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Joined 7 months ago

That’s some quality plausible deniability right there. Flared base and everything.

That’s definitely ending up in someone wearing a dog collar…

The Greeks are insane for going along with this. Revolutions have started over less. Clearly their politicians no longer have the best interests of the Greek people in mind.

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Lemmy could definitely use a bit more comment activity on a lot of posts.

I think it’s because nobody really wants to be the first to comment and offer an opinion that might end up going against the grain when a thread develops. There’s no ‘reading the room’ as it were.

I’m doing my part by commenting on threads. Like this one.

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American politics really is one of the dumbest, most corrupt things out there. Good god.

This feels like trying to trick your dog into taking his medicine, by hiding it in its food. So apparently your average US Senator is as dumb as a Golden Retriever if they need this tactic to actually get shit done.

It’s insane that Americans still tolerate this. Clearly they don’t have your best interests as their main focus.

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You either die a hero, or live long enough to become another shitty cable company.

I ditched Netflix years ago when the content got worse by the week. Good shows were taken off by rights holders so they could put it on other platforms and what remained sucked. Not to mention Netflix’s proclivity for killing its own shows.

It got to a point where all the new stuff were shitty movies and Scandinavian crime dramas. Hard pass.

With the way other streaming services are going, it wouldn’t surprise me if people jumped back to piracy. I honestly don’t mind paying something reasonable, but all these subscriptions and price hikes do add up.

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You CAN in fact more or less do this for real: photographing a mirror from a straight on perspective without the camera visible.

Basically, you need a special tilt-shift lens that distorts perspective to where it looks ‘straight on’ while the camera is actually off to the side or down below. If you do it correctly, the viewer won’t even notice anything’s missing.

These lenses are primarily used for architecture photography to prevent ‘leaning buildings’. They can also create really cool miniature effects. It’s quite a useful bit of gear, but also rather expensive because it’s such a niche lens.

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Sounds like a good feature. Anything that stops people from doing that is great.

But I do have to wonder… were people really expecting to find that content on PornHub? That site certainly seems legit enough that I doubt they’d have that stuff on there. I’d imagine most actual content would be on the dark web and specialty groups, not on PH.

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That place really went to shit over the past year. Which is hardly surprising seeing how many good people were pushed away from the platform.

Good mods were replaced by power tripping shitheads and good posters and commenters were driven off when they couldn’t use their desired app and the subreddits they liked went to shit or were nuked. Meanwhile, bots are ruining everything else.

And let’s not even get started on the ads, the IPO shenanigans, the AI thing…

Reddit needs to be taken out back and shot. It’s the humane thing to do; we shouldn’t let it suffer like this.

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I’m honestly baffled as to why a movie character would even come up in a political speech, much less this incoherently.

And yes, it’s a quote, it’s a funny line… why is he using it? It’s utterly silly. I’m also confused by the ‘late, great’ as if this was an actual person who had died, as opposed to a fictional character who hasn’t died in any book, movie or show I’m familiar with. And Anthony Hopkins is very much alive as well, as is writer Thomas Harris.

It doesn’t make any… goddamn… sense.

Please don’t elect this guy again.

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Firmware update: vehicle now blocked from all McDonald’s drive-thru’s after Elon spilled his coffee this morning. It was hot.

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That Nokia was never a shitbox though. That was an excellent product when it launched and you’ll have a hard time finding owners who disliked it. Heck, you’re liable to get an earful for disparaging it, and rightfully ao.

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Taking ANY vaccine has risks, and these vaccines even more so, considering their untested nature when they were introduced. We had to trust the science, but it was still a gamble.

I took the vaccine knowing that side effects were possible. That was a risk I felt comfortable with, knowing that everyone else who took it faced that same level of risk and uncertainty.

It sucks that some had these side effects, but the effectiveness of the vaccine has saved countless more lives.

Let’s not forget that before the vaccine, Covid was quite deadly. We had literal mass graves, trucks full of bodies, mass cremations that couldn’t keep up with the death toll. Between that and the vaccine risk… the choice was easy. We came way closer to catastrophe than we like to think about.

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I miss that era. Companies didn’t mind a bit of edginess and weren’t afraid to market to adults. The console culture itself also isn’t what it used to be.

These days, gaming consoles all need to be safe enough for five year olds to play on them. And it’s caused everything to be just too bland and safe, both in marketing and the console itself. Can’t really have things like Xbox 360 Uno with the live camera feed and no moderation. Or the wholly uncensored COD lobbies.

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For anyone who wants to learn a lot more about him, Behind the Bastards podcast has a six part series on him, from march of last year.

Couple years ago, I visited a historic grand prix that featured classic F1 cars. They also had open pits, so you could walk up and ask questions and literally stand next to the cars.

I was standing next to a 70’s F1 car when they performed an engine test. I was wearing thick, professional earplugs and the biggest Peltors you’ve ever seen. When they fired that thing up, I lasted all of five seconds before I walked out. At that point, it was no longer sound but sheer pressure. You could feel it in your chest.

As for how the mechanics do it? Easy, they’re all deaf as a post. Even the best earpro can’t prevent that kind of hearing damage, especially if that’s your chosen career. If you’re worried about good earpro not being enough, best advice is to put distance between you and the object/career path involved.

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Yep, it happens. Not often, but when it does you usually get a ton of injuries, because people don’t listen when the crew tell you to stay buckled in unless you need to move around.

Think of it like a car. You ALWAYS wear that seatbelt. Because you won’t have time to buckle it when an accident happens. Even on a clear sunny day, empty road: buckle up. Same thing applies to an aircraft. If you’re in a seat, buckle up.

Well, you certainly haven’t been rushing it so far, considering Fallout 4 released back in 2015…

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Here’s the thing. Unless you’ve been to Turkey and/or know someone with appropriate cultural heritage, you’ve likely never had good Turkish Delight.

There’s a distinct quality difference between TD made with love for people who enjoy quality… and the shitty TD that’s mostly sold to tourists and in supermarkets, aimed at people who don’t know the difference.

When it’s well made, it really is a lovely treat.

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Can these ever really be clean enough for you to knowingly touch one? Nah.

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My brother in Buddha… how about we don’t do that.

Well that’s certainly one way to kill a game. Heck, I HAVE a PS5, and I still would be annoyed as fuck by that.

Sure, you can offer to link an account for things like progress tracking. But it certainly shouldn’t be forced on anyone.

I’m still conflicted if it’s a good or a bad thing that the show is a hit. On the one hand, it’s nice that people are discovering the great storytelling and adventure that Fallout has to offer.

On the other hand, newcomers tend to… totally ruin the thing you’ve loved for decades. Especially if companies start chasing that group. So let’s all hope this doesn’t lead to watered down cash grabs, but instead lights a fire under development of good new proper Fallout titles. We’re looooong overdue.

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This definitely sounds like they’re trying to trick you into some MLM type scam. Stay far away for sure.

As for legal… I imagine they can ask if you’ve used the product, but it certainly FEELS like something questionable in this particular situation.

I work for a local radio station that has a few remote transmitter sites. They widen the broadcast area or put out specific frequencies for that area. Annoyingly, this happens more often than you’d think.

Over the years we’ve had about a handful of transmitters stolen. We’ll get complaints about poor reception or a frequency being off air and we send a tech guy out. And sure enough, the transmitter’s completely gone.

Of course it’s all insured, but it tales a few days to get the new gear and install it. That costs us listenership and potential ad revenue.

Usually the thefts are done by people who run pirate radio stations. Because if you’re doing crimes already, one more doesn’t make a difference. They use the stolen transmitter to set up their own remote site so they don’t get caught. We’ve had gear recovered by the police when they discovered pirate station locations.

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Not only that, but there’s an entire line of presidential succession. It’s part of a broader concept of ‘continuity of government’. Basically, it ensures that there’s always someone formally in charge. You could vaporize half the country including every senior official and there’d still be a legit, sworn in president in a few hours.

There’s basically contingencies upon contingencies. One interesting book on the topic is ‘Raven Rock’ by Garrett M. graff.

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Honestly, it’s not surprising. They seem very ban-happy there lately, with accounts getting banned over nothing. And I’ve seen a fair few subs getting the axe as well. When a site gets actively hostile to users and lets mods run their own little dictatorships, people eventually get fed up with it.

Lemmy isn’t Reddit, but at least it’s… also not Reddit :D

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Ha, these fucking assholes. Glad to see they got forced to honor it. That’s what you get for jumping on bad tech in order to save a few bucks.

Hope other companies face the same liability if they rely on AI chatbots.

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No single bad review ever killed a product. Because we all know that some things are just a matter of opinion, user error, etc. Opinions are like assholes: everyone’s got one. If I’m interested, I’ll read several positive and negative opinions.

But if your product is bad enough to warrant several bad reviews, that’s on you. Should’ve done better research, should’ve made a better product.

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Reddit became openly hostile to the people and content that made it great. It’s not exactly surprising that the good users eventually went elsewhere. You could really tell shit went downhill after they killed the third party apps.

I used to love Reddit, but I’ve totally abandoned it. It’s not one particular reason, but the broad effect is that I and many others no longer feel welcome.

We lost a lot of good users; people who contribute to topics, make good posts and comments. We also lost good moderators; people who cared about the content quality and vibe. The Reddit-appointed replacement mods by and large are not people who ran or SHOULD run communities.

Add in the fact that both subreddit mods and Reddit admins are going hog wild with the ban hammer on both subs and users, and it’s hardly a wonder that users aren’t having it. They’re trying to turn it into a gentrified Disneyland and that’s not what we want.

I’m hoping we can grow the Fediverse and prevent it from getting fucked by people with bad motives.

Yep. About the last thing people should want is for their country to host the Olympics. Because YOU as a tax payer are footing the bill for all that infrastructure, all the event costs, while seeing no real income from any of it. And once it’s done, it’ll keep hurting your economy. And let’s not forget all that useless infrastructure that you had to build. That needs to be demolished after all…

If someone suggests bringing the games to your country, you should boop them on the nose until they reach sanity again.

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A lot of it boils down to the users. Personally, I miss when the internet mostly consisted of us nerds.

Back in 1995 when I first got online, the web was very much a nerd domain. You needed a certain level of computer knowledge to get online, which really acted as a filter. It meant that most of us shared a certain level of understanding and the drive to use such a medium. We disagreed on Star Trek and Star Wars, but to the outside world, we were ALL nerds. Back then, the average person didn’t even think of going online.

These days, even the most tech illiterate can get online. In fact, they don’t even think about it; it’s that integrated in their daily life.

While growth also gave us nice things like large forums, web shopping, YouTube, etc… by and large I think we’d be better off if this was still a nerd domain.

I really miss those days.

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Honestly, this sort of thing is what’s killing any sort of enjoyment and progress of these platforms. Between the INCREDIBLY harsh censorship that they apply and injecting their own spin on things like this, it’s nigh on impossible to get a good result these days.

I want the tool to just do its fucking job. And if I specifically ask for a thing, just give me that. I don’t mind it injecting a bit of diversity in say, a crowd scene - but it’s also doing it in places where it’s simply not appropriate and not what I asked for.

It’s even more annoying that you can’t even PAY to get rid of these restrictions and filters. I’d gladly pay to use one if it didn’t censor any prompt to death…

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Yep. Bunch of silly ban-happy assholes in charge these days. I never even got so much as a warning on one account when it was suddenly permabanned. The comment that got me the ban? Agreeing with OP in a thread just like this that bans were getting out of hand…

And it’s happened to many, many others as well.

After the app protests, they basically put the shittiest, power tripping toadies in charge of a lot of subs, after the decent mods left or were kicked out. Well, fuck ‘em.

I’ve got solar panels on my roof, and being Dutch windmills are in my blood. But I’m also not blind to the reality that both wind and solar will only get you so far. And there’s already a lot of opposition to wind farms - they ruin the view, endanger birds and there’s health concerns due to noise and shadow projection.

If we just build even one nuclear powerplant, we could basically just… not do wind. And we’d have pleeeenty of power for the coming energy transition, change to electric vehicles, etc.

But noooo… nuclear is scary. Especially to the people who only cite Fukushima and Chernobyl in regards to safety. That’s the same as banning air travel because of 9/11 and the Tenerife disaster. Nuclear power is safe, cheap and we owe it to the planet to use it wisely instead of more polluting alternatives.

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Childhood asthma, unfortunately. I was born in 1982 and basically everyone smoked everywhere here in the Netherlands. If you had a birthday, you couldn’t see across the room due to the smoke.

Because of it I had childhood asthma, which cleared up immediately when my parents stopped smoking. In the early 90’s, things got a lot better with smoke-free environments. We eventually got full on smoking bans, thank god. As far as I can tell, it didn’t do any permanent damage.

I still absolutely HATE smokers and smoking. It is and was an antisocial thing and children should never have been exposed to it like we were.

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Meanwhile, I’m forced to use shitty paper straws because plastic straws are banned. And yet THIS SHIT is somehow legal??

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May every missile fired and every bomb dropped find their goal: a Russian aggressor. I hope Ukraine will put our country’s jets to good use. They certainly did good work with the guns and ammo we sent 👍

We remember MH17. Hopefully these fighters will pay that back tenfold.

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I imagine that’s a common pitfall for most online bookstores that have any sort of volume. Unless you want to proofread and curate every single thing that gets sold, there’s bound to be things that slip through. The article even mentions they sell 10 million books… just not possible to curate properly.

And personally, I’d rather have a bookstore that occasionally sells a questionable title, rather than one that actively censors itself. There’s plenty of titles out there that someone would deem offensive, while others consider it essential works.

Heck, there have been many scholarly annotated versions of Mein Kampf as the article mentions. It’s a historically significant work, penned by a madman. Not everyone who’d read it is by definition a Nazi. In fact, I’d go so far as to say that it could cure some of them if they did read it. It’s a terrible book. Even when it was first published it got shitty reviews.