identity that applies to them. In the same way that you can understand that you are a little bit bi, without that being a significant part of your identity


Trying to extort the federal government like that seems like a really quick way to end up with your face, phone number and home address in a press release, along with a note from the NSA that basically says "this guy has $33 million in Bitcoin, would be a shame if someone kicked in his door and beat him with a bat until he gave up the keys :)"

I was in the same place as you a few years ago - I liked swarm, and was a bit intimidated by kubernetes - so I'd encourage you to take a stab at kubernetes. Everything you like about swam kubernetes does better, and tools like k3s make it super simple to get set up. There _is& a learning curve, but I'd say it's worth it. Swarm is more or less a dead end tech at this point, and there are a lot more resources about kubernetes out there.

tl;dw - ed25519 keys are now the default

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Don't forget that he also didn't found Tesla

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I wonder why the tablet app ecosystem on Android is so poor? Could it be that the Google has spent the best part of the last decade firmly pretending that Android tablets don't exist, and people should just buy a Chromebook? Maybe that might have something to do with it?

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Personally, if you can't tell me if you are running Windows or MacOS, I don't really want you downloading my software

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Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions

One the one hand, fuck Rudy, hope they find every cent of his and he ends up living out the rest of his days in a dingy, shitty apartment wallowing in his own piss while barely being able to afford food.

On the other hand, if you lent him money it's because you are either an amoral leech, or your expected favours from Trump in return.

Fuck everyone involved in this I guess?

Running web services on a device that hasn't seen a security patch in 3 years seems like a bad idea.

Also, unless you can mount a real hard drive, you are going to very quickly run into I/O bandwidth issues and flash longevity limits

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  • kids don't have a choice, the state has an obligation to protect them from harms even if their parents willfully put them at risk
  • Vaccines aren't 100% effective, a certain number of children will catch the disease even if vaccinated
  • Vaccines aren't available to everyone
  • Greater spread encourages more mutation, leading to more dangerous variants

Sounds familiar right.

Remember all those siblings and extended family members who died of smallpox when you were younger? No? That's because we drove smallpox to the edge of extinction through aggressive vaccination campaigns over decades. We almost managed to do the same with measles until these chucklefucks ruined it for cheap political points, and now 136,000 people died from it last year

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I had a client once who used to be obsessed with this. By his logic, if a potential customer visited the website and had a bad experience because the site didn't work properly in their browser, they'd think the company was unprofessional and wouldn't come into the store and we'd lose them as a customer forever. Analytics showed that 99+% of people would visit in one of the big three, and he wouldn't pay for someone to test the site on the less popular browsers, instead he insisted on fingerprinting logic that broke all the time and probably caused more bounces than any possible rendering quirks from niche mobile browsers would have caused

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Can't believe noone mentioned Primer

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locked out of that feature

Oh I've met this person. "Can't find the button" = "locked out", "button moved 3mm to the left" = locked out", "I forgot my password " = "locked out", "computer isn't turned on" = "locked out", "I have no internet access because I'm paranoid about 'radiation' and constantly turn my laptop's wifi off" = "locked out"

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Good that you've put the work in to compile your list, but for anyone new; this is a list of C-tier hosts, and seems to have a pretty strong focus on "privacy" hosts - some of the privacy features can be nice, but it can be a double edged sword. By using a privacy focussed host, you end up co-habitating with other privacy focussed users, which tends to have a higher-than-average concentration of sketchy or outright criminal users. This can have an impact on IP reputation and other operational issues, even if you aren't doing anything sketchy yourself

I wonder if this will turn into a new attack vector against companies; talk their LLM chat bots into promising a big discount, take the company to a small claims court to cash out

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Is there a charge for "attempted negligent homicide" or something? You did something so catastrophically stupid that was all but guaranteed to kill someone except you got lucky, but you still should end up getting censured so you don't roll the dice on someone's life again

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The thing about shipping internationally is that you generally need a logistics partner to actually physically move the packages for you, and they also have a legal responsibility to ensure that what they are carrying is legal. I don't know what number of packages you need to have seized by customs before they stop doing business with you, but I'd doubt it's much more than 1.

As a bonus, there are only a handful of logistics companies in NZ that do international outbound, and they are the major domestic delivery companies as well, so if you fuck around enough you could end up finding out that no one will deliver your packages locally either

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Look, it's all about authorial intent - if the author had wanted their book to be easy to reference or accessible to people who use screen readers, they would have published a DRM free PDF in the first place. Gotta respect the artist's vision.

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Nah, Mar-a-lago first

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Like you are starting a lawnmower

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  • There were other officers on the scene
  • The other officers had warned the officer who fired to slow down and de-escalate, but they were ignored
  • The other officers had non-lethal options, but the officer escalated and fired live rounds in a situation where they couldn't know if they were putting bystanders in danger

Any asshole with a gun can shoot it. If you want courage, you want officers who are professionals, trained to de-escalate, contain and protect, not militant thugs who spray rounds at the spray rounds at the slightest provocation with no regard for bystanders

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We live in a society, and all must do our part to enforce the social contract.

It should be legal for anyone to key the shit out of cars that park like this

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sigh, people suck.

This is actually something that bugs me about GitHub - I'm a Professional Software Developer, and we use GitHub enterprise internally at work (don't @ me, we don't have the budget to run our own infrastructure, BitBucket is crap and the sales person at GitLab ghosted me on 3 consecutive calls that we set up to discuss our needs). I'm also in charge of a team, and actively encourage the team to contribute to open source - find a bug? Draw up reproduction steps, report it upstream, and Fridays after lunch are dedicated to getting those bugs fixed. One of these days one of my team is going to run across one of these assholes, and I'm going to have a proper HR incident on my hands because that is a hostile work environment. Doesn't matter that it is a member of the public being a dick, I've got an obligation to ensure that my staff have a workplace free of harassment, and I've got absolutely no recourse against this other than to say "cool, we don't contribute to this repo anymore".

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Anyone have an actual citation on this particular fact?

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This is literally how it works in other parts of the world - do you guys just have to trust that your landlord isn't going to decide that they'd rather just keep your money at the end of the lease?

In NZ, the landlord is required to lodge the bond with a government agency, and in cases where there is a dispute a special court will adjudicate and issue binding orders as to how the money is to be divided.

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And if you do know, they are even more sketch

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Guillotines need gravity to work, which is why the billionaires are so interested in going to space

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This is where I'd put my Framework laptop


Theoretically you can do medium rare chicken sous vide because the temperature is just high enough to kill the pathogen. Practically, why would you - it skeeves people out, and the texture is pretty bad

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1.4Pb (~175TB), the quoted number of movies is based on a 14GB movie which is very small (most BluRay disks hold somewhere between 25 and 50GB) and no discussion about write speed, so basically this is cool research that someone has done and is no closer to a commercial product that any of the dozens of other articles that have come out on this topic in the last 15 years

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If you run a bar, and Nazis hang out in your bar, you run a Nazi bar

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He doesn't though. He talks a big game about how rich he is, but it's all talk - he is leveraged up to his eyeballs, his businesses hemorrhage money, and sooner or later someone is going to start calling in those debts and the whole thing will unravel - this is what the NYC fraud case is about; he lied about his finances to get loans that he wouldn't have been able to get if people had known how little money he actually has

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The thing is, none of that is even slightly true; even if the chatbot were it's own legal entity, it would still be an employee and air Canada are liable for bad advice given by their representatives

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Gotta paraphrase RiskyBiz on this one; release the hounds. This kind of attack should be treated with the same severity as if you went and drove a truck through the hospital's main transformers IRL; if you ransomware a hospital, you should be seriously concerned about ordnance coming through your front window

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Don't know about US law, but where I live we have a "Preventative Detention Order" - the threshold for it is very high, but it essentially works as a sentence of "until rehabilitated", you are incarcerated until the court decides that you are no longer a threat to the community, even in cases where a life without parole sentence wouldn't be possible. In a world where I am supreme ruler, it'd automatically apply in cases where someone who has a conviction for a violent crime commits another violent crime.

Also, how the hell does an 8 year old get a gun? Surely whoever failed to secure it - or even worse gave it to a minor - would be looking at an accessory change?

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I don't give a fuck about what you think about Windows - this is a Linux community

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CW: DV >!"we'll have to raise prices if early termination fees are banned" has a real "look how you made me hurt you" abuser vibe.!<

I'm imagining the logic is something like "predatory fees generate $xx million in revenue a year, so if we lose that revenue source we will have to put our other fees up to compensate, because as a multi-billion dollar company our shareholders will get all butthurt if our profit drops by a fraction of a percentage point next year"

The project goal has never been a 'cheap small computer you can run your hobby electronics project on'. The whole point of the project is to build a small cheap PC to give away to school children to increase computer literacy, while making it attractive enough for normal people to buy to fund the charity side

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The point isn't that the tools were inappropriate, it's that they were used outside the defined assembly and inspection processes - if you need some lubricant to get the door seal in that's fine, but the process docs need to specify that. Similarly, if the testing process defines that you need to check for gaps, it should be specifying the thickness of gauge to use and how much of a gap is permissible, not just grab whatever random card you have lying around and poke it in.