
2 Post – 675 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

vroom vroom

Why is everyone choosing whatever pill(s) they want to and describing what they'd do with it?

The instructions explicitly say you can only pick 2. Everyone gets gravel. Smh.

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No I'm pretty sure they'd just tow it away

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Next Halloween I wanna dress up as an AI-generated image

Does... does this mean we finally killed heteronormativity? /j

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If reception means to receive, then anyone who is given the package (receives it) is by default a receptionist. Therefore, if the delivery person hands the package to anyone, they've handed it to a receptionist. /s

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Your hooker name =

First and last name + birthdate + mother's maiden name + SSN + where were you on the night of August 6th, 1992 uwu

I think it's probably fair to say people is too headache lol

Hell yeah OP!!!! You fuckin rock! I bet you're gonna sleep like a gd baby tonight!! (I know I always rest better after finally getting that thing I've been putting off done.)

Here's a somewhat related comic for your viewing pleasure (but mostly for my sharing pleasure tbh)

Robinson challenged him further, saying: “I read that your company is investing in a lot more fossil fuel in the future.” Al Jaber responded: “You’re reading your own media, which is biased and wrong. I am telling you I am the man in charge.”

"Biased and wrong" says the guy who literally owns an oil company

Fuck her. What an absolute joke. I know I'm not adding anything of value to this conversation, but I'm just so mad.

Not if you sell your house to buy more crypto ;)

What is that even supposed to mean? Do you disagree with the statement that Trump has been repeating Nazi rhetoric?

As someone who doesn't have claustrophobia, I feel claustrophobic just looking at this. Then again, I've never been on a plane before, and for all I know this might be better :/

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Ok, but hear me out. What if: aliens?

Good bot

I wouldn't ever want someone to be able to own a tone/sound of voice. I'm with you there.

But it kinda sounds like they're trying to straight-up imitate her. Like they want people to hear this ai and think it's voiced by johanssen herself.

I don't know if that's true, or if it even makes a difference legally, it's just the impression I'm getting.

I'm not knowledgeable about any of this; any correction is welcome, lol.

One might even say,

Wdym "empty"? Did he sneak a person inside or something? I wouldn't put it past the guy.

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Well, this is a fun discussion!

...Anyways, I like to think that the title implies you're supposed to vote more than once lol

Sometimes I think it'd be funny if there were a single billionaire on Lemmy watching us make fun of them. Google says there are like 2600 billionaires in the world. I imagine that's pretty unlikely, tho.

But hey - if there are zero billionaires on lemmy, that means we have ourselves a billionaire-free zone!

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Instructions unclear, now I'm wanted for murder (again, ugh). But idk tho

I'm looking forward to the day when "certified human content" is a thing, and that's all search engines allow you to see.

I can't wait for that. I get the feeling it's gonna get real messy before we figure out solutions to all the problems caused by AI-generated content.

I mean yeah, there's already plenty of human-generated misinformation and shit, but it seems to me (not an expert) like ai is capable of fucking with society on a whole new scale.

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I bought a nice sandwich last week

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Landmark sense sounds just as important to hunting as gathering too lol. What even is landmark sense, anyway? Is it a real thing separate from just, like, short-term memory or whatever?

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Ok, I have a question for you guys.

I consider myself to have an internal monologue, but it doesn't just run all the time. Like, sometimes my thoughts have words, and sometimes they don't. Is it like that for the rest of you who have an IM? I always assumed it would be, but considering some people don't have one at all, it wouldn't surprise me that much if some people had one constantly.

I really tried to word this in a way that makes sense.. sorry if it doesn't lol.

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hell yeah, this is the kind of news I like to see

Hey, you know the captchas with the little box of warped letters/numbers you're supposed to look at and type it correctly?

Is anyone else, uh, terrible at those? I've literally given up on visiting websites before because I couldn't get the stupid thing right after a dozen tries. Wtf.

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I didn't see this mentioned in the article, but I skimmed parts of it. Do they realize that preventing pregnancy isn't the only reason people use birth control? Are they planning on making medical exceptions? Let me be clear, it's still hugely fucked up either way; I'm just curious.

I took BC for several years for my endometriosis, and I knew several friends who were prescribed it as teens to treat similar conditions. And sometimes they didn't have a specific diagnosis, but they just had especially painful or frequent/heavy periods. Apart from that, aren't there certain medical treatments that require you to take birth control for x number of weeks bc they could harm a potential fetus? I can't remember a specific example.

And, yeah, preventing pregnancy is pretty damn important too. Fuck those guys.

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I agree that we should defederate. I like it here, but I'll definitely change instances if Lemmy.world decides to federate with threads (or any similar platform) and isn't very cautious about it. No hurt feelings of course, if I'm not part of the majority here, but from the responses I've seen so far it seems like most people here agree.

I do respect one thing, and it's that everyone I've encountered in this discussion is interested in keeping the fediverse alive and well. ╰⁠( ^⁠‿^)⁠╯

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Sometimes Lemmy pops up on my google search! That always makes me smile

Elevators used to have porn? :o /s

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On a slightly related note, my theory* is that the next step in reincarnation after human is moth, and that's why when people are dying they describe a bright light and a strong urge to move toward it.

*I don't actually believe this, just being silly here :P

Yeah, when I read the headline I figured it was saying that if you don't vote, that means you're actively supporting trump. But after reading the article, it's definitely not saying that as far as I can tell.

I chalk it up to the headline being worded weirdly, and just the fact that people have been saying things sorta like that.

Oh god oh god I'm an idiot

Our Founder, who art in grayscale, hallowed be thy whiskers; thy comments come; thy shitposting be done; on Lemmy better than it was on Removed. Give us this day our daily memes. And forgive us our trolling, as we block those who troll against us. And lead us not into defederation; but deliver us from ads. For thine is the platform, the source code and the upvotes, for ever and ever. Amouse.

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The weather is pretty trash, but it's not the weather channel's fault :/

Well, maybe I’m the f*****, America I'm not a part of a redneck agenda

I agree with you. Just wanted to emphasize, they're not subtle lol

Hey, I use this app! It's awesome. They also included lots of information about the air quality measurements, which I appreciated. For example: